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This is a list of homesteads in Western Australia. It includes all homesteads in Western Australia with a gazetted name.
This list is complete with respect to the 1996 Gazetteer of Australia.[1] Dubious names have been checked against the online 2004 data,[2] and in all cases confirmed correct. However, if any homesteads have been gazetted or deleted since 1996, this list does not reflect these changes. Strictly speaking, Australian place names are gazetted in capital letters only; the names in this list have been converted to mixed case in accordance with normal capitalisation conventions.
Name |
Location |
Remarks |
Padburys Station |
30°9′S, 115°6′E |
Paddy Outcamp |
24°5′S, 114°42′E |
Padgee |
34°22′S, 116°26′E |
Palamar |
31°10′S, 116°8′E |
Pallinup |
33°57′S, 117°51′E |
Pallomar |
33°57′S, 117°49′E |
Palm Spring |
18°25′S, 127°51′E |
Palmdale |
34°47′S, 118°7′E |
Palmhill |
33°36′S, 115°36′E |
Palmirup |
33°47′S, 117°9′E |
Palmyre |
33°58′S, 117°5′E |
Palomar |
33°45′S, 115°58′E |
Palomar |
33°56′S, 117°23′E |
Pamford |
33°20′S, 117°51′E |
Pankie |
30°44′S, 116°14′E |
Pannikin Springs |
33°47′S, 115°22′E |
Pannoo |
34°42′S, 118°1′E |
Panorama |
34°33′S, 118°1′E |
Panoro |
33°27′S, 117°3′E |
Pantijan |
15°58′S, 125°3′E |
Panyan |
29°29′S, 116°4′E |
Paper Collar Clays |
34°17′S, 118°11′E |
Paper Park |
31°29′S, 115°54′E |
Para Nama |
33°49′S, 120°23′E |
Parabana |
34°5′S, 118°37′E |
Paradise |
33°22′S, 115°47′E |
Paradise |
18°1′S, 124°32′E |
Paradise Bend |
32°43′S, 117°1′E |
Paradise Valley |
33°38′S, 115°56′E |
Parakalia |
29°32′S, 115°43′E |
Paralna |
33°11′S, 115°51′E |
Pardoo |
20°6′S, 119°35′E |
Pardoo Outcamp |
19°59′S, 119°55′E |
Paringa |
33°31′S, 116°17′E |
Paringa Park |
33°41′S, 116°36′E |
Parkeston |
33°10′S, 118°7′E |
Parkfield |
33°12′S, 115°42′E |
Parklands |
32°39′S, 116°37′E |
Parklands |
33°38′S, 115°34′E |
Parkside |
33°36′S, 115°36′E |
Parmango |
33°44′S, 122°38′E |
Parnaroo |
34°24′S, 119°4′E |
Paroo |
26°16′S, 119°46′E |
Parua Downs |
33°10′S, 118°45′E |
Paskeville |
33°43′S, 115°12′E |
Passchendale |
33°38′S, 117°41′E |
Passchendeele |
29°34′S, 115°60′E |
Passmore |
31°26′S, 116°47′E |
Patricia Downs Farm |
29°54′S, 115°33′E |
Patricia Farm |
31°29′S, 116°38′E |
Peacehaven |
33°19′S, 117°3′E |
Peach Hill |
34°16′S, 117°9′E |
Peak Downs |
33°49′S, 122°17′E |
Peak View |
34°12′S, 118°25′E |
Pearlcliffe |
29°12′S, 115°10′E |
Peebles Farm |
33°42′S, 115°4′E |
Peedamulla |
21°51′S, 115°37′E |
Peedamulla Outcamp |
21°48′S, 115°31′E |
Peenebup |
34°8′S, 118°20′E |
Pekaring Hill |
32°5′S, 117°45′E |
Pember Warren |
34°27′S, 115°56′E |
Pembridge |
33°52′S, 115°4′E |
