Talk:Oscar Kiss Maerth
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[edit] Comment 1
Dear people, You pretend Oscar Kiss Maerth brings no evidence of his theory. Wars, famine, pollution and wicked scientist are not a proof? The whole humankind is insane, It's obvious, can't you see it. Are you too crazy to realize this. The very existence of money is the strongest evidence of our dysfunctional brain. Selling the wealth of the garden of Eden instead of sharing it, is far from being smart, It's totally insane. Oscar Kiss Maerth sure did hit the nail on the head. G.G.B.
Judging OKM by the fact that he sold his book rather than sharing it is then apparently proof of his insanity.
If you read Oscar's book with an open mind AND an open conscience , you will , as I did , realize that his was not just theory based on Devine Revelation , but a truth revealed by open mind and conscience.CARNO.
- I sure did like that book; the strongest argument against it is the fact that the interspersed ape/man mugshots (16 to each of 8 pages .. or thereabouts) make us of equatorial rather than northern races but in the face of monkey distribution this argument is evidence of pensive envy if you ask me. Said pages are done with the extreme skill necessary to set a few glaciated feelings aflow in even the staunchest of Biblically and corrolarily skkkripturally inclined minds. Funny enough OKM strenghtens his case by explaining 'fruit of knowledge' as male brains (pineals in fact; claiming evidence similar to the snailhouse heaps that tied folks over gigantic impact and/or volcanic tightspots. Tibetan imagery too is rallied to support his woldwide and looooonglasting cannibalism claims.