User:Niteowlneils/Guide outline/Content problems
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are several ways to deal with content problems, depending on how much of a problem it is.
Obvious pranks or "tests" (content is just "blah" or "so and so (or such and such) rocks!") on new pages (click on the page history link if you're unsure), should be flagged by adding {{delete}} to the article, so it can be speedily deleted by an admin/sysop. There are some other reasons an article may qualify as a candidate for speedy deletion. To help the admin decide whether to delete the article, use the {{deletebecause|''reason''}} (abbreviated version is {{db|''reason''}}) tags to explain exactly why you think the article deserves deletion, or at least put your reasoning in the Edit summary. There are often dozens of articles marked for deletion--admins very much appreciate specific info about why a given article should be deleted. Also, if you are suggesting deletion because another article or image serves the topic better, please include a link [[]] to it.
Obvious pranks or "tests" on existing pages should be reverted to the last valid version.
Most obscenities that get added to Wikipedia usually fall in the above categories. However, note that Wikipedia does include obscenities when they are relevant to the article's topic. For example, see asshole.
If an article is written to look like an encyclopedia article, but you believe that it is either, a dictionary definition that can never be made into an encyclopedic article, fiction presented as fact, or is about a subject that is not famous enough to warrant an article, it should be listed on Votes for deletion (warning: the page is VERY large).
Articles that have a valid title and some valid content, but have problems such as bias, rambling, incoherency, etc., should be listed on Cleanup or Needs attention, depending on the severity of the problem(s).
See also:
(Temp navigation)
- Outline
- User:Niteowlneils/Guide outline/intro
- User:Niteowlneils/Guide outline/Creating new pages
- User:Niteowlneils/Guide outline/Content problems