Patrice Warrener
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Patrice Warrener is a French light artist, world-famous because of his Chromolithe- art work.
Warrener's speciality is art-lightnig particular buildings, including York Minster and other locations in France, Japan, Australia and Singapore. From Sydney to Kuala Lumpur and from Lyon to London, everywhere could he a totally new give aspect to existing architecture. Such as the boasted artist Christo wraps up bldg. and bridges with doek and rope, this way ` pack Warrener building with slightly.
Warrener to Gouda had been obtained slightly put the front of the town hall in an unique manner in. It is the most characteristic building of the city and Warrener could be slipped at its first visit to Gouda: "that is with distance the most beautiful bldg. which I could slightly put ever in". The town hall became as it were lichtkunstwerk. The town hall changes each hour three times of conformation. As if wall peeling ring had come across.
This belichting of the Goudse town hall was the key event of ' tales of cities ', a project of the province zuid-Holland in association with seven cities in the province. Within the project could emphasise each of those cities its own culture and historie extra. It was the intention that all town halls of the participating cities in slightly would come stand. But bezuinigingen continued that not.
In July of 2004 Warrener with a special camera have been in on the mark in Gouda. He thereby a large photograph has made of the front of the monumental early-early-ask-Gothic town hall. In September he brought vervolgens three weeks behind its computer by. Thus he worked behind its display device for the plates of 20 at 20 centimetres, which were slid in two project ears. Not zomaar a derision, but a figured out computer-controlled belichting which changes the town hall in a multicoloured bldg.. The two beamers - with lamps of 6000 Watt - stood on both sides on the market.
Warrener are frequently asked historical pawn to illuminate. By the colourful belichting each detail of architecture gets emphasis. As a result, will look at you also with very other eyes to the town hall. Certainly people who come frequently, will experience the bldg. all of a sudden complete differently.
Warrener were also the first which introduced seventy laser shows halfway the years in the music world. With the English muzikant time Blake and pioneer of electronic music, made he in 1976 ' The, Crystal machine '. The success of it was large. Electronic music is think meanwhile no longer gone from headstock music and laser shows stand on the programme of many festivities.