Talk:Nuremberg Trials
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[edit] Churchill Contradiction
"Prime Minister Winston Churchill had then advocated a policy of summary execution with the use of an Act of Attainder to circumvent legal obstacles, and was only dissuaded from this by pressure from the U.S. later in the war." Followed in the same paragraph by: "Churchil was vigorously opposed to executions for political purposes."
Which of these two is accurate? --TheGreatFoo 05:00, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Numbers
Where's the 24 defendants figure coming from? "Nuremberg and Vietnam: An American Tragedy" by Telford Taylor (U.S. Chief Counsel at Nuremberg) mentions 200. [EDIT: I forgot to log in...]
- The International Military Tribunal (IMT) had only 24 defendants prosecuted by representatives from Russia, United Kingdom, United States, and France. The United States carried out 12 other, seperate cases against 185 other Nazi defendants. See Nuremberg Military Tribunals--Oshin 15:15, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Karl Doenitz
The info on Karl Doenitz contradicts the infomation in the article on Karl, which claims he was found guilty of crimes against peace... Martin 17:39, 11 March 2006 (UTC) I have removed the bit about Doenitz, since he was not "found guilty of waging unrestricted submarine warfare". Rather, the "tu quoque" defence worked, his sentence was not assessed on the grounds of his conduct of warfare. See IMT sentence of Doenitz: "In the actual circumstances of this case, the Tribunal is not prepared to hold Doenitz guilty for his conduct of submarine warfare against British armed merchant ships." Tu quoque defense: "In view of all of the facts proved, and in particular of an order of the British Admiralty announced on 8 May 1940, according to which all vessels should be sunk at night in the Skagerrak, and the answer to interrogatories by Admiral Nimitz that unrestricted submarine warfare was carried on in the Pacific Ocean by the United States from the first day that nation entered the war, the sentence of Doenitz is not assessed on the ground of his breaches of the international law of submarine warfare." Therefore I removed it.
- The point you picked up on was against "British armed merchant ships" (my emphasis) but not against unarmed ships. the judgement actually says: ""Doenitz is charged with waging unrestricted submarine warfare contrary to the Naval Protocol of 1936 ... The orders, then, prove Doenitz is guilty of a violation of the Protocol". As the Allies were also in breach of the same protocol nothing was tacked onto his sentence already given for other crimes or in the words of the Judgement "the sentence of Doenitz is not assessed on the ground of his breaches of the international law of submarine warfare". --Philip Baird Shearer 23:24, 4 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] The Allies
Why should the Allies have been tried for war crimes? For what? The indictments at Nuremberg were for:
- Conspiracy to commit crimes against peace: The Allies acted in wartime in response to German aggression.
→ Soviet Union was also an aggressor. Germany also acted as a result of conditions initiated by Britain and France. That statement above is highly glib.
- Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression: Germany initiated the wars
→ In the first world war, France and Russia both planned on initiating a war (along with Germany). Germany's actions (even Hitler's rise to dictatorial power) is a direct result of the misdeeds of Britian and France.
- War-Crimes: The only violation of the Geneva convention as I can see it is the Fourth Convention (civilian population), which dates to 1949. The League of Nations did condemn aerial bombing of civilian targets, however given the Battle of Britain, I'm not quite sure this is relevant.
→ How about the massive ethnic cleaning by the Soviets of German ethnics in eastern Europe, or U.S. use of weapons of mass destruction on civilians. Concentration camps existed in North America (both U.S. and Canada) and confiscation civilian property (sounds like what the Nazi's did to Jewish peoples). Had the Allies began to really lose that war, how safe would you be as a Japanese innocent in such a camp. There are numerous other war crimes committed by the Allies. Nüremberg had little to do with justice ... it was mostly "victors try the vanquished".
- Crimes against humanity: which we describe as "heinours persecution against a group.
→ I guess ethnic cleansing, forcing individuals into slavery, slaughter via the military, and other Allies atrocities do not count.
Apart from the self-deprecating "look at the Allies. They were almost as bad the Nazis," there is no reason for the statement. Danny
- Karl Doenitz was charged for unrestricted submarine warfare. Chester Nimitz engaged in unrestricted submarine warfare (by his own evidence) and yet was not charged. That's interesting, at least to me. Obviously crimes against peace and against humanity were only commited by the Axis side, but allegations of war crimes were made against both sides. Martin
Just because allegations were made doesnt mean they have any validity. Plenty of allegations are made in wartime and after. Posting them here without context, without saying who said it or when, while equating American and British military leaders to Nazis is at best misinformed, at worst, libelous. Danny
- You'd like more context, Danny? Righto... Martin
- Hmmm, "at worst, libelous". The Allies, when taken in entirety, meaning spanning actions leading to and results afterwards, were almost as bad as the Nazis. I can cite examples that would fill this page, but that would bring us way off track for this article and highly biased discussion by some.
