User talk:Ovidiu.
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Hi Ovidiu. I found your userpage while scanning the list of recently registered users. In my experience on the en wiki, the burden of verification is on the person who adds the information. Therefore, if someone wants you to include certain information into someone's biography article (such as accusations of war crimes), you should tell them to include it themselves. And if they include such information without citing any reference, you can contest their information as original research.
I don't know if this is helpful, but you can feel free to write back on my talk page. Xaxafrad 01:42, 9 July 2006 (UTC)
Hi Xaxafrad, thank you for your kind reply. One month ago i found a remark from one user without any kind of refernce regarding my article that Horthy Miklós was as fascist and so on. I canceld it becouse it was written without reference, after that one user put a "format" wich was not obiective according to my pont of view,Wikipedia:Neutral point of view in romanian "PDVN" i asked them officially in a written form on the page of discussion regarding the horthy articles to write it themselves with references, but they did not do it, more they put back the above mentioned format and after they find some reason to ban me , my question is how could i complain regarding my above problem , who is the competent forum in conection with my claim ? becouse i do not recive help from them. List of administrators
Thank you in advance .
best regards --Ovidiu. 09:46, 9 July 2006 (UTC)
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[edit] ro wiki
Hi Ovidiu. I don't speak any Romanian, but here on the en: wiki I have met a number of sensible Romanian editors. You'll probably find them on this page, so you can ask them to help with NPOV-ing any topic either here or over at the Romanian Wikipedia. Good luck, KissL 08:32, 10 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Regarding the situation
Hello Ovidiu, It seems that your recent experiences at the Romanian Wikipedia have caused you a great deal of distress, based on the way you describe it here on your English user page. However, to me it seems that most of this is due to various misunderstandings and overreaction on your part, and I would like to clarify a couple of things for you:
1: You weren't banned from, you merely received a 24 hour block.
2: You were not blocked for writing what you did in the Miklós Horthy article, but for making inappropriate insinuations about another user's ethnic origins. Nothing Vlad said would indicate that he was persecuting you for your opinions regarding Horthy. This is what he actually said when justifying your block:
"Pentru felul în care te-ai adresat lui Mihai Ioniu aici:, ignorând avertismentul lui Adi, dat anterior, te-am blocat deocamdată pentru 24 de ore. Sper să nu mai fie nevoie şi de altele."
Nothing about Horthy here.
3: The administrator Vlad is in no way an anti-Hungarian nationalist out to get you for your opinions regarding Horthy, he merely intends to do his administrator-duties based on the existing rules. Interestingly enough, the first person to be blocked by him after you was a Romanian nationalist, Dacodava, as seen here:
4: Regarding the whole POV discussion revolving around the Horthy article, it's not necessarily a sign of anti-Hungarian sentiments, more likely it has to do with the way certain users feel the article is tilted towards a particular point of view, which is something to be avoided in Wikipedia articles. Now, it might be that they are wrong, and it might be that they are right, what you as the main author of the article should do, is participate in the discussion, ask for clear examples of exactly what they consider makes the article noncomplient with a neutral point of view, and actually listen to their arguements, judging with an open mind whether they have a point or not. A hint is to not be overly fussed about the sources you have used, as using multiple sources doesn't automatically mean an article is fair and balanced. I assume that you yourself would not be too convinced of the objectivity of an article regarding Romania receiving Transylvania, even if it used ten different sources, if all those sources were Romanian.
5: I'm not being sent by anybody from the Romanian Wikipedia to tell you this, I'm only doing it because it struck me as obvious that you had misunderstood certain things, and because I didn't want to see the lose an active contributor simply because of some misunderstandings.
PS: From what I saw there were certain users (including administrators) you got along with relatively well on, especially AdiJapan. My last advice to you is therefore to talk with Adi about you grievances, and maybe receive some further explanations in return.
Anclation 16:21, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Answer about wikipedia ro
"Therefore, if someone wants you to include certain information into someone's biography article (such as accusations of war crimes), you should tell them to include it themselves. And if they include such information without citing any reference, you can contest their information as original research."
Xaxafrad 01:42, 9 July 2006 (UTC)
Hi Anclation, i want to make something sure i did not say that i was banned becouse of Horthy (only that he found a reason to ban me) i was trying to find a source that Miklós Horthy was a fascist and criminal of war unfortunetaly i did not find any kind of source about it, in wikipedia en on the article of horthy i did not find that horthy is accused like a criminal of war and fascist, also in the other wikipedia not present this kind of accusation, one user on the name R.S put POV he mentioned that in my article did not find any reference that horthy was the first fascist in europe, and criminal of war i added about Romanian army detailed, what i did not see in other wikipedia, just a little, i also added about what happened in transilvania by hungarians against romanian people from newspeaper Jurnalul National (before horthy's arrival) also i wrote about Garzile Maniu, against hungarian people from transilvania, (Fehér Könyv) who sign electorally colaboration with the ultra nationalist movement of romanian fascist Garda de Fier, i considering my article neutral and the most detailed from all wikipedia, but the user R.S put POV without sitting any reference he wrote that he put because there is not reference about horthy that he was criminal war and the first fascist in europe, after i was asking from him to write by himself in oficial way in the discussion page according to horthy articles, but he did not do it after i canceled the POV, and Vlad put it again the POV, i found in other article the personally attac against me, and i have given it back, but admin Vlad was banned me only. If they do not cancel the POV, in within ten days they i will apply to highest forum , i wait they to add what they asking from me but with credible source.
