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chris: this thing
[edit] me
I am a student of electrical engineering with a strong interest in most branches of mathematics and hard science.
[edit] work on wikipedia
I would like to create graphics for needy mathematics pages, and I am currently in the process of determining what kinds of copyrights are associated with images generated with Mathematica and Matlab. If you can provide me with answers about that, I'd appreciate it. Also, If you can find any page that might benefit from a mathematical graphic, and doesnt have one, please feel free to leave me a message saying so.
[edit] reference pages
editing math formulas
adding images
mathml chars
math toys
Benford's Law
[edit] pow stuff
S = 2
[edit] testing
...∫0f(x) dx...
...ax2 + bx + c = 0...
cal not in symb:
, \mathcal{45} should be \bigtriangleup and \bigtriangledown
\mathcal{6} puts a slash through the next character
\mathcal{7} puts something through the next character
, \mathcal{a} should be \dashv
\mathcal{p} puts a surd below the textline, should be \surd
\mathcal{x} = §
Latex symbols with no mirror counterparts: \Lleftarrow \multimap \rightsquigarrow
[edit] hierarchies
[edit] subsection
test test test
[edit] hyposubsection
test test test