Talk:National Party (South Africa)
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Should this page be merged with the New National Party Page?
I suppose that depends on how "new" the NNP really is.
- That was my first though. In fact, i was about to redirect there until i saw the line above and realised it may get controversial. Time will tell how it should best be handled
[edit] What was the name of Smuts' party?
Sources on the Internet claim that it was the "South African Party", and not the Labour party.
Smuts' party was originally the SAP then it merged with the original NP, and this was called the United Party, or 'UP' Shizzel 16:07, 18 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Name
The name of the party was "National Party" not "Nationalist Party". �Dr.Poison 22:33, 29 April 2006 (UTC)
- A picture of the logo can be found at :
[edit] One party or more
This looks a similar situation to Sinn Féin with the party dividing at one stage with what is effectively a breakaway rump carrying on the name into later years. See also Liberal Party (UK, 1989) for another party that claims to be a continuation of one that went into a merger, but is legally a different entity. Is it really fair to say there was a single National Party from 1914-2005 or was the 1934 entity a new party of refuseniks? Timrollpickering 11:27, 1 August 2006 (UTC)