Ramsey reset test
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The Ramsey regression equation specification error test (Reset) test (Ramsey, 1969) is a general model (mis-)specification test for the linear regression model. More specifically, it tests whether non-linear combinations of the estimated values help explain the exogenous variable. The intuition behind the test is that, if non-linear combinations of the explanatory variables have any power in explaining the exogenous variable, then the model is mis-specified.
[edit] Technical summary
Consider the model
The Ramsey test then tests whether (β1x)2,(β2x)3...,(βkx)k has any power in explaining y. This is executed by estimating the following linear regression
and then testing, by a means of a F-test whether are zero. If the null-hypothesis that all regression coefficients of the non-linear terms are zero is rejected, then the model suffers from mis-specification.
[edit] References
- Ramsey, J.B. "Tests for Specification Errors in Classical Linear Least Squares Regression Analysis", J. Royal Statist. Soc. B., 32, 350-371 (1969).