Psychedelic plants
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Psychedelic Plants are plants that contain psychedelic drugs. Many of these plants remain unscheduled substances in the United States, and have recently caught the attention of many drug users looking for legal alternatives.
[edit] Marijuana
Main article: Marijuana
Marijuana is by far the most popular and unique of all the psychedelic plants. Marijuana is also unique because it contains a psychedelic substance, THC, that contains no nitrogen and is not an Indole, Phenethylamine, anticholinergics (Deliriant), or a Disassociative Drug. It is the weakest of the psychedelics but can produce hallucinations at higher doses. Currently, certain universities and research firms are studying the medicinal effects of marijuana. Many US states such as California and many countries have created a Medical Cannabis law to allow patients to use marijuana as (among other things) a pain killer, appetite suppressant and appetite stimulant.
[edit] Plants containing DMT
Many of the Psychedelic plants contain DMT, which is either snorted (Virola, Yopo snuffs), smoked, or drank with MAOIs (Ayahuasca). It can not simply be eaten, and it needs to be extremely concentrated to be smokable, since the user needs to smoke all of it in a minute or else tolerance builds rapidly. Here are a few of the DMT containing plants:
- Yopo
- Virola
- Mimosa hostilis
- Philaris grass
In Ayahuasca these plants are consumed with Harmala alkaloids found in:
The harmala alkaloids are also hallucinagenic in high doses on their own.
[edit] Other Indoles
- Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) & other "psychedelic cacti" (like San Pedro) contain Mescaline
- Hawaiian baby woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) & Heavenly Blue Morning Glories (Ipomoea violacea) contain LSA (d-lysergic acid amide) which is a natural compound similar to LSD
- Psychedelic mushrooms (or "shrooms") contain psilocybin, and psilocin
- Amanita muscaria (or "Fly Agaric mushrooms") are a different type of psychedelic mushroom which produces drastically different effects.