Neil Carter (British political scientist)
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Neil Carter is a British political scientist working at the University of York. He has written on a wide range of topics, including public policy, electoral analysis, workplace democracy and environmental politics.
[edit] Publications
His publications include [1]
- (2004) 'Politics As If Nature Mattered' in A. Leftwich (ed.) What is Politics? (Cambridge: Polity).
- (2002) 'Environmental Challenges' in P. Heywood, E. Jones and M. Rhodes (eds.) Developments in West European Politics 2, (Basingstoke: Palgrave), pp.221-240.
- (2002) (with Keith Alderman) 'The Conservative Party Leadership Election of 2001', Parliamentary Affairs 55, 3, 569-585.
- (2001) The Politics of the Environment (Cambridge University Press).
- (2001) 'One Step Forward? Greens and the Environment in the 2001 British General Election', Environmental Politics, 10, 4, pp.103-108.