Pre-health sciences
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Pre-health sciences refers to the undergraduate focus of college majors on courses preparing them for admission in veterinary, medical, optometry, dentistry, pharmacy, and physical therapy schools, and for training as a physician's assistant. In the United States, schools have moved away from the impractical designation of students as "Pre-med" majors, as so few a percentage of students actually achieve admission into medical schools. As such, students are given the choice to focus on the coursework required for admission.
[edit] Standard Pre-Health Courses
Students focusing on pre-health can often major in any subject, however they will also take a broad range of science courses including general chemistry and organic chemistry, often earning a minor in chemistry, mathametics, often up to basic calculus, general biology with overviews of genetics and taxonomy, and calculus or trigonometry based physics. More rigorous pre-health students may also take biochemistry and human or vertebrate physiology courses. The requirements beyond the sciences are often light, many schools require a human sciences or psychology course. No schools require anatomy or diagnostic courses as these are universally regarded as first year medical courses.
[edit] Science and Non-Science Pre-Health Majors
Although medical schools do not require any specific degree, only a bachelors and the required coursework, students majoring in the sciences, especially biology, are much more likely to score better on the physical and biological sciences portion of the MCAT. Non-science majors tend to score better on the verbal and written portion of the MCAT. Because the written portion of the MCAT does not directly effect the test's score, biology and other science majors tend to have the higher MCAT scores.