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This page contains several lists, under many topic headings, that may or may not be indicative of my particular interests, may or may not be things i've come across in what i've been reading, and may or may not be existing articles.
I may appreciate if someone created the missing pages. I've added some to Requested articles but many (most) haven't been.
[edit] Missing articles
[edit] Living things
- Radermachera sinica or China Doll
- Spider mites (family Tetranychidae) see: Mite
- mealy bug or mealybugs (order hemiptera family Pseudococcidae) see: Hemiptera
- sooty moulds
- Rust (fungus) (Uredinales)
- Microsorium (Phymatodes) Polypodiaceae (Fern)
- Moss gametophyte and capsule
- sugar ant
- Cape weed (or cape dandelion, Arctotheca calendula, Asteraceae)
- Typha sp (bull rush)
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri or Mealybug Ladybird (Ladybird)
- tomatillos
- Needing ID: Plants and animals of Belize
- Caenorhabditis (nematode) - cutting egg in half leads to two half nematodes.
- Peripatus, half way between arthropods and worms
- tuatara, new zealand lizard
- horseshoe crab
- clouded leopard
- Type A Highly Beneficial: carp, cod, grouper, mackerel, monkfish, red snapper, rainbow trout, salmon, sardine, sea trout, snails
- Type B Neutral: abalone, albacore (tuna), crockers, mahi mahi, pike, porgy, sailfish, sea bass, shark, smelts, snapper, sturgeon, swordfish
- Type C Avoid: anchovy, barracuda, bluefish, catfish, caviar, clams, conch, crab, crayfish, eels, frogs' legs, haddock, hake, halibut, herring, lobster, mussels, octopus, oysters, plaice, scallops, shad, shrimp, smoked salmon, sole, squid (calamari), striped bass
- green-blooded skinks [1] (Green green-blooded skink, Prasinohaema virens) and (Yellow-footed green-blooded skink, Prasinohaema flavipes), Sanguiviridis
[edit] Pigments
- Tyrosinase - pigment enzyme
- Anthocyanin - pigment found in land plants except cacti and Amaranthaceae [[2]]
- Lycopene - pigment in tomato
- Carotenoid - carrots?
[edit] Sign languages
- Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT or SLN)
- Ugandan Sign Language (USL)
- Mali Sign Language (LSM)
- Adamorobe Sign Language (AdaSL)
- Brazilian Sign Language (LSB)
- Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL)
- Swedish Sign Language (SSL)
- German Sign Language (DGS)
[edit] Ontology
- immaterial forces: entelechy, élan vital
- Demes
- Biophilosophy
- spatiotemporal restrictedness
- epistemological realism
- onotological constructivism, constructivism - the world is produced by inquirers (individually or collectively)
- onotological realism - e.g. biologists
- reification and ideaefication
- properties:
- intrinsic - composition, mass
- relational - parenthood, adaptedness, alpha male
- primary - objective, subject-independent, but either intrinsic or relational.
- secondary or phenomenal - perceived (colour, loudness)
- essential - if lost it is transuted into a different kind of thing
- accidental - not essential
- qualitative - pregnancy, parenthood, lichenization, being alive
- quantitative - mass, weight, length, temperature, age, fitness, population density
- manifest - possessed under all circumstances
- disposition (propensities?):
- casual - solubility, electric conductivity, viability, reproducibility
- chance - disposition to acquire a certain manifest property with a certain probability, depending on circumstance
[edit] Pesticides
- demeton-S-methyl, omethoate (4mb)
Mean estimated dietary exposure to pesticide residues for adult males (25–34 years) as a percentage of the ADI, based on mean analytical results. Highest first:
- Methamidophos 13.11% - Methamidophos is an organophosphorus insecticide. Methamidophos residues were detected only in tomatoes (20th total diet survey)
- Vinclozolin 2.75% - kiwifruit
- Propargite
- Parathion-methyl
- Iprodione
- Carbaryl
- Chlorpyrifos-methyl
- Fenitrothion
- Tebufenpyrad
- Diphenylamine
- Chlorpyrifos
- Procymidone
- Piperonyl butoxide
The detected pesticide residues for which dietary exposure for all age groups was less than 0.2% of the ADI were: acephate, azinphos methyl, bifenthrin, captan, chlorfenvinphos, chlorothalonil, total DDT6, dimethoate, endosulfan, fenoxycarb, fenthion, maldison, metalaxyl, methidathion, methoprene, o-phenylphenol, permethrin, pirimicarb, pirimiphos-methyl, propiconazole, pyrimethanil and tetradifon. 6 Total DDT is the sum of p,p’ & o,p’ DDD, p,p’ & o,p’ DDE, and p,p’ & o,p’ DDT
Pesticides used in dipbaths by tickies (dip workers) at dipsites to attack the Cattle Tick, Boophilus microplus:
- arsenic insecticide (arsenic as sodium arsenite), early 1900s to the mid-1950s
- DDT, 1955 to 1962.
- carbamates, organophosphates, pyrethroid pesticides. Includes Ethion, Dieldrin. Less persistant, but some were highly toxic and since deregistered.
- DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
[edit] Pesticide residue found in tea
- Choice September 2003
- Teas from Supermarkets in Australia. Residues of:
fenvalerate - bifenthrin - permethrin - dicofol - endosulfan sulphate - phosalone - ethion - cypermethrin - op-DDT - chlorfenvinphos - isoxathion - chlorphyrifos - fenitrothion - prothiophos
- German teas were found with timber preservative: pentachlorophenol (PCP)
- Citrus herbal teas in germany were found with thiabendazole (fungicide). Found in Twinings (Cranberry, Raspberry & Elderflower).
- Teas with more than 20x the MRL (Maximum Residue Limit) for cypermethrin: Formosan green and black teas, Red Seal Green Tea.