Something beyond Biddle, please, since he does recognize the validity of Jackson's position regarding Nimitz, even though it he argues that it opened the trials up to tu quoque criticism. Danny
Okay, now you wrote:
- "The clearest example of the differences between the treatment of Axis military leaders and Allied military leaders was the trial of Karl Doenitz. ... The court later decided that "In view of all the facts proved ... the sentence of Doenitz is not assessed on the ground of his breaches of the international law of submarine warfare".
In other words, Doenitz was cleared of the charges as it was recognized that both parties engaged in that kind of warfare. What, then, is the "clearest example of the difference? You'll have to do better than that. Danny
- Doenitz was charged and the charge was then "not assessed". Nimitz was never charged. This is a clear example of two military leaders, who breached the same set of naval accords in the same way, being treated differently. I think it's wonderfully clear because it's such a symmetrical case and because the facts are not in dispute. Still, if you can think of clearer examples, perhaps you could give me a few hints? ;-)
- Btw, I'm not trying to prove that Nuremberg was a show trial or that the Allies were as bad as the Axis - I'm just trying to illustrate some of the differences and let readers draw their own conclusions. I'm really not trying to push a POV here - I just think the issue is interesting and deserves to be discussed in the article. Martin
Not assessed means that it was not considered. The charge was dropped. You have pointed to one non-difference and presented it in such a way as to offer a rhetorical ad hominem tu quoque argument that the Allies should have been treated the same way as the Nazis, i.e., there was little difference in their actions. That is actually a misrepresentation of facts. Danny
I removed this paragraph:
- Obviously charges of crimes against peace could not be seriously made against the Allies, because the war was started by the Axis. It is equally clear that the Allies did not commit any crimes against humanity. In addition, nobody from the Allied side was indicted for war crimes.
Now it is a non sequitor. This is an article about the trial of Nazis suspected of war crimes. To make a statement that other people were not charged with war crimes is unrelated and misleading. It is like adding to the article on Leopold and Loeb that Al Capone was not charged in the murder because he did not do it. Danny
- One example of the differences between the treatment of Axis military leaders and Allied military leaders was the trial of Karl Doenitz. Doenitz was charged with, amongst other things, "waging unrestricted submarine warfare contrary to the Naval Protocol of 1936 to which Germany acceded, and which reaffirmed the rules of submarine warfare laid down in the London Naval Agreement of 1930". The court later decided that "In view of all the facts proved and in particular of an order of the British Admiralty announced on the 8th May, 1940, according to which all vessels should be sunk at sight in the Skagerrak, and the answers to interrogatories by Admiral Nimitz stating that unrestricted submarine warfare was carried on in the Pacific Ocean by the United States from the first day that nation entered the war, the sentence of Doenitz is not assessed on the ground of his breaches of the international law of submarine warfare". Doenitz was found guilty on other charges, however. Admiral Chester Nimitz was never charged with waging unrestricted submarine warfare.
Ok, Danny, I've removed this section, so the article is basically back as it was before I started messing around. I still think it's an interesting topic that should be explained, but obviously I'm not the person to do it, so I'll leave it to someone else. :) Martin
This sentence bothers me: "The defendants were not allowed to complain about the selection of judges." We didn't allow Nazis the right to help name their own judges, so this might be evidence that the court was not fair? This is hubris; the defendents on trial admitted that they were part of the Nazi party; why should they get any right to help select their own judges? These same people had just murdered hundreds of judges themselves, because the judges were of Jewish ancestry. he Nuremburg trials were by any rational standard the most fair and unbiased war trials ever held. This is especially so, since if they had operated by the same standard that previous tribunals had worked under, they would have borught to trial, found guilty, and executed well over a thousand German, Austrian and Polish citizens. (Which, of course, they did not do.) Considering the huge number of German, Austrian and Polish citizens who eagerly cooperated with the genocide of the Jews (and others), the Nuremburg trials were perhaps the most liberal and lenient court ever assembled in humanity. To see so much effort made here to defend the complaints of the Nazi defendants is a bit surprising. RK
- It is a basic principle of fair treatment that everyone has equal rights. So just because they were Nazis and everyone knew they were guilty does not mean they should be denied basic rights like the tu quoque defense or the right to complain about judges.
