Quad damage
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The Quad damage is a powerup in the first-person shooter computer game series Quake.
[edit] The Power Up

In Quake the Quad damage is a floating arcane rune that resembles the letter 'Q', as a crescent with a spike through it. It is the logo of the game, and in the game it is bluish-purple. When picked up by a player, it quadruples the damage caused by every weapon the player uses for thirty seconds. The splash damage radius of explosive items such as the grenade and the rocket are not affected, but within the radius, the damage is quadrupled accordingly. This can make it potentially dangerous to the player wielding it, since minor splash damage can become lethal. Also, the screen is tinted blue and the player's mug has an "insane" look with bulbous eyes. The player is surrounded by a blue glow, and a heavily distorted guitar chord plays every time the player fires; the halo and chord serve to warn opponents of the quad player's vicinity.
In Quake II, the Quad (as it is affectionately nicknamed) differs in several respects. First, it is green and has two spikes through it, imitating the Roman numeral 'II' indicating that it is a sequel. It may also be picked up and not used immediately, but rather saved in the inventory for a more opportune time and place, although this is not usually allowed by the server in multiplayer mode.
In Quake III Arena, the Quad differs from the original in its more 3D appearance and, similar to Quake II, it only triples the amount of damage done. However, server administrators have the option to change this by modifying the value of the cvar 'g_quadFactor'. Instead of a blue halo as the previous Quake games, the player is now covered in electricity. When a quad player is killed, the powerup is dropped and another player can pick it up and use it for the remaining duration.
In Quake 4, it quadruples the damage done.
[edit] Other
- A quad damage is a form of cocktail consisting of four measures of cheap Vodka combined with a bottle of the cheap alcopop Blue.
The drink has become a UK South coast favourite with poorer students because it allows one to get drunk relatively quickly and cheaply. The drink was named after the Quake series powerup described above.
- In Ratchet: Deadlocked during multiplayer, Quad Damage gives the player a temporary power increase to all of your weapons usually resulting in a one hit kill.