Salut Anclation, scriu in romana deoarece am vazut ca esti roman, vreau sa precizez, eu am scris ca au gasit motive ca sa fiu blocat, nu am zis ca dincauza articolului . (doar un pretext)
- 1, am incercat sa gasesc o sursa unde horthy este acuzat ca criminal de razboi sau fascist din pacate nu am gasit, aici la wikipedia en nu am vazut in articolul lui horthy ca este acuzat de fascist si de criminal de razboi, mai mult in mici un alt wikipedia nu am vazut ca horthy este acuzat de cele mentionate de mai sus, un user R.S a pus PVDN, si a scris ca de aceea a pus PVDN ca nu a vazut in articol nici o referire ca horthy era primul fascist din europa si criminal de razboi, eu am adaugat despre armata romana detaliat si nu am vazut pe nici un wikipedia doar reamintit, daca citesti articolul o sa vezi ca am incercat sa fac ceva in privinta asta si am adaugat din jurnalul national ce au facut maghiari din transilvania (inainte de a ajuns horthy) impotriva romanilor dar si despre iuliu maniu "garzile lui maniu" "Fehér könyv" acest maniu care a semnat pact electoral de colaborare cu miscarea legionara adica cu garda de fier, si chiar guvernul de atunci a dizolvat aceasta miscare si garzile lui maniu, iar maniu a fost condamnat. Eu am scris un articol pe care-l consider cel mai detaliat dintre toate articolele despre horthy de pe alte wikipedia, deci una, am adaugat despre armata romana inca de la inceput apoi din jurnalul national. Daca userul R.S a gasit de cuvinta ca articolul meu e disputat si nu e neutru ca n-am adaugat cele scrise de mai sus, atunci cum zice alt user de aici el trebuia s-o adauge prin bibliografie si surse de incredere ceea ce n-a facut, daca cineva pune PDVN iar eu nu am gasit vre-o sursa serioasa ca sa fie satisfacut domnul R.S, atunci eu ca un domn am cerut in mod personal la pagina de discutii, Hothy, si l-am rugat ca el s-o faca sau alti useri, si ca nu am nimic impotriva, dupa o ora si ceva la un alt articol am gasit ca cineva s-a adresat catre mine cu jigniri adica atac la persoana nici vorba de articol , si am dat pe aceasi moneda el nu a fost banat eu da, eu inteleg ca la discutii se vorbeste la subiect si nu la persoana eu nu am avut alta alternativa decat sa dau inapoi iar Vlad a subsemnat ca acel care m-a atacat la persoana are dreptate iar la horthy a adaugat PDVN, revoltator, inaccectabil. Cine pune (adauga) PVDN este obligatia lui sa dovedeasca prin documente ca punctul meu de vedere nu era neutru, inca ceva in articolul meu am adaugat detaliat despre batalia de la Budaörs, si am tradus din cartea de memorii a lui horthy, doua sau trei capitole. Te rog sa ma crezi ca nu-mi era usor, am stat si am tradus din engleza in romana , din punctul meu de vedere articolul meu este obiectiv si neutru atat timp cat acel care a pus PVDN, si nu a dovedit-o prin surse ci asa simplu a adaugat, iar ceea ce a facut Vlad cu mine era un pretext ca nu am scris ce au dorit alti, daca nu se sterge PVDN-ul eu voi apela unde trebuie daca acel sau acei care au pus PVDN , vor dovedi prin scris documentat din surse credibile, in cazul asta vad inchis subiectul atat timp cat nu se va dovedi si astept doar 10 zile daca nu apel unde trebuie.
--Ovidiu. 19:46, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
[edit] in continuare, PDVN
Dupa indelungate incercari, am reusit, intr-un final, sa gasesc o coerenta in textul pe care (intr-o romana straina de orice reguli gramaticale) l-ai redactat mai sus.
In primul rand, articolul tau referitor la Horty il elogia pe acesta, ignorand complet momentul anexarii Transilvaniei si a consecintelor criminale ale acestei agresiuni. Articolul tau era complet lipsit de orice suport bibliografic, dar cel mai important aspect care a contribuit la marginalizarea ta pe a fost faptul ca nu stii sa scrii in romana. Intr-o continua lipsa de respect fata de efortul depus de ceilalti contribuitori, operai modificari asupra articolelor intr-o romana stalcita. Eufemistic vorbind, contributiile tale erau inutile si, pe alocuri, cauzatoare de probleme. Faptul ca ambitia ta (de a contribui intr-o limba pe care nu o cunosti suficient de bine pt a putea scrie) depasea orice limite ale bunului simt, a atras antipatia celor care pierdeau mult prea mult timp pentru a-ti corecta materialele. In speranta ca ai inteles aceste randuri, as vrea sa cred ca opinia ta si a altor wikipedisti (v. Dahn) asupra politicii wikipediei romanesti este doar rezultatul ignorantei.
Acelasi RS de pe, --Eres 01:47, 28 January 2007 (UTC)