- Furthermore, the bombing of civilian areas in Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and many other cities was as much a war crime and a crime against humanity as the bombings of London or Coventry. Just because the ones responsible were responsible for even more terrifying crimes as well does not mean that that they should be treated differently for these ones.
- War crimes also happened with the treatment of German prisoners of war many of which starved to death, and with civilians. There exist proofs of women getting nailed to doors and being raped by Russian soldiers.
- I am not writing any of this in defense of Nazi horrors, I only think that the evilness of an enemy does not exempt from morality and law. Get-back-world-respect 23:39, 3 Jun 2004 (UTC)
But a large percentage of the war crimes were for the Holocaust. The US never (During WWII) gassed people through ethnic cleansing. Also, in case no one noticed, We Won The War. Not the Germans. While this doesn't excuse our actions, it meant that we (the allies) made the rules.-Tom
- I would like to encourage Martin not to give in against Danny by merely conceding:
- Ok, Danny, I've removed this section, so the article is basically back as it was before I started messing around. I still think it's an interesting topic that should be explained, but obviously I'm not the person to do it, so I'll leave it to someone else. :) Martin
- I would like to encourage Martin not to give in against Danny by merely conceding:
- Here is someone else - and here is a tiny clue to what may have been America's true role in WWII:
- In the movie "A hundred billion dollars" Patrik Deweare plays a reporter-detective in a WWII political plot. This movie features a certified excerpt of approximately one minute from a documentary film. This excerpt shows an American destroyer about to be sunk by a German torpedo boat with an... American torpedo!
- Patrick Dewaere often played detectives. He may have tried to do more research into WWII film archives, before a beautiful woman crossed his way, lured him into hard drugs, and he died from an overdose...
- You can find a more comprehensive account of my views on WWII in the discussion section of the article on Theodor Herzl under the heading Israel and the Arab oil.
- 21:43, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Validity of the court
One of many issues regarding the validity and fairness of the Nuremberg trials is that almost no crimes commited in Poland were taken into consideration. However, I have no idea how to put it in a NPOV way.Halibutt 06:52, 30 Dec 2003 (UTC)
- Don't look now but I think you just did --Raul654 07:03, 30 Dec 2003 (UTC)
- Hermann Göring once said "The victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused". We don't have to discuss on validity issues because the Nuremberg Trial was a show trial. I'm sure that if they would have a chance to capture Erwin Rommel(his tactics are on military books and he is a legend in military), they would put him in the trial list of Nuremberg too, just like they did to Karl Doenitz or Alfred Jodl. Deliogul 14:46, 3 June 2006 (UTC)
Doenitz states in his memoirs (Ten Years and Twenty Days, p. 52) that also the charges of waging war of aggression were applied retroactively. Can someone confirm this? Should this be incorporated into the article? The article does state that "the indictments were created ex post facto" but does not clearly express which ones, although I understand that as referring to all of them. 00:22, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
The defense was also excluded from documents useful to their clients. The evidence of crimes ( the fact of the crime ) was excepted as fact - no evidence put forward by the prosecutors was allowed to be contradicted/questioned in court. One of the prosecutors left - he refused to be involved in such a blatant kangaroo court. Several of the defendants crime was being good officers - never have been connected with anything criminal -Doenitz I believe is the most embarrassing one. [Unsigned comment.]
I tried to clean this section up a bit and removed some of the obvious POV language. It definitely needs sourcing, as who knows if this is anything but one person's opinion. Without sourcing, it smacks of a POV soapbox and revisionism apologia. I also reordered it in the article for editorial flow. UncleFester 22:50, 3 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Pacific War
Just an observation: it seems a trifle odd that this article mentions Allied war crimes in the Pacific in this context, espcially when there is no mention of Japanese war crimes or the 5,600 people tried in relation to these in several cities, from 1946 onwards. Grant65 (Talk) 08:36, Apr 19, 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Stunningly disappointing article
This article in it's attempt to appear neutral is nothing more than a blatent indictment of the Allies as being the same as the Nazis. What a load of rubbish and gibberish. As a regular visitor to Wikipedia, I have seen it grow over the past couple of years in leaps and bounds. Unfortunately, many of the more recent articles have become nothing more than talking points for left wing truthsayers and right wing visionaries. This project is in serious and mortal danger of becoming a qaugmire of relavent facts and objective views.
