Ottmar Hörl
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Ottmar Hörl (born 1950 in Nauheim, Germany) is a notable German artist, art professor and writer.
From 1975 to 1978, he studied at the "Städelschule" in Frankfurt and from 1978 to 1981 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf. In 1985 he was co-founder of the group Formalhaut, with the architects Gabriela Seifert and Götz Stöckmann.
1992/ 1993 Ottmar Hörl was Visiting Professor at TU Graz, 1999 he became Professor of Fine Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg, Germany. Since 2005 Hörl is president of the Nuremburg Academy.
[edit] Awards
- 1994 Promotion Award for Architecture from the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts (with Formalhaut)
- 1997 Art Multiple Award, Düsseldorf
- 1998 Wilhelm-Loth-award, Darmstadt
[edit] Publications
- Formalhaut. Architektur, Skulptur, Verlag der Georg-Büchner-Buchhandlung, Darmstadt 1988, ISBN 3925376089
- Stoffwechsel. Das Buch zum Anzug, Häusser, Darmstadt 1990, ISBN 3895520667
- Materialprüfung, Städtische Galerie Altes Theater, Ravensburg 1996, ISBN 3980464113
- Die Speisung der Fünftausend: Kunstprojekt "Fisch und Brot", Häusser, Darmstadt 1999, ISBN 3895520640
- Zeichnung. Klasse Ottmar Hörl, Text von Eva Schickler, Häusser, Darmstadt 2000, ISBN 3895520888
- Berlin-Bearlin. Skulptur: 10.000 Bären für Berlin, Häusser, Darmstadt 2000, ISBN 3895520748
- Traumhaus, Häusser, Darmstadt 2001, ISBN 3895520721
- Das grosse Hasenstück. The Great Piece of Hares, mit Beiträgen von Ruth Händler, Ralf Huwendiek, Thomas Knubben, Birgit Ruf, Eva Schickler u.a., Häusser, Darmstadt 2003, ISBN 3895520942
[edit] External links
- Website Ottmar Hörl
- Website of the "Meisterklasse" of Ottmar Hörl (Nürnberg Academy)
- Biography Ottmar Hörl)