From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My name is Russ Pollanen. I created an account and need to do a bit of learning before I do much contributing. I have background in photography, journalism, military, cable, web development, computer networks and teaching. I lived and traveled to many states and countries. Since I currently live in South Carolina I will see what I can do in this area, once I get up to speed on the standards. I really like what I see with the concept, software and I've always enjoyed the results I've received in the past with Wikipedia. So I hope I will be able to make some beneficial contributions here in the future. If someone needs to contact me they can get reach me through my blog at or at change the "AT" to and @ symbol of course just trying to avoid some of the spam from the good ole email bots:)
Well that blog is old and outdated. Here is my latest blog and a listing of one other past blog:
Latest My Image Your Image[1]. If anyone finds any of the images useful for anything here they are doing at Wiki feel free to use them. They are mine and can be used.
past endeavor was BlogCruiser [2]