- I don't understand why did you disappointed. Because of their victory, Allies gained a right to judge Nazis. Attention... Not because Allies were right. The Nuremberg Trial was a show trial. They found soldiers guilty! A soldier's duty is to win the war on the battleground. You can't say that they are guilty because they are warriors. Deliogul 14:53, 3 June 2006 (UTC)
- Have a look @ NPOV. "relavent facts and objective views" are our goals. Sam Spade 12:19, 26 Apr 2005 (UTC)
That's ridiculous! You can't just say the soldier's duty is to win a war, so they can do whatever they want. Soldiers aren't above the law. If a soldier executes a load of unarmed civilians, or executes POWs after they have surrendered, then he has comitted murder.
I don't believe anyone at Nuremberg was charged with "the Holocaust" or mass murder - except for the Katyn forrest massacre which it turns out the Russians did. I believe the charge was "waging aggressive war". England and France could have declared war on Russia for aggressively attacking Poland - long before Germany did - but they wanted to fight Germany instead.
[edit] Area bombing
Area Bombing was carried out by all sides in the World War II. No Axis personnel were tried for it because it was not a war crime at the time. So implying that the Allies personnel should have been tried for such actions is a POV but not a NPOV.
- "In examining these events in the light of international humanitarian law, it should be borne in mind that during the Second World War there was no agreement, treaty, convention or any other instrument governing the protection of the civilian population or civilian property, as the Conventions then in force dealt only with the protection of the wounded and the sick on the battlefield and in naval warfare, hospital ships, the laws and customs of war and the protection of prisoners war" The Law of Air Warfare, 30 June 1998 International Review of the Red Cross no 323, p.347-363 by Javier Guisández Gómez
It was undertood that attacking civilains was not kosher. We don't have international laws against eating captured soldiers during war - probably the same concept. 19:48, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Alfred Jodl
I removed the article's claim that Alfred Jodl was posthumously acquitted of all charges in 1953. It's easy to find Wikipedia mirrors stating this, but I'm having trouble finding independent sources. The german Wikipedia does give a bit more information, and if I understand the babelfish correctly, states that the main arbitrition board in München did acquit in 1953, but this acquittal was recalled for "political reasons" (POV?) later the same year. It also lists two sources: and
Still, I'd really like to find more references. Perhaps someone fluent in german can find out some more (although such an important fact should be available in every langugage)... Woseph 2005-07-07 08:19:48 (UTC)
- It is not important. It was a mistake to judge and murder Alfred Jodl. They don't even let him to be killed by a shooting squad! Deliogul 15:02, 3 June 2006 (UTC)
- Well, the German Wikipedia states that he was posthumously acquitted by a German court and that in that acquittal the charge of crimes against peace wasn't even considered. The Bavarian state chancellery then nullified this acquittal, and finally some Bavarian "minister for political liberation" nullified the countermand. (It is unclear from the German Wikipedia whether that minister nullified the acquittal by the court or the nullification of that acquittal by the state chancellery. It is also unclear what kind of court that was, I have found mentions of a denazification court in other places) There is also some discussion on the veracity of these statements on de:Diskussion:Alfred Jodl, revolving around the questions whether the executive really had the power to nullify decisions made by the judicative and the timing, because apparently that "ministry for political liberation" existed only until 1950. It should be noted that (the German Historical Museum) is not a reliable source; its web presentations frequently contain errors. Lupo July 7, 2005 08:38 (UTC)
- The BBC have just (19/11/2005) rebroadcast their radio programme on Nuremberg, first broadcast in 1996. They seem to believe Jodl was retrospectivly exonerated. Suggest you see if the programme is on their web site (NB - 2 hours long!) Linuxlad 14:52, 20 November 2005 (UTC)
- The summary of Jodl in Goldensohn's "The Nuremburg Interviews" states in part: "On February 28, 1953, he (Jodl) was posthumously exonerated by a German de-Nazification court that found him not guilty of crimes under international law." (page 137). This summary was presumably written by Robert Gellately, who edited the book in 2004. No mention is made of later retraction. -- Primaryspace 20:03, 4 December 2005 (UTC)
- Help! You appear to have done the opposite of what the above would suggest, and removed reference to his exoneration!Linuxlad
- Check my editing notes in the history. I added the reference before reading talk. After reading talk, I moved the gist of my edit here for consideration instead. -- Primaryspace 23:03, 4 December 2005 (UTC)
- Sorry, my forensic skills are about on a same low par as my mind-reading ones. Why not explicitly ask the question? or add/reinstate the para (there seems to be adequate reason, prima facie) and see who jibes! ('be bold'...). Bob aka Linuxlad
- Woseph seems to object despite some evidence, albeit not concrete evidence... if there's no more discussion about this for another week or so, I'll re-add. Feel free to do so if you think I'm taking too long. -- Primaryspace 19:32, 5 December 2005 (UTC)
- All I'm saying is that if someone convicted at the Nuremberg trials was posthumously acquitted of all charges one ought to be able to find loads of references. Also, I strongly object to adding something along the lines of "... was posthumously acquitted of all charges.", without including the nullifications mentioned by Lupo (assuming they are factual). -- Woseph 11:53, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
- From The Nuremburg Interviews: "On February 28, 1953, he [Jodl] was posthumously exonerated by a German de-Nazification court that found him not guilty of war crimes under international law." Robert Gellately is editor of this book, published in 2004, and gives an excellent history of the trials in his introduction. I assume he is responsible for the short biographies that precede each interview.