- All Clear (Black): Daintree, Harris, Home Brand, Lipton, Madura Tea, Nature's Cuppa, Nerada, No Frills
- All Clear (Green): Healtheries, Madura Tea, Nature's Cuppa, Nerada, Planet Organic, Teas of Ceylon, Tetley, Toyono
- (brands with pesticide residue in other categories have been deleted from all clear lists, to lessen confusion)
[edit] Top beers (Choice magazine)
- Top lagers: Heineken (top:17), Singha, Grolsch (premium), Hahn (premium), Hollandia, James Boag's (premium), Nastro Azzurro, VB (16, lowest:12.5)
- Mixed reaction (lagers): Beck's, Asahi, Corona, Lowenbrau, San Miguel, Stella Artois
- Top Ales: Little Creatures (Pale Ale) (best:17), Duvel, Hoegaarden (Grand Cru), James Squire (Original Amber Ale), Newcastle (Brown Ale), Caffrey's (Genuine Draught), De Koninck, Cooper's (genuine draft), Thomas Cooper's (Finest Export) (lowest:15)
- Mixed reaction (pilsner): Pilsner Urqell
[edit] Mineral
- quartz arenite / arenite
- olivine basalt
- Dike_(geology), dyke dike (volcano)
- Werribee Gorge
- Parwan Creek - columnar jointing
- silver chloride: cerargyrite
- silver bromide: bromyrite
- silver iodide: iodyrite
[edit] Mulla Mulla
- Ptilotus exaltatus Mulla Mulla or Pink mulla mulla
- Royal Mulla Mulla (Ptilotus rotundifolius) or Pussytails see:Karijini National Park
- Hairy Mulla Mulla
- Ptilotus atripicifolius Mulla Mulla is for personal recovery from the shattering experience of burns from heat or fire. This essence reduces the negative effects of fire and the sun's rays. It is for those with a fear of flames (often from a past life). If this fear is unconscious it will manifest in a lack of vitality, as if they wish to fade away. If a person presents with this picture they can, with appropriate counselling, reveal this fear of fire or hot objects. Found in Palm Valley, one of the hottest parts of the country and where some of the oldest plants in Australia are found.
[edit] Carnivorous plant
- Dr Carl Liche
- The American Weekly
- Mkodos (maybe == Makhado, no.. Mkodos is in Madagascar)
- W.C. Bryant
- Cannibalistic tree
[edit] Cranial Osteopathy
- Cranial osteopathy / Osteopathy
- Phrenology
- Cerebral localization / Cerebral localisation
- Reverse phrenology
- Boot to the head
- Dr William Garner Sutherland / William Garner Sutherland / William Sutherland
- Neuralgia cure
- Physiognomy, Pathognomy, Characterology
- Craniometry
[edit] homeopathy / homeopathic medicine
- Lycopodium - Lycopodium clavatum - Club Moss / Clubfoot Moss / Common Club Moss / Foxtail / Ground Pine / Lycopodium / Running Club Moss / Staghorn / Vegetable Sulfur / Wolf's Claw - external link
- Argent. Nit. - Argentum nitricum / Hellstone / Devil's stone / Lunar caustic / Silver nitrate - external link
- Natrum Mur. - Natrum muriaticum - Sodium chloride / Rock salt / salt - external link
- Silver nitrate + sodium chloride -> silver chloride + (?)
[edit] oven cleaner
[edit] Chimaera
- Chimaera (disambig page):
- A group of cartilaginous fishes; see Chimera (fish)
- Chimera see: shark and Chondrichthyes
[edit] Shirin Ebadi
[edit] People
- Charles La Trobe / La Trobe (Governors of Victoria)
- Robert Hollingworth (see Peter Garrett)
- Dignifying Science (by Jim Ottaviani): Barbara McClintock, Birute Galdikas, Hedy Lamarr.
- John Maynard Keynes
- Merlin Donald
- Plato's Scheme: eikasia - pistis - dianoia - noesis
- Paul Goodman
- Nietzsche
"All sciences begin in metaphor and end in algebra" - Max Black
- Auguste Comte and Positivism
- Einstein recommends Tobias Dantzig, Number: The language of Science 1967
[edit] Places and Parks
- Hotspots: Lucas Heights / Honeymoon Uranium Mine / Radioactive Waste Dump / East Timor / Indonesia / Papua New Guinea / Great Barrier Reef / Kakadu National Park / Murray Darling Basin / Snowy River
- Palm Valley, Karijini National Park
- Local: Northcote, Gresswell forest, Bundoora Park, All Nations Park, Darebin Creek, Merri Creek
- World Heritage Sites
[edit] chromotherapy
- color therapy
- colour / color
- reflexology
- Goethe's color theory = Theory of Colours / Goethe's colour theory / color theory
- Wassily Kandinsky
- Rudolf Steiner
- Chris Stormer
- Pauline Wills
[edit] Reusing water bottles
- Polyethylene_terephthalate (PET)
- water bottles
- carcinogen
- urban myths
- DEHA / di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate / incorrectly: diethylhydroxylamine
- the Australasian Bottled Water Institute / ABWI
- the Australian Soft Drinks Association / ASDA
- both say DEHA isn't used in PET bottles in Australia, nor is diethylhydroxylamine
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand FSANZ issued a statement saying claims are incorrect
- gastroenteritis
[edit] Salt
- blood pressure
- dehydration
- high blood pressure / hypertension
- heart disease / stroke
- low blood pressure / hypotension / orthostatic hypotension
- electrolytes
- Desert survival
- hyperglycemia in diabetes
[edit] Tyramine
- derived from tyrosine
- related to adrenaline and noradrenaline
- ripe cheese, yoghurt, bananas, wine, decaying meat, (what does double brie mean?)
- reactions with antidepressant drugs, antidepressants, monoamide-oxidase inhibitor (MOAI)
- reactions cause sympathomimetic effects and paroxysmal hypertension
- sympathomimetic effects and paroxysmal hypertension
- sympathomimetic = adrenergic, relating to epinephrine release or action
- tyrosine is an amino acid. present in most proteins. important to body metabolism. precursor of physiological substances e.g. thyroxine, catecholamines.
- source: choice magazine Januaray/Febuary 2004. [3]
[edit] Tumor Markers
- Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): colon or rectum (colorectal cancer)
- PSA: prostate specific antigen
- CA125, CASA: ovary
- Paraprotein: multiple myeloma
- HCG and/or AFP: testies or choricarcinoma
[edit] Organic foods
- phenolics
- organic blackberries, strawberries and corn have higher levels of phenolics. (2003 study)
- organicically grown potatoes, oranges, and leafy vegetables have higher levels of vitamin C than in conventionally grown. This could be because lower water content, so more concentrated vitamin C, and superior flavour.
