From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
mslegoman is a god internet user who should be heiled for his acievements. he owns pansy bitches and such. if you think you can fuck with this bad ass, think again, cuz he will kill you. he has force powers. the choking type. OWNED. this page will prolly be deleted dispite the ownage. mslegoman knows how shitty wikipedia is. they deleted a leet article about sogeki. the article read: "sogeki is a 1337 sniper style game that owns you fucks." sogeki pw3ns. it pw3ns with a mother fucking 3. stormtroopers are cool. mslegoman likes stormtroopers. anything mslegoman likes is cool. just like himself. OK 15. how the fuck to you put in images. wait never mind. mslegoman is to godly for images.