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Claude Paillat was born the 11th of January 1924 in Paris, France. In 1946, he started a career as a journalist and in 1949 joins the weekly Paris-Match, who sends him to Indochina and to Korea. For several years he follows the political events in Morocco and Algeria. In 1961, he publishes his first book: Le Dossier Secret de l'Algérie, 1958-1961. This book marked a turning point in writing French contemporary history, it brought investigative journalism, personal accounts from some of the main actors, oral testomy that broke the veil of state secrets.
In 1972, he establishes his series of secret files on contemporary France, Dossiers Secrets de la France Contemporaine. Based on memories and documents, most published for the very first time, rare photographs, often taken from family archives, the Dossiers Secrets take us through the events of the end of the Great War and its disastrous Treaty of Versailles until the end of the Second World War.
The Dossiers Secrets offer the most original perspective on our knowledge of France in the 20th century, not only in Paris, but also from the main economic regions such as Lille, Nantes, Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille.
Through Claude Paillat's work many key figures have been able to relate their stories, events that may have otherwise never been committed to paper.
[edit] Bibliography
Dossier Secret de l'Algérie (1958-1961); published by Presses de la Cité, 1961.
2e Dossier Secret de l'Algérie (1954-1958);published by Presses de la Cité, 1962.
Dossier Secret de L'indochine;published by Presses de la Cité, 1964.
L'Echiquier D'Alger (1940-1944)
Vol 1: Avantage à Vichy; pub. Robert Laffont, 1966. Vol 2: De Gaulle joue et gagne; pub. Robert Laffont, 1967
Dossier Secret de l'Eglise de France
Tome 1: De Clovis à la Révolution;published by Presses de la Cité, 1968. Tome 2: De la révolution à nos jours;published by Presses de la Cité, 1968.
Dossier Secret des Conclaves; pub.Presses de la Cité, 1969.
Archives Secretes: 1968-1969, Les Coulisses d'une année terrible; published by Denoël
Vingt ans qui déchirèrent la France (la décolonisation sanglante: Liban- Indochine- Tunisie- Maroc-Algérie)
Vol 1: Le Guepier (1945-1953); pub. Robert Laffont; 1969. Vol 2: La Liquidation (1954-1962); Pub. Robert Laffont, 1972.
Dossiers Secrets de la France Contemporaine:
I. 1919: Les Illusions de la Gloire; pub. Laffont, 1979.
II. La Victoire Perdue (1920-1929); pub. Laffont, 1980.
III. La Guerre à l'Horizon (1930-1938); published by Robert Laffont, Paris; 1981
IV. Le Désastre de 1940:
Vol 1: La Répétition Générale.; pub. Laffont, 1983. Vol 2: La Guerre Immobile (avril 1939-10 mai 1940);published by Robert Laffont, Paris; 1984.
V. La Guerre Eclair (10 mai-24 juin 1940);published by Robert Laffont, Paris; 1985
VI. L'Occupation: Le Pillage de la France (juin 1940- nov 1942); pub. Laffont, 1987.
VII. L'Occupation: La France dans la Guerre Americaine (8 novembre 1942- 6 juin 1944); pub. Laffont, 1989.
VIII. Le Monde sans la France (1944-1945);published by Robert Laffont, Paris; 1991