- conventional also higher nitrate levels, but this is not a unanimous finding.
- high C, now nitrate src: Professor Christine Williams from School of Biosciences, University of Reading
- FOA mention nitrates can be converted to nitrosamines which are carcinogenic.
- article is published prior to ATDS / 21st ATDS / ATDS, 2004 / Australian Total Diet Survey / 21st Australian Total Diet Survey
- phenolic compounds may be used as antioxidant protection against heart disease and cancer
- damage by insect attack can lead to fungal growth so food spoilage
- reference: Williams C, Nutritional quality of organic food: shades of grey or shades of green? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2002; 61: 19-24
- reference: Lewis JL. Are organically grown vegetables nutritionally better? Proc Nutn Soc Aust. Dec 1992
- reference: Pearson D. Marketing organic food: Who buys it and what do they purchase? Food Aust 2002; 54: 31-34
- reference: Asami DK et al. Comparison of the total phnolic and ascorbic acid content of free-dried and air-dried marionberry, strawberry, and corn grown using conventional, organic and sustainable agricultural practices. J Agric & Food Chem 200; 51: 1237-1241
- main source: Glenn Cardwell (Perth), Nutrition Myths: Organic Food is More Nutritious, the Skeptic [4] p39, Summer 2003
[edit] lovas technique
- lovaas technique / lovaas / lovas
- discrete trial method
[edit] animal behaviour
[edit] Japan
- tomb of Emperor Nintoku (Emperor Nintoku)
- Haniwa / Uji / Be (Japan)
- Kami deities/spirits/people/nature/emperors/anything awe-inspiring
- Kami no michi (the Way of the Gods)
- Shinto
- Tanka (similiar to Haiku)
- Kokinshuu collection of poems. Kokinshu, Kokinshū
- Tempura is Portuguese in origin. Introduced in Japan in 16th Century
- Natsume Souseki wrote "well contrived" novels. Satirical to pessimistic
- bureau of thought control, ministry of education
- Matsuo Bashou (1644-1694), inventor of the classical haiku poem. Born into the samurai class, but chose to leave it.
- "miscellany (zuihitsu) writing": ancient tradition
[edit] philosophy
- brain wave research: electroencephalographic research
- Temperament, Galen believed that the humors four bodily fluids, determined whether an individual would have a sanguine, melancholy, phlegmatic, or choleric temperament
- deus ex machina
- cogito ergo sum
- res cogitans a thinking thing
- ex hypothesi
- Cartesian Theatre (Cartesian self, user illusion) examples: pineal gland, anterior cingulate, reticular formation, various places on the frontal lobes
- Axiomatic logic, axiom schema
- Meta-agnostic
[edit] pedagogy
- discursive - corpora - problematic (noun) - central problematic (of a theory): enduring focus - conceptual syntax - cosmoramic - semiotic (semiotic mediation) - antithetical - intertexuality - object dialog (vs meta-dialog) - endotropic theories: centred onto their own object of study, isolating it from all else. - exotropic: "dynamic open system". Allows different angles of attack? - "middle voice" (Halliday 1994) - autogamous - autogenetic - interstices - intra-subjective phenomenon - etiology - interactants - panopticon [1] - lexicogrammar - realizationally: "realizationally implicated" - habitus: linguistic habitus - to dialog (verb) - construal - phonology - invidious class relations - expository - percepts - paralinguistic - SF: Systematic Functional - MSS: material situational setting - RU: rhetorical units
[edit] Mental Illness
- "Saint Teresa of Ávila was an hysteric, St Francis of Assisi had some hereditary psychological problem, Saint Paul had an epileptic fit on the road to Damascus, Joan of Arc was schizophrenic." -- Jean-Francois Revel, Matthieu Richard - The Monk and the Philosopher
[edit] Random Quotes
- "We should have total convinction in our own spiritual path along with perfect respect towards other truths" - Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
- steam takes up about 16,000 times more space than water.
[edit] Schools, Fraternities, Organisations
- Jesuits (founder: Ignatius Loyola) "intellectual church army" (2 + 10 to 15 years study), Jesuit College: Richelieu, Descartes, Voltaire, Diderot.
- Harvard Business School: Robert McNamara (given first Alumni Achievement Award). Frederick Winslow Taylor (Influenced the school, created Taylorism of Scientific Management) Lenin and Trotsky influenced by Taylorism
- Skull and Bones
[edit] more randomness
- twin terms: parasitical twins (polyzygotic or monozygotic ?), teratomas, vanishing twins
- geodesic
- Bio-inspired computing
- Heinrich Kluver - Form constant / Form constants / Form Constants
- Amyl nitrite - intensifies synesthesia (depressant)
- annihilation ECS / ECS
- ivory, jade
- interactionist
- insecticides, insect repellents, irritants, paralytics, poisons, and other sand to throw in herbivores' gears.
- For ninety-nine percent of human existence, people lived as foragers in nomadic bands.
- behaviorist B. F. Skinner - treats "danger" as a kind of stimulus.
- Twinkie defense
- Disney Animation, Frank Thomas (animator), Ollie Johnston
- Lexical analysis, Syntactic analysis, Semantic analysis, Transformation, Encoding, Code generation, Assembly
- cyanogenic glucosides, found in lima beans and cassava
- cassava has linamarin, synthesized mainly in the leaves and petioles, which is transported in the phloem. more
- manioc (also known as cassava) "which leaches nutrients from other foods" brought to Africa from Brazil 500 years ago. Can lead to iodine deficiency, giving rise to endemic goitre.
- Consumption of cassava roots as a staple diet among poor population in the tropic has been known to cause chronic cyanide toxicity. Causative agents are two cyanogenic glucosides, linamarin and lotaustralin. [5]
- lima beans have linamarin.
- Medieval magicians and tricksters had their own bible, the 14th century “Secretum Philosophorum”
- Partial insight, understanding of ones own mistaken beliefs
- Nothingbutism
- pseudonymous
- organic electrochemistry, physical organic chemistry, bio-organic chemistry
- Bladder hostility
[edit] Life and death
- alive, realm of the living, living (realm), living (world), Living (state), the living, The Living
- die, dying, death, dead, the dead, The Dead, realm of the dead,
- living tissue, living biological tissue
[edit] Korowai tribes
- Gerrit Van Enk - Dutch missionary
- John Cutts - son of Christian missionaries (involvement with Dani)
- Stone Age
- Korowai
- east timorese (East Timor) vs Indonesian military (Indonesia)
- Papua New Guinea, pacified for decades (East)
- Papua, previously Irian Jaya, also referred to as "Indonesian New Guinea", largely unknown (West), Korowai.
