Pedir posada
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"Pedir posada" (English: Asking for a place to stay) is a song traditionally sung in the Posadas — a traditional Christmas celebration in Spanish-speaking Latin American countries.
[edit] Lyrics
Joseph asking:
- En nombre del cielo (In the name of heaven)
- Os pido posada (I request you grant us shelter)
- Pues no puede andar (Given that she cannot walk)
- Mi esposa amada (She my beloved wife)
"Probable" host answering:
- Aquí no es mesón (This is not an Inn)
- Sigan adelante (Please continue ahead)
- Yo no puedo abrir (I can not open)
- No sea algun tunante (You may be a robber)
Joseph answering:
- No seas inhumano (Please do not be inhumane)
- Tennos caridad (grant us charity)
- Que el Rey de los cielos (Since the God of heavens)
- Te lo premiará (Will prize you for that)
Still "probable" host answering:
- Ya se pueden ir (You can already go away)
- Y no molestar (Stop bothering me)
- porque si me enfado (Because if I get upset)
- Os voy a apalear (I will beat you up)
Joseph insisting:
- Venimos rendidos (We come very tired)
- Desde Nazaret (From Nazareth)
- Yo soy carpintero (I am a carpenter)
- De nombre José (Named Joseph)
Still unconvinced host answering:
- No me importa el nombre (I don't care about your name)
- Déjenme dormir (Let me go to sleep)
- Porque ya les digo (Because, as I said)
- Que no hemos de abrir (We're not going to open)
Joseph expects reasoning:
- Posada te pide (I ask you shelter)
- Amado casero (Dear innkeeper)
- Por sólo una noche (for just one night)
- La reina del cielo (the queen of heaven)
Almost convinced host asks:
- Pues si es una reina (Well, if she's a queen)
- Quien lo solicita (who is asking for it?)
- ¿Cómo es que de noche (how is it that at night)
- Anda tan solita? (she travels so alone?)
Joseph replies:
- Mi esposa es María (My wife is Mary)
- Es reina del cielo (She's the Heavenly Queen)
- Y madre va a ser (And she'll be mother)
- Del divino verbo (Of the divine word)
Convinced host finally offers shelter:
- ¿Eres tú José? (Are you Joseph?)
- ¿Tu esposa es María? (Is your wife Mary?)
- Entren peregrinos (Come in, pilgrims)
- No los conocía (I did not know you)
Joseph gratefully says:
- Dios pague, señores (May God pay, sirs)
- Vuestra caridad (your charity)
- Y que os colme el cielo (And may heaven swamp you)
- De felicidad (With happiness)
Host replies:
- Dichosa la casa (Happy be the house)
- Que alberga este día (That this day hosts)
- A la virgen pura (The pure virgin)
- La hermosa María (The beautiful Mary)
- ¡Entren santos peregrinos! (Come in, holy pilgrims!)
- ¡Reciban éste rincón! (Receive this corner!)
- Que aunque es pobre la morada (Because, even though the place is poor)
- ¡Se las doy de corazón! (I offer it to you from my heart!)