Religion in Macau
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Religion in Macau means the religion which can be find in Macau Special Administrative Region. In the past, the Catholic was the government religion of the Portuguese government in Macau, but now there is not any government religion in Macau.
The Macau government practice the Freedom of religion and respect the Right of the people in Macau. Base 3:34 of the Macau Basic Law, "The people in Macau can have the freedom of belief; People in Macau have the freedom of religion and they can preach, hold or participate in the activities of religion." Also, in the 3:120, "The Macao Special Administrative Region base on the principle of the freedom of religion and belief, the government does not intervene the interior of religion, the religion organization and the believers to keep in touch and develop the relationship with the religion organization and the believers of the oversea of Macau." The religion organization can start the religion college or other schools, hospitals and the welfare organization or others case work in accordance with the law; The schools which are started by religion organization can continue their religion education, include to teach the religion lessons; The religion organization can have the right for obtain, use, handle, inherit and adopt the contribution base on the law. The right in the wealth of religion organization is protected by the law."
To compare the kinds of religion between Macau and Hong Kong, the kinds of religion is not many in Macau. In the structure of the religion believers, Macau as like as others Chinese community, people usually believe in the traditional belief of the Folk religion, most of the believers are Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism(About 30.7% population in 1996); Because of the historical background of Macau, the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Church of the Christianity are animated in Macau community and have some believers to support them, included some alternative Christianity(About 8.4% in 1996). Also, the Islam and the Bahá'à Faith have some believers in Macau who are lower than one thousand people.[1]
The religion which is the activist in the case work is the Catholic now. However, because of the limit of the resources and Portuguese Government is partial for Catholic, others religions have no chance to participated the case work. However, after the Macau return to China, the government haven't partial for Catholic Church anymore.
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[edit] Protection by the Basic Law
The Basic Law of Macau provides for freedom of conscience, freedom of religious belief, freedom to preach, and freedom to conduct and participate in religious activities. Mainland China does not govern religious practices in Macau. The Basic Law states that "The Government of Macau Special Administrative Region, consistent with the principle of religious freedom, shall not interfere in the internal affairs of religious organizations or in the efforts of religious organizations and believers in Macau to maintain and develop relations with their counterparts outside Macau, or restrict religious activities which do not contravene the laws of the Region.
The Religious Freedom Ordinance requires religious organizations to register with Macau's Identification Services Office. There have been no reports of discrimination in the registration process. The Freedom of Religion Ordinance, which remained in effect after the handover, provides for freedom of religion, privacy of religious belief, freedom of religious assembly, freedom to hold religious processions, and freedom of religious education. It also stipulates that religious groups may maintain and develop relations with religious groups abroad.
[edit] Traditional Belief
[edit] Confucianism
Lots of people who live in Macau are Chinese, the culture of Macau are influenced by Chinese Confucianism and morality. In 1909, the Macau Confucianism organization was started, the organization was subordinated by Beijing Confucianism Organization at first, but independent later. The purpose of the Macau Confucianism Organization is to "respect Confucianism, spread the holy virtue, educate the talented, promote the culture". Chinese usually value the spirit and culture of the virtue. To spread the Confucianist spirit and culture of virtue, in 1913 the Organization started a small school in Macau. in order to popularize it in the folk education. In 1960, the organization printed the Confucianism Select for Secondary School. It has collected about 74 sayings from Analects of Confucius, Mencius (Book) and other Confucianist classics, in order to let students to recite them.
It is the birthday of Confucius in the 27th August of the lunar calendar, the Organization will lead the Chinese and schools which are comes from different classes to hold the ceremony commemorate and sacrifice.
