Talk:Number One (Star Trek)
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[edit] "prominence of a women"
I was going to fix the mismatched number in this phrase in the current article text, but I realized I don't know the intended statement. "Women" doesn't sound right; the original Star Trek apparently intended from the start to capitalize on the cheese factor by putting the Enterprise crewwomen in miniskirts, and I don't recall hearing the network objecting to that. "A woman" also seems misleading, as there were two prominent women in "The Cage" — Number One and Yeoman Colt. I suspect that the real objection was a strong woman character like Number One, but I didn't feel confident of my memory on this issue to make an appropriate change. Could someone correct this statement, or at the very least, fix the grammar? Thanks. — Jeff Q (talk) 03:18, 25 May 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Rejection of a prominent woman
Is there a cite of any sort for the rejection by the network of a female no. one officer? Barrett was rejected as an actress because of her relationship with Roddenbery, is there a quote stating the choice of a female no. one was rejected for any particular reason. Alastairward 12:59, 17 May 2006 (UTC)