National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape
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The National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape is a fee-based telephone consultation service which assembles information to aid others working to change the laws in states in the U.S. where men are not held accountable in the eyes of the law for raping their wives or dates or under the new laws where marital and date rape are crimes. The Clearinghouse handles information to help victims directly and to stop rape of potential victims by educating the public and providing resources to battered women's shelters, crisis centers, and district attorneys.
The organization's goal is to make intimate relationships egalitarian. The Clearinghouse publishes a pamphlet on the "Rideout case" of marital rape in Oregon. The Clearinghouse's director tours the country speaking on marital and date rape. The Clearinghouse's sponsor, the Women's History Research Center, offers a microfilm library of titles on women's health and mental health and women and the law. The microfilm information is available at many libraries in California and can also be purchased through the Center. Volunteer internships are available.