- All I'm saying is that if someone convicted at the Nuremberg trials was posthumously acquitted of all charges one ought to be able to find loads of references. Also, I strongly object to adding something along the lines of "... was posthumously acquitted of all charges.", without including the nullifications mentioned by Lupo (assuming they are factual). -- Woseph 11:53, 3 January 2006 (UTC)
- Woseph seems to object despite some evidence, albeit not concrete evidence... if there's no more discussion about this for another week or so, I'll re-add. Feel free to do so if you think I'm taking too long. -- Primaryspace 19:32, 5 December 2005 (UTC)
- Sorry, my forensic skills are about on a same low par as my mind-reading ones. Why not explicitly ask the question? or add/reinstate the para (there seems to be adequate reason, prima facie) and see who jibes! ('be bold'...). Bob aka Linuxlad
- Check my editing notes in the history. I added the reference before reading talk. After reading talk, I moved the gist of my edit here for consideration instead. -- Primaryspace 23:03, 4 December 2005 (UTC)
- Help! You appear to have done the opposite of what the above would suggest, and removed reference to his exoneration!Linuxlad
- Jodl's exoneration is just as significant as the fact that von Papen, acquitted at Nuremburg, was later "reclassified as a major offender" by another German de-Nazification court in 1947; this was not mentioned in this article either. He was sentenced to eight years hard labour and released after two years on appeal. Both are significant facts in the history of the trial, and this article is incomplete without them. Primaryspace 00:49, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
- First of all, I agree that this is an important question, which is why we must be careful to get it exactly right. I'm not contesting that some sort of court found him to be wrongfully convicted of some charge/s. However, some points of importance, in my opinion, are:
- The validity of the court: Typically, a higher court reverses a lower court, was this the case here?
- What counts did they consider? Your quote mention "war crimes", does this include counts one, two and four?
- The Nuremberg trials are today considered as parts of international law, was this the case then? (AFAIK, the Nuremberg trials are usually referred to when someone uses the "only following orders"-defence.)
- Finally, I think it's strange that it's so very difficult to find consistent accounts of the issue. The only source giving references that I have found so far is David Irving, Nuremberg: The Last Battle, where it is stated (sans typos):
- At denazification proceedings in Munich in 1953 a German court effectively cleared the late General Jodl of the Nuremberg charges and rehabilitated him posthumously, basing its decision in part on the fact that four years earlier the eminent and universally respected French member of the Nuremberg Tribunal, Professor Donnedieu de Vabres, had stated that in his view the conviction of Jodl had been without merit and a miscarriage of justice.
- First of all, I agree that this is an important question, which is why we must be careful to get it exactly right. I'm not contesting that some sort of court found him to be wrongfully convicted of some charge/s. However, some points of importance, in my opinion, are:
- Footnote reference: Prof. Dr Erich Schwinger, 'Declarations,' Marburg, Jun 15, 1951, reporting what Donnedieu had told him (Luise Jodl papers; copy in IfZ, Irving Collection).
- This is in support of your quote (apart from claiming all charges, whereas yours seem to restrict itself to war crimes), but David Irving is rather controversial. Also, why isn't the nullifications mentioned?