- New Guinea: The whole island, made up of Papua (Irian Jaya) on the west, and Papua New Guinea on the east.
- Javanese (Java (island)), Balinese (Bali)
- flight Ubud, Bali to Jayapura (Hollandia), via Biak
- peci, batik robe (batik)
- Wamena and Grand Valley of Baliem - strangehold of the neolithic Dani (eg Dawut). crossed by Baliem river.
- Dani's gourds = koteka
- Dani have cowrie shells (cowrie): zooms (common) -> indo (most expensive)
- Books about the Dani: Under the Mountain Wall, Peter Matthiessen; Gardens of War (1961); Margaret Mead
- Sentani, General Douglas MacArthur / Douglas MacArthur / 1944 / B-29 Superfortress bombers
- American Seabees, Protestant work ethic
- road to Jayapura
- mamasans (in g's town)
- John F. Kennedy wooed Sukarno (first President of Indonesia) away from Soviet Union. Promise of Dutch New Guinea.
- United Nations caused 1.5M tribes people from Biak (far west) to Merauke (far south) to become part of Indonesia, rather than becoming independent or an amalgamation with Melanesians in Papua New Guinea.
- (road into) Jayapura
- Jalan Ahmad Yani, Javanese soldiers
- Transmigrants to Pupua: Javanese, Sumatrans, Buginese, Balinese, Makassarese, many others
- Resistance: OPM Organisesi Papua Merdeka, Free Papua Movement (freedom fighters)
- Intel, East Timor
- surat jalan - travel pass
- back to Wamena, and on to a landing strip in the jungle to the south
- transmigrasi - effort by Jakarta govt to disperse population. Give plane ticket, five acres of virgin land, one years supply of rice.
- Konfrontasi war over Malaysia 1963 - 1966. vs British and Australian troops.
- headhunting Dyak of Indonesian Borneo (Dyak warriors)
[edit] Nuclear power
- Helen Caldicott, Nuclear Policy Research Institute, Physicians for Social Responsibility, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War vs "right wing" Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute and American Enterprise Institute
- The CEOs of Lockheed Martin and Boeing
- CFC-114
- We cannot continue with the current situation whereby some projects are in the hands of people who do not know what is meant by alpha radiation, who think that a milliSievert can be converted to a picoCurie, or who think that soda ash is neutralised by limestone, and all of that is on public record. -- Alan Parkinson, Nuclear and Mechanical Engineer, Canberra [6].
- So what, we should leave it to people who don't know how to spell millisievert and picocurie? Gene Nygaard 22:11, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Alternative currencies
- Local currency, (e.g. in Local Exchange Trading Systems - LETS)
- Liberty dollar
- Bartercard
- Octopus card, public transport smartcard, Hong Kong
- Oyster Card, London PT
- Ithaca Hours, Paul Glover in 1991
- Time Banks
- ePoints, Anges Koltay and Daniel Nagy
- Beenz, Charles Cohen
- micropayment systems: Peppercoin, PayCash, Open Money
- Dexit, Toronto, Renah Persofsky
- Scrip (e.g Disney Dollar)
- Petrodollar (not really)
- "social currency", "social capital", social contract
- tangible currency, contract money, fiat currency, digital currency
- Digital gold currency: Pecunix, e-gold...
[edit] Topics
- Complementary currency
- Sectoral currency
- Micropayments
- Local currency
- Time-based currency
- Financial Autonomous Zone
[edit] E-money
- Frequent-flyer miles (e.g. Cathay Pacific)
- AmEx ExpressPay
- MasterCard PayPass
- Visa Contactless / Visa Cash
- Mondex
- Sony's i-mode FeliCa NTT DoCoMo, payments from handsets
- eBay PayPal
- BOBO, Billing on behalf of others
[edit] Poverty
- material deprivation
- social exclusion
- standard of living
- low income
[edit] Microfinancing online
[edit] Social networks
social network, trust network
- agile network
- artificial life, models of
- assessment protocol
- centralized decisionmaking, hierarchical decisionmaking, decentralized decisionmaker, decisionmaking
- cheater detection reasoning, cheater detection
- collective intentionality
- collective rationality
- command and control, command, control (vs reputation systems)
- commitment, 12 commitments
- community building
- complex adaptive system, complex system, adaptive system
- complex social relationships, social relationship
- control allocation
- constructive confrontation
- conventions for mediating and coordinating interactions between members of large groups
- cooperative behavior, complex forms of
- decentralization
- distributed organization, networked organization
- distributed system, control system
- dynamic specialization
- edge organization (DoD): edge organizations where command is dispersed and pushed out to the edge
- emergent network role, emergent network
- enforcement mechanisms, social enforcement
- evolutionary game theory, game theory
- evolutionary psychology
- evolutionary sociologist, evolutionary psychologist
- evolutionary stable strategy of collective behaviour
- exchange value, social currency
- governance control code, control code, governance code
- human nature
- innate social exchange algorithm, social exchange algorithm, exchange algorithm, social exchange
- institutional fact, (John Searle)
- internalized social protocol, social protocol
- invisible hand (Adam Smith)
- legal code
- markets, are analogous to social networks
- multi-agent simulation models of social phenomena
- multiple identities, distributed identity, identity
- mutual intention
- Network-centric warfare (NCW)
- neuroeconomics
- peer network, hub-and-spoke network
- reputation systems
- role, social role, social network role
- rule set (Esther Dyson), community rule set, social rule set
- self-synchronizing group
- self organization
- self organizing and distributed control system
- small group, group organization
- social capital
- social code
- social cohesion
- social contract
- social coordination. Language probably began as a social coordination capability. (Steven Pinker and Noam Chomsky)
- social emotion, social emotions
- social exchange algorithm, social exchange; include a person’s sense of justice and guilt, social reciprocity, gift giving, and an ability to interpret social cues
- social mechanics
- social media, interactive marketing
- social network
- social organization, institutional organization
- social physics,,
- social relationship, social relationships
- social role signature, role signature
- social self-organization
- social signaling mechanism, social signaling
- social software
- social strategy, innate social strategy and learned social strategy
- socially constructed identity
- spontaneous self-organization
- spontaneous sociability
- tagging: What separates humans from all other animals is an ability to extract a symbolic representation from a set of physical interactions and then give this symbolic representation its own social reality that can direct and orient behaviors independent of the physical objects or actions that gave rise to it in the first place.
