Pontius of Carthage
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Pontius (mid 3rd century, exact birth and death dates are not known) was a Christian Latin author from Carthage. He held the position of deacon in the congregation of Carthage. Only one work of Pontius is known: The "Vita Caecilii Cypriani”, a description of the life of Cyprian of Carthage. The value of the work as an historic source for the life of Cyprian is disputed and is estimated to be rather marginal.. The work is significant however as an account of the ideal of a Christian bishop from the 3rd century.
Pontius and his work are mentioned in Jerome's De Viris Illustribus # 68.
[edit] External links
- Entry in the Biographical-Bibliographical Church Encylopedia (article is in German)
- Pontius: Vita Caecilii Cypriani (German) from: The holy church father Caecilius Cyprianus’s collected writings / translated from the Latin by Julius Baer: (Library of the Church Fathers, series 1, volume 34) Munich 1918 (article is in German)