- Perhaps an expert historian could sort this out for us? In the meantime, it'd be nice if someone could translate parts of de:Alfred Jodl to Alfred Jodl, in particular the Nachspiel section, since it mention the exoneration, as well as some of the controversy surrounding it. -- Woseph 11:44, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
- I can't address any of your very valid points, since the only information I have comes from Gellately's short biography. I for one don't consider Irving to be reliable. Having been pretty much demolished by Evans, I don't think his body of work should be used anywhere as a reference, irrespective of his unpalatable revisionist viewpoint. I'm not familiar with the nullifications, and mentioning them, as you seem to suggest above ("assuming they are factual"), would put us back at the beginning of this question (additions without reference). Primaryspace 22:04, 7 January 2006 (UTC)
Gentlemen, in one of books I have seen the statement about Jodl rehabilitation with a reference to the following source: Eugene Davidson, The Trial of the Germans (New York: Collier Books, 1966). p. 363. The mentioned book states (with reference to Davidson) that a German court has officially rehabilitated Gen. Jodl and annuled all property sanctions on persons convicted by the Trial. The source seems to be reliable, though it worth to check what really Davidson says. Does somebody have the book? --Mgar 15:26, 16 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] The main trial links
I'd prefer to see the external links that are currently shown as reference notes ([1] etc) changed to something else. The note-style linking is a bit confusing. Perhaps move completely to "External links" section, perhaps with sublists? (ie, **). Adding true reference notes in this section alongside the external hyperlinks gets a bit ugly. -- Primaryspace 19:37, 5 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Criticism
The recent addition concerning the "conspiracy to commit aggression against Poland" needs to be sourced. The aggression against Poland was only one part of count one of the indictment. Indeed, all these statements in the section on "the validity of the court" need to be sourced properly, preferrably to trustworthy online sources that are backed by reputable print publications. Lupo 08:42, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Allied war crimes
Well, the article names the Biscari massacre, which names the Canicatti slaughter. That are only two examples of war crimes (we are not talking about the moral bombing of civil homes or the shooting of SS-prisoners after the German surrender) and this article says the American soldiers (only two!!) were tried. But if you read the whole text of Biscari massacre, it says, that one of them was released later and the other one was acquitted. And the incident of Canicatti was simply covered up. I call this therefore victor's justice. Küstenkind
My friend, it appears that the one most respolnsible and least remorseful for the crimes is patton, not the officer, who faced his crime with honor. (Anon)
- Yeah, more critique is needed. One of the most common criticisms is that air bombing charges were not raised since allied themselves commited same crime. -- 09:01, 23 April 2006 (UTC)
Removed some idiots all caps racial comment
[edit] Jurisdiction of Nuremberg
I personally think there should be a discussion of the jurisdiction of the Nuremberg trials. The UN was founded in 1945 and founded the declaration of human rights (See Many lawyers consider the trial of Nuremberg is oppositing these human rights because as in Article 7, 1. no one can be judged for a offense which weren't an offense at the time it was committed. The german nazis weren't committing any crimes in the german law during WWII and the buildup to WWII, therefore, as the human rights declares, the nazis couldn't legally be found guilty of any of those charges. I think it's a very important legal positivitic and ethical issue of which has to be mentioned in the article, because this was a trial based on moral to get revenge for all the horrible things the german nazis committed during WWII but not a legally reasonable trial. The nazis were, no matter personal opinion, was following orders and following the laws they were bound to follow at that time, and therefore the legal jurisdiction of the trials is nonexistant. I'm not saying I sympathize with the nazis, I think they should be punished. But I also think the trials gives a big legal-ethical issue. Let's say in 10 years it becomes totally illegal to smoke, and because I had a smoke today I could be sentenced for that in ten years? Because I should have known better, though the laws didn't prohibit it?
That link isn't to the UN, its to the Council of Europe's Declaration of Human Rights. They are two different entities with two different documents. But you point is still valid. The simple answer would be 'vae victus'. The Allies won, we got to impose our trial on the vanquished. However:
The Nuremberg trials were based on International Law, not German national Law - that objection doesn't work. Some of the crimes were new 'waging a war of aggression', and some were not (I don't have the Geneva Protocols in front of me ATM). I think the answer would have to lie with natural justice. People virtually unanimously agree that the Nazi actions were 'crimes', so it doesn't make much sense to quibble with the details. In any case, going down this path would make the article dangerously POV; the article should be about what happened, not whether it was right 23:58, 13 May 2006 (UTC)
You can blame those well-known sticklers for international law the Americans for this. Both Churchill and Stalin orginally wanted to shoot the Nazi leaders out of hand rather than bother with trials. Roosevelt took the view that justice had not only to be done but be seen to be done if we were going to create a better world after the war, so he persuaded his allies to agree to trials. The law applied naturally had to be both international and retrospective - everything the Nazis did was "legal" under German law (thanks to the Enabling Act of 1933), and no-one had thought to make murdering 6 million people a crime before the Nazis thought of carrying the crime out. The jurisdiction of the court was settled by the Berlin Decree of (I think) June 1945, by which the German state was abolished (by right of conquest) and all Germans placed under whatever laws the Allies chose to dispense to them. This was a fairly rough-and-ready legal process, but as Robert H. Jackson pointed out at the trials, much more than the Nazis had allowed to any of the peoples whose countries they had occupied. Adam 15:14, 3 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Doenitz again
His section seems to have been discussed, and I don't have any content contributions to make, but the "notes" for his section don't make much sense. I don't know about the accuracy, but it's just grammatically unclear. Very hard to understand and should be revised in that regard. I can't do it because I'm not even certain what the author was trying to say.-- 15:44, 23 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Category:People charged with war crimes
Is there some reason why nobody listed in this article appears in Category:People charged with war crimes? --Mathew5000 03:09, 25 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] befehl ist befehl defence
Hey, this is interesting, there's no mention of the befehl ist befehl defence. I thought the nuremberg trials were famous for rejecting this defence . The defence *is* mentioned briefly on the dutch wikipedia. Kim Bruning 19:21, 25 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Rules of Evidence
- Article 19 of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal Charter reads as follows:
- "The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and nontechnical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to be of probative value."
