North Korea Peace Museum
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The North Korea Peace Museum is in the building constructed to house the signing of the Korean War Armistice Agreement on 27 July 1953. It is located in the former village of Panmunjeom (P'anmunjŏm) in the Gyeonggi province, North Korea.
It is located approximately 500 m. north of the Joint Security Area (JSA), in the northern half of the Demilitarized Zone. The building is all that remains of the former village, and since the mid 1950's, references to Panmunjom actually refer to the Joint Security Area itself.
In the 1975-1979 timeframe, all North Korean tours entering the JSA would make a stop there first, so the tourists could look at doctored photos of Americans bayoneting Korean babies, President Kennedy eating a Korean baby[citation needed], and of Kim Il Sung performing various heroic deeds during the Korean War (per conversations with a Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission officer who had been there in 1976).