National Ground Water Association
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The National Ground Water Association (NGWA), headquartered in Westerville, Ohio, is a membership-based nonprofit organization. Its mission statement reads: Dedicated to advancing the expertise of all ground water professionals and to furthering ground water awareness and protection through education and outreach. Its vision statement reads: To be the leading community of ground water professionals that promotes the responsible development, use, and management of ground water resources.
Founded in 1948, NGWA currently has more than 14,000 U.S. and international members in its four membership divisions: water well contractors, scientists and engineers, manufacturers, and suppliers.
NGWA provides short courses, conferences, and Web casts related to the science of ground water and the ground water industry to both its members and the general public. It publishes two peer-reviewed journals, Ground Water® and Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation®, and a trade publication, Water Well Journal®. The association also offers voluntary certification programs.
The organization has three Web sites:, a combination member/public site offering information about ground water as a resource and as an industry;, focusing on the needs of well owners; and, which is geared toward youngsters.
In addition, NGWA also operates two separate nonprofit foundations: the National Ground Water Research and Educational Foundation and the Foundation for Affordable Drinking Water.