What would this mean in practice? Wouldn't this mean a departure from any orderly form of a trial, except for the outer procedures?!
This means hearsay, rumor, evidence from torture, etc - sounds like the US Patriot Act - whoops sorry. You were not allowed to bring up any evidence that contradicted the existence of the crime - no habeas corpus. Your guilt was predetermined - which makes defense seem riduculous/nearly impossible - only your method of execution was at question. You sure Nuremberg isn't in Ohio?
The Simpson Committee ( US Senate I believe ) said that almost all of the defendants had been tortured by the US interrogation team - seems to be an old habit of the US army.
- Sorry to interrupt your train of rant, but would this be a good time to point out that the Simpson Army Commission had nothing to do with Nuremberg? Gzuckier 19:02, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
So sorry but you must have the Simpson Army Commission mixed up with OJ. The Simpson Commission is the one that found out that the defendants had been worked over ( tortured) at Nuremberg before they testified. The Commission is where we find out that the 137 out of 139 male prisoners had their testicles destroyed before they remembered that they had been involved in ____( fill in the blank). 20:01, 20 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Tried in place
What does "Tried in place of Joseph Goebbels" mean? It can be misleading because it could be interpreted to mean that one man stood in peril for the crimes of another instead of his own crimes, which if it were tp mean that, a lot of explaining on how that would be possible is in order. The next possible meaning is that he is on trial for his role in assisting Goebbels, and that if Goebbels were found the priority of Fritzsche would drop and only so much can be done at once. Hackwrench 05:45, 28 August 2006 (UTC)
Fritsche was in fact the only 'senior' Nazi caught by the Soviets. He would, on occasions, stand in for Goebbels in radio broadcasts, and was a leading figure in the Propaganda Ministry; so in that sense he might be said to have been truly 'in place of' his minister at Nuremberg. Goebbels was the one great 'absentee' at the trial and there was clearly a need for some kind of approximation. It failed, of course. White Guard 23:49, 10 September 2006 (UTC)
It is not misleading - that is exactly what took place. Kind of creepy aint it.
If you read the article you find that the prosecutors also tried to substitue an industrialists son for the sick father. Miraculously the judges wouldn't allow it. 19:47, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] The opening line
- The Nuremberg Trials were the trials of the Nazi officials involved in the Holocaust during World War II.
Is this sufficiently accurate? The article itself lists five defendants not charged with crimes against humanity, and it is often argued that e.g. Doenitz or Raeder were not directly involved in the Holocaust. Naphra 05:09, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
It's not at all accurate; you are quite right. There were subsidiary trials of concentration camp guards and the like; but the defendants in the main trail were variously charged. I've made the alteration. White Guard 05:50, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
I would like to yet further improve the edit; I feel that neither 'official' or 'minister' is quite applicable to e.g. Schacht or Streicher, and neither is the phrase "crimes contrary to international law during World War II" accurate, because no international law against some of the crimes existed during World War II (I think). I propose something to the effect of
- The Nuremberg Trials were the trials of Nazi officials and prominent figures of Nazi Germany for their involvement in the course of events culminating in World War II and the Holocaust.
although that would cover only the main trial. Naphra 09:05, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
And, that might come across as too lenient to those actually directly responsible for the Holocaust, as well. Naphra 09:13, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
I was bold and rephrased the line, improve as you see fit. Naphra 18:50, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
Your changes are fine. I've removed the reference to 'military trials' though, on the grounds that it makes them sound a little bit like courts martial, which they were not. White Guard 22:39, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
I don't believe anyone was charged with anything holocaustish till much later.