- tags: status
- tangible currency, contract money, fiat currency, digital currency
- trust-building behavior
- trust model, trust network, trust system, trust. Trust requires measurement, feedback, and accountability.
- trusted peer social networks
- Vernon Smith and Daniel Kahneman, Ronald Coase
- governance architecture, governance, Information technology governance
- social search
[edit] Social emotions and functions
Governing social behaviors, also biologically based and characteristic of most mammalian social species, including wolves and vampire bats:
- shame,
- pride,
- anger,
- guilt,
- compassion
Appear to be part of an overall program of bioregulation:
- Anger,
- fear,
- shame,
- indignation,
- jealousy,
- pride,
- compassion,
- gratitude,
- sorrow,
- and joy
Seven universal evolutionary emotions visible on face:
Highly specialized brain functions, not general-purpose capacities:
- our ability to recognize facial expressions,
- intentions and emotions,
- our ability to make friends,
- our sense of loyalty and
- protectiveness,
- our ability to detect injustice,
- calculate our own self-interests,
- create a new language
- ability to evaluate the quality of a social relationship
- risk-sharing, risk-sharing behavior
[edit] Social network role
e.g. enforcer, maven, truth-teller, evangelist
- The Exemplar or “Alpha member”
- The Gatekeeper
- The Visionary
- The Truth-Teller, Truth Teller, Truth teller, Truth-teller
- The Fixer (bricolager)
- The Connector
- The Enforcer (in smaller networks, often combined with role of the gatekeeper and even the truth-teller)
- The Facilitator
[edit] ODE alternatives
Dynamical simulation / Physics engine / Game physics
- Open Dynamics Engine [9] (ODE)
- Open Physics Abstraction Layer [10] (Opal) "even opal is better than pure ode if you ask me"
- Newton Game Dynamics [11], Newton - free but closed source, "worth a loo
- also OgreNewt (Ogrenewt)
- Novodex [12] (AGEIA PhysX) free for noncommercial
- TrueAxis, True Axis, True Axis Physics SDK [13] free for noncommercial
- Havok (software)
- Meqon
- ENVY "thephysicsengine" [14]
- Tokamak [15]
[edit] 3D lighting
- Ambient reflection, ambient lighting
- Diffuse reflection
- Specular reflection
- Light emission, Emission, Emission theory (vision)
See also:
[edit] Video software
- Istanbul (software), Istanbul [16], video screenshots (gnome)
- Annodex [17], Web clicking applied to video
- Video editing: Diva [18] and PiTiVi [19]
[edit] "PARC school"
Visionary in Design Technology for Education and Creativity (ViDTEC) Themes:
- education
- user interface
- human interface devices
- functional programming
- creativity
- immersion
- design
- visionary
People and organisations:
- Reflection (computer science)
- body syntonic reasoning
[edit] Biotech areas of interest
- Dynamical systems modeling
- High-tech field ecology, field ecology
- Computational ecology
- Data standards, data representation, and analytical tool for complex biological data
- Statistical genetics
- Proteomics
[edit] CRM114
- Criteria for categorization of data can be by satisfaction of regexes, by sparse binary polynomial matching with a Bayesian Chain Rule evaluator, a Hidden Markov Model, or by other means.
This tool comes with a 275-page book in PDF format, and needs every one of those pages.
[edit] Space animals
- Biosatellite
- Bion flight BION-10 Bion-10 Biocosmos 10 Biocosmos 10 Bion 10 BION 10
- Biocosmos satellite
- Biocosmos
- Bion 7 Cosmos 1667
- OFO 1, an Orbiting Frog Otolith satellite
[edit] Odd theories
Jacques Bertaux, Bertaux, French sedimentologist: alternating layers of big/small particles
[edit] Reversible computing
- 3 input universal logic gates: Fredkin gate, Toffoli gate
[edit] Trawlers
- near the Wessels Islands, about 120km north-east of Nhulunbuy.
- 7000kg of reef fish were found on board
- De Yuan Yu 001
- De Yuan Yu 002
- De Yuan Yu
- intercepted by HMAS Ipswich
- Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) officers
[edit] Bottom Trawling
- Bottom trawling
- Moratorium on Bottom Trawling, Moratorium on bottom trawling
[edit] Lil
- Torisan TFT-LCM
- TM121XG-02L02D G
- DP/N 05D365 | C/O JP | Rev.A0
- B(circle)5D 29: shot button + dial + multi-shot + stabilizer button
- B 5D
[edit] Game genres
- Arena game
- Communication adventure (Conversation game)
[edit] Worms
- Virtual dissection
- microdrile(s)
- sour crop, Sour Crop
- vericast, vermicompost, worm castings
- Holo nephridia, worm kidneys
- clitellum
Commercial worms:
- Reds (Lumbricus rubellus), European
- Tigers (Eisenia fetida), European
- Blues (Perionyx excavatus), originally Perionyx excavatus, or Australian native: Spencerilla sp. nov. Originating from Himalayan mountains -> lowlands of Malaysia -> Australia
Agricultural worms in .au (mostly European):
- Aporrectodea caliginosa
- Aporrectodea longa
- Aporrectodea rosea
- Aporrectodea trapezoides
- Microscolex dubius
Other species:
- Enchytraeids Australian smallest (few mm)
- Megascolides australis Australian largest (1.5 m)
- Megascolex imparacystis, Australian native no longer often seen. 30cm, deep burrowing (4 m), 7mm diameter. Albany, Western Australia.
- Lumbricus herculeus, Model worm. (Jeanson, C). Red genus.
- Lumbricus terrestris, model worm. (Parle, JN) Red genus.
- Dendrobaena rubida, worm used for extracting lead, zinc and calcium in Wales (research by M. P. Ireland). Minerals found mostly in worms, rather than in soil or castings.
- Eisenia andrei, relative of Tiger. Treated as a tiger by Murphy.
