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[edit] uL
uL (a.k.a Microlinux) is a tiny Linux distribution providing only command line interface utilities. It fits in a few mega bytes and can be used out of a low capacity USB pen drive, burnt as a LiveCD, or installed on older hard disks.
Even though it includes some nice features (networking over slmodem, web browsing, plain TeX support, security and development tools etc.), uL does not intend to compete with more comprehensive distributions out there.
Indeed, its main purpose is to serve Linux almost-beginners as a tutorial, as hands-on guide line allowing everyone to set up a bootable Linux system in a few steps. Following the spare notes written down in the uL Guide, any interested reader will in fact be able to bring his own first, home made Linux distribution to life and, what is even more important, to understand the inner logic of a typical Linux system.
[edit] Features
- Basic command line utilities,
- administrative, security and networking tools,
- development tools,
- networking over smart link modem.
[edit] Available applications
- vi and mcedit (editors),
- plain TeX (typesetting),
- development tools (gcc, gdb...),
- antiword, xpdf (document format converters),
- cdrtools (cdrom utilities),
- bc (scientific calculator),
- teapot (spreadsheet),
- mailx and mutt (mail clients),
- elinks (web browser),
- etc.
Plain TeX and the development tools are available as addons.
[edit] Included packages
The current uL release (0.3) includes the following packages: Aide 0.13.1, Bash 3.1, Bc 1.06, Bind 9.3.3, Binutils 2.16.1, Bison 2.2, Busybox 1.2.2, Bzip2 1.0.3, Cdrtools 2.01, Coreutils 5.96, Cpio 2.7, Diffutils 2.8.1, E2fsprogs 1.39, Elinks 0.11.2, Ex-050325, Findutils 4.2.27, Flex 2.5.33, Gawk 3.1.5, Gcc 4.0.3, Gdb 6.6, Glibc 2.4-4, Gnuchess 5.05, Grep 2.5.1a, Gzip 1.3.5, Iana-etc 2.10, Iptables 1.3.5, Kbd 1.12, Less 394, Linux 2.6.18, M4 1.4.4, Make 3.80, Mc-4.6.1, Minicom 2.2, Module-Init-Tools 3.2.2, Msmtp 1.4.9, Mutt, Nail 11.25, Ncurses 5.5.9, Patch 2.5.4, Pciutils 2.2.4, Perl-base 5.8.4, Ppp 2.4.3, Procps 3.2.6, Psmisc 22.2, Rpm2cpio 1.2, Sed 4.5.1, Slmodem 2.9.11-20061021, Snort and Snort Community Rules 2.4, Strace 4.5.14, Sysklogd 1.4.1, Sysvinit 2.86, Tar 1.15.1, Teapot 1.09, TeX 3.141592, Tcpdump 3.9.5, Udev 103, Unzip 552, Urlview 0.9, Util-linux 2.12r, Wget 1.10.2, Xpdf-3.01, Zip 232, Zlib 1.2.3-1.2.1.