Talk:Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm
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Having spent time in Tallinn in the winter, small hut and crawl seems so much more apposite... :-) user:sjc
- "Small hut and crawl" has nothing to do with patriotism. You should take all the accents out of the song and translate the unaccented lyrics into English. Scott Gall 02:29, 22 November 2005 (UTC)
- Which will look a bit like this:
- Mu isamaa, mu onn ja room,
- kui kaunis oled sa!
- Ei leia mina iial taal
- see suure, laia ilma paal,
- mis mul nii armas oleks ka,
- kui sa, mu isamaa!
- Sa oled mind ju sunnitand
- ja ules kasvatand;
- sind tanan mina alati
- ja jaan sull' truuiks surmani,
- mul koige armsam oled sa,
- mu kallis isamaa!
- Su ule Jumal valvaku,
- mu armas isamaa!
- Ta olgu sinu kaitseja
- ja votku rohkest onnista,
- mis iial ette votad sa,
- mu kallis isamaa!
(I want to see what it means with all the accents taken out. It's too bad that only a million inhabitants of the world can understand either version.) Scott Gall 11:59, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
Actually, "mu onn ja room" does not translate to "small hut and crawl". (To) crawl is "roomama" in Estonian, that's abit wrong. But well, we can leave it that way. To Scott Gall: When the accents are taken out the words don't mean anything. ;) Curgny 21:19, 30 June 2006 (UTC)
Onn= Õnn= Luck, Room=Rõõm=Happiness