- Histomonas meleagridis, larvae found in earthworms, causes avian disease
[edit] Misc
- noseeum netting, no-see-um netting
- signal path
- creative block, creativity block
- prenatal experience, pre-natal experience, perinatal experience
- EcoRecycle Victoria, EcoRecycle [21]
- Grand Unified Flow Cache (GUFC)
- Men of the Trees (Barbe Baker)
- Green Fuel Standard, Green fuel standard, in California: part of biofuels plan. Takes into account green house gas, fertilizer, errosion, etc. (environmentally greener + greenhouse gas level). Mentioned on Science Friday 2006-06-0224
- Yoshino Cherry, Prunus yedoensis, sterile cherry blossom, found in Washington
- threshold theorem
- RepRap Project, Fab Lab (Neil Gershenfeld), GIK, Architecture for Humanity
- Laetiporus sulphureous (syn. Grifola Polyporus) growing on a willow (Salix alba) [22]
- The Partnership: the inside story of the US-Australian Alliance under Bush and Howard. Author: Greg Sheridan LNL. Australians stopping US war crimes in Iraq.
- Mycoplasma mobile, genetically engineered version of this bacteria powers micromotors. [23]
- Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS)
- Plasma arc
- Elysia crispata, sea slug with algae DNA [24]
- Whyanbeel Arboretum, Whyanbeel arboretum
- Fertility Capability Classification, Soil Fertility Capability Classification
- Australian values
- SLIVER, SLIVER technology
- SunCube™, sun cube, suncube, Solar SunCube
- experimental solar electricity generation. near Daggett, California/
- (International) Society for Protection of Animals from Vivisection
- Novazyme, Genzyme
- Edirol R-09
- Porous pavement
- Header pump
- Vagus nerve
- (Queenscliff) Marine Discovery Centre
- naive animal
- cultural dexterity
- dignitarian, rankism
- race suicide, racial suicide, racial hygiene association
- Conservation program(me)
- Visual pun [25]
- anarchist bee, anarchist honeybee, Anarchist worker bee [26]
- hemisync
- degradeable user interface, degradeable application, degradeable responsive application
- degradable user interface, degradable application, degradable responsive application
- species-group name [27]
- crane rate(s)
- Corporeal undead, Corporeal reanimation
- functional extinction, functionally extinct
- self censorship
- Corporate empire
- Denial law, Anti-denial law, Hate speech
- Political wedge
- Australian constitution and religion (S 116)
- conscious vote
- Conflict resolutionist, Conflict resolution
- Terrologist, terrology
- Parish
- Biosecurity
- Sandlance left-right-brain fish. Australian neuro-scientist Jack Pettigrew [28]
- Keywords: perceptualoscillation(s_), binocular rivalry, interhemispheric switch, midbrain oscillator, neural basis [29]
- Two fish with independent spontaneous eye movements, the pipefish Corythoichthyes intestinalis and the sandlance Limnichthyes fasciatus were compared with the butterflyfish Chaetodon rainfordi [30]
- Fish: Sandlance, teleost fish
- Great Blacks in Wax Museum
- amphibian chorus, surrogate species [31]
- Mesona chinensis (Mesona, Grass jelly)
- qws (tiny x server)
- population collapse, global collapse, fishery collapse, stock collapse
- Rhabdophis tigrinus poisonous toad eating snake. [32]
- Mandatory Renewable Energy Targets (MRET Scheme)
- JARPA research program Japanese Research Program in Antarctica (whale "research")
- Fuel mix, Renewable energy mix (Renewable energy development)
- Lake Pedder Earthworm (Hypolimnus pedderensis)
- Lake Pedder Planarian (Romankenkius pedderensis)
- gastrea
- Lord of all systems of knowledge (translation of "Allah") [33]
[edit] Misc II
- Usability bug, Usability issue
- Biodiversity crisis [34]
- Creationist biology, Marc Surtees [35]
- Sky god Sky God Skygod -Ian McEwan (The Root of All Evil?)
- Satan's incarnate, Satan incarnate
- East India syndrome, East India Syndrome
- Monopolistic capitalism
- Political sovereignty
- god's creation
- Sean McDonagh
- web of life
- knock on effect k-o, knock on extinction k-o chain of extinctions, chains of extinction
- Grassroots software developer, Grassroots developer(s) _
- acquired organization dysfunction syndrome (Acquired Organization Dysfunction Syndrome, AODS) = bureaucracy [36]
- propinquity, organizational pathology
- broadcast politics
- urchin gonad(s)
- consumée
- participation income payment based on contribution to society (Professor Sir Tony Atkinson)
- poverty line
- right angle (deserves its own article, with cultural references and related geometric things)
- snotty gobble, difficult to germinate seed (x-rays used to look at it)
- Source landscape, Sink landscape
- Snotworm, (s w) Osedax mucofloris
- Upper Florentine Valley, Tasmania, Florentine River
- credence attribute(s) (e.g. organic, free range and dolphin friendly), as opposed to search or experience attribs
- Colony Collapse Disorder
- Henry Wood Elliott (Northern Fur Seal, Pribilof Islands),
- Tyrendarra, Deen Maar, Ngaanyatjarra, Tri-state, Great Western Woodlands (=Z-lands)
- Lake Condah
- Soft media
- WildCountry Planning Provinces
- Indigenous Protected Area (IPA)
- NHT3, Pew Charitable Trusts
- transformation grid in ontology, phylogeny.
- Maria Sibylla Merian butterflies
- Coke day
[edit] Misc III
- poverty tourism, poorism
- Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) (stub, lnl)
- Racial vilification
- Blastophaga psenes, fig wasp
- effective resolution (dpi)
- fresnel pattern (from fresnel diffraction)
- Cratylus
- Pattern of ecosystems (ecoregion, Brunckhorst)
- ecological potential (ecoregion)
- beached whale.. Report on the whale and dolphin strandings around March 15, 2000 on Abaco, Grand Bahama and North Eleuthera, Bahama Islands.. Ambient noise doubling in oceans every 20 years. (IEEE spectrum radio). NRDC won a victory against the US Navy (low frequency active sonar), another law suit for mid-frequency which was implicated in the Bahamas strandings. —Pengo 02:43, 17 March 2007 (UTC)
- Metagalaxy (euphemism for 'universe' in stalinist russia)
- Rooftop garden
- Earth Hour, Earth hour
- Thiomargarita namibiensis - largest prokaryote
- fistulated cow, fistulated sheep, fistulation
- dental scraper
- Citizen science
[edit] Seed saving
- Seed Savers' Network, Seed Savers' Trust, Seed bank
- Seed exchange, Seed Exchange, seed saving exchange, Seed Saving Exchange
- urea or nitrogenous fertilizer prevent essential amino acids forming in grains — lowering protein production by 20 and 60 percent.