Pendalup |
34°2′S, 118°27′E |
Pendeen |
34°57′S, 117°52′E |
Pendle Hill |
33°53′S, 120°21′E |
Pendower |
33°44′S, 115°21′E |
Penelup Farms |
34°44′S, 117°26′E |
Peninsula |
33°56′S, 116°4′E |
Peninsula Downs |
34°7′S, 115°11′E |
Penley |
34°1′S, 118°45′E |
Penmore |
34°33′S, 117°19′E |
Pennedale |
34°59′S, 117°40′E |
Penola |
33°33′S, 115°32′E |
Penrose |
33°24′S, 121°17′E |
Penrose Park |
33°48′S, 120°24′E |
Pentecost Downs |
16°17′S, 127°12′E |
Penwortham |
33°47′S, 116°32′E |
Pepperfields |
33°43′S, 115°13′E |
Peppermint Dell |
33°26′S, 115°45′E |
Peppermint Grove |
34°26′S, 119°22′E |
Peppermint Park |
33°5′S, 115°59′E |
Peppermint Park |
34°7′S, 115°7′E |
Peppertree Outcamp |
29°3′S, 120°29′E |
Peppin Park |
32°10′S, 117°35′E |
Peppinella West |
33°55′S, 118°46′E |
Perangery |
29°22′S, 116°24′E |
Pericles |
31°51′S, 118°6′E |
Perillup |
34°34′S, 117°14′E |
Perillup |
34°31′S, 117°9′E |
Perillup |
34°30′S, 117°14′E |
Perillup Estate |
34°34′S, 117°14′E |
Peringa Park |
34°23′S, 117°33′E |
Perivale |
33°42′S, 115°47′E |
Perkolilli |
30°42′S, 121°39′E |
Peron |
25°50′S, 113°33′E |
Perrinvale Outcamp |
29°1′S, 120°2′E |
Petarli |
33°19′S, 121°30′E |
Petersfield |
34°32′S, 117°29′E |
Petersham |
34°11′S, 118°29′E |
Peterson Outcamp |
28°53′S, 120°46′E |
Petone |
34°16′S, 117°51′E |
Petworthy |
30°15′S, 116°42′E |
Piawaning |
30°53′S, 116°24′E |
Pickmore |
33°45′S, 115°14′E |
Picnic Farm |
31°30′S, 116°54′E |
Picup |
34°25′S, 118°58′E |
Pilga |
21°29′S, 119°25′E |
Pimbee |
25°29′S, 114°52′E |
Pinchers Brook |
33°31′S, 115°57′E |
Pinconning |
33°27′S, 115°44′E |
Pindabunna |
29°20′S, 118°7′E |
Pindallup |
33°58′S, 117°29′E |
Pindarri |
30°56′S, 115°25′E |
Pindarrup |
34°24′S, 118°40′E |
Pindathuna |
28°3′S, 116°39′E |
Pine Cottage |
35°1′S, 117°44′E |
Pine Creek |
33°49′S, 115°47′E |
Pine Farm |
33°44′S, 117°41′E |
Pine Hill |
33°31′S, 121°49′E |
Pine Hill |
33°55′S, 117°39′E |
Pine Lodge |
34°39′S, 117°27′E |
Pine Park |
29°39′S, 116°16′E |
Pine Ridge |
33°10′S, 115°51′E |
Pine Ridge |
33°48′S, 117°30′E |
Pine Springs |
29°9′S, 115°26′E |
Pine View |
32°1′S, 118°23′E |
Pinegrove |
27°47′S, 115°40′E |
Pinehill |
33°35′S, 115°36′E |
Pinelock |
33°49′S, 115°47′E |
Pingamup |
33°57′S, 118°51′E |
Pingandy |
23°60′S, 117°31′E |
Pingarnup |
33°39′S, 118°33′E |
Pinjin |
30°5′S, 122°44′E |
Pinkawillinie |
33°49′S, 118°24′E |
Pinkwerry |
31°1′S, 116°42′E |
Pinnacles |
28°12′S, 120°26′E |
Pippingarra |
20°28′S, 118°41′E |
Pirrilyungka |
26°32′S, 128°26′E |
Plainfoss |
31°43′S, 116°31′E |
Plainview |
32°44′S, 117°52′E |
Plantation |
31°19′S, 116°7′E |
Pleasant Valley |
33°43′S, 121°34′E |
Pleasant View |
34°50′S, 118°11′E |
Pleasant View |
