Operation Terminal
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Operation Terminal was an Allied operation during World War II. Part of Operation Torch (the Allied invasion of West Africa, 8 November 1942) it involved a direct landing of infantry into the Vichy French port of Algiers with the intention of capturing the port facilities before they could be destroyed.
The attacking forces were two Royal Navy destroyers, HMS Malcolm and HMS Broke (commanded by Henry Fancourt) carrying 600 troops of the 3d Battalion, 135th Infantry,(commanded by Colonel Edwin Swenson) that was part of the US 34th Infantry division . The plan was to land the troops dirctly into the port. It was hoped that either complete surprise would be achieved or that the defenders would support the invasion to the extent at least of refusing to fire on the attackers. However the Vichy forces opened fire on the ships at 4:06AM, damaging them heavily.
Malcolm was forced to withdraw, but Broke succeeded in landing her troops under fire and then retreated. The landed infantry were surrounded and forced to surrender seven hours later. However they succeeded in preventing the destruction of the port before the defenders in turn surrendered to the larger invading forces. Broke was sunk by artillery later in the day.
A similar operation Operation Reservist was carried out at Oran but with even less success.