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The Pampas are mentioned by Borges in El Sur -abe
[edit] Coverage
I'm not sure Pampa refers to such an area is the article states right now:
"are the fertile lowlands mostly of Brazil that extend across c. 900,000 km² between latitudes 28°-39°S and longitudes 50°-65°W. This area encompasses the southernmost part of Brazil, the whole of Uruguay and the central-eastern part of Argentina."
According to the Britannica:
"Pampas, the: vast plain extending westward across central Argentina from the Atlantic coast to the Andean foothills, bounded by the Gran Chaco (north) and Patagonia (south)."
I have to agree with Britannica's definition, but I'm not sure which one is correct.
--Marianocecowski 08:44, 17 Feb 2005 (UTC)
WHy are ther never any pictures in the disscussions!!!!!!!!!
[edit] Map
How about a map showing the approximate extent of this region? 00:22, 12 May 2006 (UTC)