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Recitation means a going over what has been said before. It is used in a religious, an oratorical, and an educational sense.
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[edit] Religion
Recitation is a form of religious practice in which fixed material (prayers, catechism, etc.) are spoken or performed. For example the salaah in Islam or the doxology in some Christian churches.
[edit] Rhetoric
Recitation or the spoken presentation (performance) of a written speech or piece of poetry is used in oratory for practice.
[edit] Education
A recitation is a discussion carried by a teaching assistant (TA) to supplement a lecture given by a senior faculty at an academic institution. During the recitation, TAs will review the lecture, expand on the concepts, and carry a discussion with the students. In classes with a mathematics aspect, the recitation is often used to perform derivations or solve problems similar to those assigned to the students.
[edit] References
- JahandarÃe, Khosrow (1999) Spoken and Written Discourse: a multi-disciplinary perspective Ablex/Greenwood, Stamford, Connecticut, ISBN 1567504264
- Warner, Charles Dudley (1899) "School or Entertainment Recitations" Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern J.A. Hill, New York, p. cdlxxx