34°51′S, 117°59′E |
Pleiades Outcamp |
23°33′S, 114°46′E |
Plympton |
33°42′S, 115°50′E |
Plyowola |
29°33′S, 115°59′E |
Polelle |
26°55′S, 118°33′E |
Police Station Woolshed |
24°44′S, 116°15′E |
Poltalloch |
33°33′S, 116°36′E |
Ponda Rosa |
30°34′S, 115°59′E |
Ponderosa |
33°15′S, 116°54′E |
Ponderosa |
34°59′S, 117°33′E |
Poneke |
29°31′S, 115°55′E |
Poonawarriup |
33°58′S, 117°36′E |
Poorarecup |
34°23′S, 117°13′E |
Poplar |
33°40′S, 120°34′E |
Poplar Valley |
33°19′S, 116°9′E |
Poplars |
34°44′S, 117°49′E |
Porto Bella Farm |
31°56′S, 116°58′E |
Poverty Point |
33°51′S, 116°36′E |
Powhatunui |
33°56′S, 116°58′E |
Prairie Downs |
23°33′S, 119°9′E |
Praters |
34°0′S, 115°8′E |
Premier Downs |
30°34′S, 125°30′E |
Prenti Downs |
26°31′S, 122°48′E |
Preston |
33°13′S, 116°60′E |
Preston |
31°34′S, 116°42′E |
Preston Farm |
33°33′S, 115°52′E |
Preston Pines |
33°32′S, 115°60′E |
Preston Vale |
32°34′S, 115°56′E |
Pretty Gully |
34°8′S, 116°43′E |
Priory Park |
33°46′S, 117°4′E |
Privett |
33°55′S, 117°57′E |
Prospect |
31°18′S, 116°9′E |
Prospect Hill |
33°32′S, 117°20′E |
Proudlove Downs |
33°24′S, 119°53′E |
Prowaka Spring |
29°36′S, 115°54′E |
Proyart |
33°38′S, 117°18′E |
Pulfer |
33°6′S, 115°54′E |
Pullagaroo |
29°11′S, 117°55′E |
Pulpapunka Outstation |
26°8′S, 126°51′E |
Purpareena |
34°29′S, 117°26′E |
Putlands |
33°12′S, 116°46′E |
Pyara |
30°22′S, 116°7′E |
Pynup |
34°19′S, 117°35′E |
Pyramid |
21°3′S, 117°26′E |
Qodesh |
16°53′S, 125°48′E |
Quaalup |
34°16′S, 119°24′E |
Quabbin |
33°40′S, 117°33′E |
Quabing |
33°22′S, 117°8′E |
Quadney |
31°48′S, 116°37′E |
Quahlea |
33°41′S, 121°43′E |
Quailerup |
33°29′S, 117°11′E |
Quailleup Farm |
33°57′S, 117°4′E |
Qualem Downs |
32°18′S, 117°17′E |
Qualin |
31°10′S, 116°39′E |
Qualinup Park |
34°25′S, 119°4′E |
Quanandrup |
33°50′S, 117°10′E |
Quanbun |
18°23′S, 125°13′E |
Quangellup |
34°36′S, 117°36′E |
Quarry Park |
31°17′S, 116°51′E |
Quater Bend |
31°44′S, 116°40′E |
Queerearrup Park |
33°30′S, 117°12′E |
Quel Quelling |
31°26′S, 116°48′E |
Quenby Holme |
34°18′S, 117°18′E |
Querijup |
33°56′S, 116°30′E |
Quforty |
32°48′S, 115°40′E |
Quigup |
33°59′S, 115°43′E |
Quin Brook |
31°19′S, 115°42′E |
Quindabelup |
34°35′S, 116°58′E |
Quindal Wood |
33°38′S, 115°58′E |
Quinjarra Farms |
33°1′S, 116°28′E |
Quinninup Park |
33°44′S, 115°2′E |
Quinwindup |
33°57′S, 116°51′E |
Quobba |
24°24′S, 113°24′E |
Quokerlip Hill |
35°3′S, 117°34′E |
Quondong |
31°15′S, 116°32′E |
Quongup |
33°52′S, 115°52′E |
[edit] References
- ^ Gazetteer of Australia (1996). Belconnen, ACT: Australian Surveying and Land Information Group.
- ^ Place names of Australia. Geoscience Australia (2004). Retrieved on July 30, 2006.