- superphosphate adds cadmium to soils and crops. Reduces essential zinc levels 20 to 50 percent of our needs.
- Selectively bred/improved Australian: quandong, finger lime, macadamia
- Geneflow, publication of International Plant Genetic Resources Institute or International Board for Plant Genetic Resources
- germplasm, germ plasm
- genetic errosion
- Siege of Leningrad
- Seed homeland(s) - Centres of diversity
- landrace(s)
- center of origin, centre of origin
- Farmers paid to grow and save seeds from traditional crops and to keep their traditional domesticated animals (shorter name for this?) is operating in Hungary and Ethiopia.
- vs Green Revolution seeds - high-response variety (more accurate than high-yielding variety).
- agro-chemicals
- black smut, more common in GR rice.
- frogs and surface fish control mosquito larvae and some aquatic weed(s) in pesticide-free rice paddies. paddy crabs also exterminated, and edge plants with edible yields: taro, water spinach, water chestnut.
- Azolla, grown in association with Rice
- Pesticide Trust
- Semi-dwarf IR36 variety of rice, because the worlds most cultivated rice within just a few years. In 1981, 70% of rice-growing area in the Philippines was planted to this one variety.
- automatic pollinator, automatic self-polination
- Pioneer Hi-Bred, Monsanto
- Lactuca serriola, accidently received bioengineed herbicide resistance.
- food security
- biennial, seed-to-seed production, seed-to-seed, seed-to-root, true-to-typeness, root-to-seed
- walking stick cabbage (kale)
- rouging
- plumule
- soil temperature
- The Hopi plant corn seeds 60 cm deep in the burning sands of the Arizona desert. (Plant deeper in sandy soil, and in hot, dry conditions)
- Calabaza squash is a kind of gramma (Cucurbita moschata)
- For seed saving, to avoid crossing of varieties, grow only one watermelon, one rockmelon, one cucumber, one squash, one gramma and one pumpkin.
- Enterolobium tipubouva, Elephant's Ear tree
- Tipuana tipu, Pride of Bolivia
- Rio Nunes coffee
- Ilex paraguensis, maté tea
- Chinese tea
- Catha edulis, Abyssinian tea
- Sesania cannabina, WA native
- Swale (geographical feature)
[edit] Geckos
- Kawekaweau, extinct
- tubercular scale(s), vs tubercle
- Teratoscincus scincus and Teratoscincus bedriagai have highly developed "fish scales", not strongly attached to the underlying skin, and shed in large patches when molested. Scales are attached to gas exchange in T. scincus.
- Suspected vitamin D3 plays a part in shedding
- Spine-like tail scales (Diplodactylus ciliaris)
- supraocular scales (ciliate scales), supraocular scales
- Chondrodactylus angulifer has secondary loss of lamellae; "swims" into sand with webbed toes.
- Diplodactylus conspicillatus uses its tail to block its burrow
- Teratoscincus scincus makes chirruping sounds like a cricket with its tail scales.
- Lygodactylus, Phyllodactylus (Some old-world spp), Phelsuma and Rhacodactylus have adhesive or pretensile tails.
- Spray predators with tail upper surface glands: Diplodactylus williamsi, Diplodactylus ciliaris, Diplodactylus elderi. Up to 50cm.
- Regenerated tails may be forked, and often lack adhesion or other properties of original.
- Geckos display tail wagging
- crepuscular species
- Eublepharinae = eyelid geckos. Other geckos have brille
- 300-1000Hz hearing to 10,000Hz (Coleonyx variegatus as model organism)
- Endolymphatic sacs for calcium carbonate reserve for hard egg shell production. But also found in males. Also found in non-geckos, such as Cophotis ceylonica and Brookesia (Chameleons). All climbing species. Could be for balance.
- Sphaerodactylinae are voiceless
- Eublepharinae and most species in Diplodactylinae and Gekkoninae possess a voice.
- Sense of smell linked to Jacobson's organ
- Lygodactylus and Gonatodes show sexual dimorphism: males have colorful head markings.
- Parthenogenic species: Hemidactylus garnotii, Lepidodactylus lugubris, and Gehyra ogasawarasimae
- Only non-egg laying genera: Heteropholis, Hoplodactylus, Naultinus, and Rhocodactylus trachyrhynchus
- Egg size: 3.5 - 32mm
- incubation: 35 - 183 days (captivity)
- egg protection for a few hours: Eublepharis macularius, Hemitheconyx caudicinctus, Pachydactylus tigrinus -- jumps at a predator and attempt to bite
- Slow maturing: Tarentola mauritanica 4 or 5 years in captivity
- Fast maturing: Paroedura pictus, sexually mature within a year
- meadow plankton
- Preferred cricket species: Gryllus bimaculatus (two spotted), Acheta domesticus ("tonic" for geckos suffering transport stress)
- Galleria melonella (Wax moth), larvae are 19% fat
- Blaptica dubia, Argentine cockroach (when 5 mm+, not 40 mm)
- Geckos need phosphorus and calcium. Prevents softjaw
- Vitamin D3 and calcium suppliments recommended
- UV-A, not hard UV-C. Plant bulbs usually not suitable.