- I've always been under the impression that the charges of crimes against humanity were very much about the Holocaust. Crime against humanity sheds some light, but it's true that this (Nuremberg) article doesn't go too deep into the details of the charges. Naphra 19:41, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Need for an Article "Criticism" section
I am thinking of adding a "Criticism" section to the main article ... because it sorely needs one ... especially to counter Napoleon’s assertion that history is only recorded by victors ... and leaves people with the wrong impressions of the one-sided fact of these "so called" trials (many more Nazis deserved to be burned there ... but justice requires a good amount of addition company if it is to reconcile). Nonprof. Frinkus 23:27, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Nuremberg
why "nuremberg"? the cities name is Nürnberg (Nuernberg)... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs).
- Nuremberg is the English name of the city, so the trials, in English, are referred to as the Nuremberg Trials, while in German it is the Nürnberger Prozesse. Scottmsg 21:52, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Artur Seyss-Inquart
Has anyone else noticed that there is twenty-fourth person missing? It's Artur Seyss-Inquart, and he must be added to the table.Velimir85 20:24, 26 November 2006 (UTC)
- Yep, you're right. His entry somehow did not show up due to an error in the HTML. Fixed now. Lupo 09:53, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Three points in need of raising
Having read this article over for the first time (and even gave it a second read entirely), given my very little knowledge on this subject (blame my geographical location of birth country) there are three things I noticed specifically that need addressing.
- The validity of the court / it being a show trial.
- The departing from the standard rule of execution of soldiers by the sword (or in this era by gun) and not by hanging like common criminals.
- The violent nature of death that all appear to have recieved in the media-blitz show trial glamour post-death poses they were propped in. I've never seen so much blood from hangings.
If someone more versed in this subject area could address this it might negate some of the POV whitewashing of the article that even I, as a third party ignorant viewer, have detected given that it fails to meet deductive reasoning per se. 17:23, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
- What do you specifically mean by addresing? You mean it needs a more NPOV view, or more infotmation on the subjects you mention?Velimir85 20:37, 6 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] When?
== Was the Nuremburg Trials during the Russian Revolution, World War I or World War II? ==
1945-1946, as stated in the opening paragraph. After WWII, that is. Naphra 19:35, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Controversy
I think the article shows too little of the controversy during the Nuremberg trials. It's definately written by someone that approved the trials. There were many accusations that involved actions commited by Allied forces as well, hence the court made a convenient arrangement that it would not matter at all if the Allies did the same. In short this meant if a German officer had his units kill POW's he would be put on trial, while at the same time if a Russian or American officer was in the same position, he'd go free without any complications. I think this is something that can be seen as a smut on the trials and something unfair regardless of one's POV.
Another thing about international criminal law that should be added: The article says part of the defence was that the Axis forces did not sign several international laws concerning treatment of POW's etc. and therefore were not bound by these laws and that this was overruled. This is true, however this was also the case with the USSR, which declared after the Revolution it was not bound by any treaty the Czar had signed (like The Hague 1907). Therefore German soldiers taken as POW had no protection from these laws, which is why the Germans (logically) argued that at least on the Eastern Front, Germany was not bound by any of these international laws either. Again from a NPOV this should raise some questions on the validity of some accusations.
So it should be added to this article that the trials were in many/some ways unfair, especially regarding the "you can't do it but we can"-rule and the matter of international treaties.
Wiki1609 00:22, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
- Feel free to contribute with properly sourced information. There's a section named Validity of the court which you may wish to begin with. I however point out that the article is hardly written by "someone that approved the trials", as its present state is the result of numerous contributions, proposals and rebuttals, edits and re-edits. Make sure to review the discussions on this talk page as well, the fairness of the court has been discussed to an extent already. Also remember that original research and conclusions by contributors are explicitly prohibited as per WP:NOR. Naphra 19:26, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Nuremberg Trials DID NOT establish Genocide against Jews
I am very surprised to learn there was not even one single judgment confirming genocide against the Jews during Nuremberg trials,
Here are sentences handed down to 22 accused:
This confirms that the Srebrenica Genocide is the only legally established genocide in Europe.
Bosniak 19:00, 23 March 2007 (UTC)
- The London Charter of the International Military Tribunal defines a crime against humanity as:
- Crimes Against Humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war; or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.
- So while the word genocide is not explicitly used, the above definition strongly implies it, and is perhaps even less ambiguous. Naphra 22:55, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
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