[edit] Fishing gear
(highest impact to lowest)
- Scallop dredge, dredge
- Seafloor trawl, Seafloor trawler, or "deep sea bottom trawling" (greenpeace)
- Seafloor-set gillnet, Seafloor gillnet
- Seafloor-set longline, Seafloor longline
- Driftnet gillnet
- Drifting longline
- Beach seine net, Beach seine
- Dropline
- Pots and traps (pot, trap)
- Trolling
- Lampara net (Lampara)
- Purse seine net
- Dive fisheries, dive fishery
- Handline and rod and reel (fishing rod)
- Squid jig
More listed:
- Danish seine net
- Surface longlines
- Seafloor dredge
- Suspended cage
- fish trap(s)
- Pole and line
- Sea-cage, Sea cage
- Mid-water trawl
- Bottom-set longline
- Trawl bycatch (bycatch)
- baited trap, baited pot, baited traps and pots
- spear and trawl
- Surround net(s)
- pond grown, tank grown
- spear
- Haul net
- entanglement device
- handhaul seine net
- funnel haul
- ring net
- oyster cage
- oyster rack longline
- Dredging
- Farmed (Fish farming)
- Gill net(s)
- Hand-raked
- Harpoon
- Hook-and-line
- Hydraulic dredging
- Jigging
- Longline
- Lure-and-line
- Mid-water trawl
- Pelagic longline
- Pot
- Purse seine
- Scallop dredge
- Spearfishing
- Suspended culture
- Sweep net
- Tonging
- Trap
- Trawl
- Troll/Pole
- Wild
- BRD Bycatch Reduction Device
- BPUE Bycatch Per Unit Effort / CPUE Catch Per Unit Effort
- EBM Ecosystem-Based Management
- CCRF Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO)
- CFP Common Fisheries Policy (EU)
- GBRMP Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
- IUU Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated [fishing]
- MPA Marine Protected Area
- SAV Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- TED Turtle Excluder Device
- UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
- UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
- UNDP United Nations Development Programme
- WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development
- Fishery collapse
- Dolphin safe (d-s, Dolphin friendly d-f, Dolphin by-catch
[edit] 911
- 3-1-1
- God squad, God Squad, Godsquad (not The God Squad)
- Beat police
[edit] Additives
- Glutamic acid?: E622, E623, E624, E625
- E628 E629
- E640 Glycine and its sodium salt
- E500...E504
- E518, E535
- Sodium aluminosilicate merge with
- E572
- E578: Calcium gluconate -> Calcium lactate gluconate ??
- Tragacanth (wikify)
- E420 Sorbitol (i) Sorbitol (ii) Sorbitol syrup
- E425 Konjac (i) Konjac gum (ii) Konjac glucomannane
- E440 Pectins (i) pectin (ii) amidated pectin (emulsifier)
- E450, E451
- E460, E466, E468...
- E301. 302, 303, 304, 306, 307
- Erythorbic acid E315 vs Erythorbin acid E317
- E331 Sodium citrates (i) Monosodium citrate (ii) Disodium citrate (iii) Sodium citrate (trisodium citrate) (antioxidant)
- E332 Potassium citrates (i) Monopotassium citrate (ii) Potassium citrate (tripotassium citrate) (antioxidant)
- E333 Calcium citrates (i) Monocalcium citrate (ii) Dicalcium citrate (iii) Calcium citrate (tricalcium citrate) (acidity regulator) (firming agent) (sequestrant)
- E367 Calcium fumarate
- E230
- E232: 2-Phenylphenol -> Sodium orthophenyl phenol ??
- Nisin: Lactococcus lactis
- E104 Quinoline Yellow
- E150a Plain Caramel
- E155 = Brown HT
- E1202 Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, mentioned on: Poly vinyl pyrrolidone
[edit] acceleration glove
- Wii controller: ADI’s ADXL330 3-axis iMEMS accelerometer, 3-axis ADXL330 iMEMS® acceleration sensor. press release product
- basix motherboard: JTAG, 60-pin hirose (I/O) connector [37]
[edit] Durrell
- Torrey tanker (Oil tanker)
- Capchur gun (Capchur, cap-chur gun, Cap-Chur gun, Cap-Chur Equipment, tranquilizer gun)
- White-eared pheasant
- Clostridium sordellii, gas forming organism affecting lion's cubs
- Elliot's pheasant
- Peter Scott
- Stormy Petrel, Lord McDougall p14
- Shep Mallet, Nicknamed: Shepton Mallet
- Saranne Calthorpe, Lady Calthorpe
- Basle zoo, Dr Le Marquand, aniseed p29 = Zoo Basel, Basel, Switzerland
- Gelada baboon x2, South African baboon p33
- peritonitis, egg removal may lead to
- spot nosed monkey, spot-nosed monkey
- Pouched rat
- potto
- Tockus albocristatus White-crested Hornbill p109, meat eating hornbill
- Scaley Anteater (Pangolin), formic acid
- Monkey drive(s), cocoa plantation, drive all monkeys into an area and slaughter them. bounty paid by govt. Every year in Sierra Leone between two and three thousand monkeys are killed in monkey drives. p117 (book 1972). Mainly Spot-nosed and Diana monkeys.
- Chrome mines/Beef mines, Freetown, market in Bambawo, Kenema p130
- Red-and-black Colobus, Black-and-white Colobus
- Accra, ship
- Red River Hog
- Tenrec
- écrevisses flambées
- Teporingo / Volcano rabbit lives in zacaton grass. (male died from coccidiosis p206)
- Quetzal, Horned Guan, Thick-billed parrot
- corps de ballet
- Boat-tailed Grackle, Jacanas or Lily-trotters, Boat-billed herons, Road-runner
- Tule, Mexico ("The Tree" - compared to Sinbad's Roc)
- Pacific walrus
- Noisy Scrub Bird
- Saiga antelope
- Macadam road, begonia, casque
- whip-scorpion
- bushbaby = needle-clawed lemur = Euoticus elegantulus p62
- Demidoff's bushbabies (same habit of grooming) p102 (nephritis from powdered milk, had rich Complan milk)
- juju
- touraco
- trilby
- belle-amie, grande-dame
- black-eared squirrel (not Nannosciurus melanotis = Indonesia, Malaysia)
- pygmy mongoose
- too rich milk: intestinal troubles leading to nephritis
- too weak: loss of weight and condition
- Tilley infra-red heater
- bougainvillaea flower
- Diary: patas monkey, civet, Large brow-leaf toad, hairy frog (Astylosternus robustus), pygmy mongoose (Helogale parvula), Woodford's owl (Strix woodfordii, gin-trap, greenstick fracture), clawed toad, chimp (wire noose-trap for antelope, gangrene), rhinoceros viper (Bitis nasicornis), brush-tailed porcupine, green forest squirrels (bald from presumed lack vitamins, so up Abidec)
- egg-eating snake (Dasypeltis)
- water chevrotain (chevrotain)