[edit] Buddhism
昔日澳門屬香山,故一般èªç‚ºä½›æ•Žè‡ªå»£æ±å‚³å…¥æ¾³é–€ã€‚å…¶æºå¯è¿½æº¯è‡³å”代咸通年的眞敎禪師,直至宋代佛敎已盛行。ä½æ–¼æœ›å»ˆæ‘的普濟禪院是早期的寺廟之一,åˆå»ºæ–¼å…ƒæœï¼Œç¾åœ¨çš„建築則建於明代天啟七年(å³1627å¹´)。å¦å¤–,ä½æ–¼æ°¹ä»”çš„è©æ禪院,乃澳門佛敎凈土宗的é‡è¦é“å ´ã€‚
一直以來,澳門的佛教組織和寺廟å„自為政。直至1995年,為了更好的弘æšä½›æ³•ï¼Œå¥é‡—法師和機修法師發起æˆç«‹æ¾³é–€ä½›æ•™ç¸½æœƒã€‚澳門佛教總會æ¯å¹´éƒ½åœ¨è©æ禪院舉行éœä¿®ç‡Ÿï¼Œé€ 就澳門的佛教信徒了解佛法。ç¾æ™‚,活èºæ–¼æ¾³é–€çš„佛敎社團組織還有:澳門佛å¸ç¤¾ã€æ¾³é–€ä½›æ•Žè§£è¡Œç¤¾ã€æ°¸å–„蓮苑ã€ä½›æ•Žæ™®å’Œæœƒå’Œåœ‹éš›è¯å¯†ä½›æ•Žæ…ˆèˆªæœƒæ¾³é–€åˆ†æœƒç‰ã€‚
[edit] Taoism
é“教是ä¸è¯æ°‘æ—的本土宗敎,而昔日澳門接連內陸,其æºå¯è¿½æº¯è‡³3世紀的廣æ±ç•ªç¦ºã€‚ 《香山縣志》記載傳説的仙女澳(å³å¤§æ©«ç´å³¶ï¼‰ï¼Œèˆ‡æ¾³é–€æŽ¥è¿‘,有視之為澳門åŠå…¶é™„近島嶼與é“敎發展有關的最早資料。é“敎信仰傳入澳門,最é²åœ¨å—宋的紹興年間(1131-1162)ï¼Œå› ç•¶æ™‚ä¿¡å¥‰ä¸‰æ¸…ã€é¯éˆå…‰ã€çŽ„æ¦ã€å¤©åŽã€æ±å²³å¤§å¸ã€åŸŽéšã€åº·çŽ‹ç¥žç‰é“敎神仙的崇拜活動已éåŠé¦™å±±åœ°å€ã€‚åŠè‡³å…ƒæœï¼Œé“教的發展也必影響澳門地å€ï¼Œé“教所供奉的神祇,如:èšå…¬ã€æ´ªè–爺ã€æ–‡æ˜Œå¸å›ã€é—œå¸ã€åŒ—å¸ã€åŸŽéšç‰å´‡æ‹œéƒ½è¦‹æ–¼æ¾³é–€ã€‚
媽祖信仰å¯èªªæ˜¯æ¾³é–€æœ€æ—©èˆ‡é“敎信仰有關的å²å¯¦ï¼Œå…¶å»ºç¯‰æœ‰æ˜Žä»£æˆåŒ–年間由閩商人興建的媽祖廟。至於æ£çµ±çš„é“æ•Žå²è·¡ï¼Œæ¾³é–€å‰‡å»ºæœ‰ä¸‰å·´é–€çš„呂祖仙院ã€é†«éˆå»Ÿå…§å¼µå¤©å¸«æ®¿ã€æ¿Ÿå…¬æ®¿ç‰ã€‚澳門民間除供奉é“敎的主è¦ç¥žç¥‡å¤–,還有信奉和崇祀石敢當ã€è²¡å¸›æ˜Ÿå›ã€é¯ç先師ã€è¯å…‰å¤§å¸ã€è¯ä½—先師ã€ç¦ç¥žã€å¤ªæ²å’Œä¾¯çŽ‹ç‰é“敎神éˆã€‚ç¾å˜æ–¼æ¾³é–€çš„é“教有關的建築共33é–“(包括4間觀音廟),著å的有:媽祖閣廟ã€é¦¬äº¤çŸ³å¤©åŽå¤å»Ÿã€è“®å³°å»Ÿå…§çš„天åŽå®®ã€è·¯ç’°å¤©åŽå¤å»Ÿã€èšå…¬å»Ÿã€åº·å…¬å»Ÿç‰ã€‚經éŽæ•¸ç™¾å¹´çš„發展, ç¾æ¾³é–€çš„é“教團體å¯æ¸ç´ç‚ºé“教廟宇ã€å…¨çœŸæ´¾å£‡å ‚åŠæ£ä¸€æ´¾æ•£å±…é“院三個類型。2001å¹´æˆç«‹çš„澳門é“æ•™å”會,是促進澳門é“教與國內外交æµå’Œå®£æšé“教文化的社團組織。
[edit] Christianity
[edit] Roman Catholic Church
1555年,天主教修會耶穌會會士巴來多(Melchior Numes Barreto)神父到é”澳門,開展了天主教在澳門的æ·å²ã€‚1562å¹´ï¼Œç˜‹çŽ‹å ‚ã€èŠ±çŽ‹å ‚å’Œé¢¨é †å ‚çš„å°æ•Žå ‚建æˆï¼Œæˆç‚ºå¤©ä¸»æ•Žåœ¨æ¾³é–€æœ€æ—©çš„æ•™å ‚ï¼Œéš¸å±¬æ–¼é¦¬å…甲教å€ã€‚直到1576年,教宗é¡æˆ‘ç•¥å三世批准æˆç«‹å¤©ä¸»æ•™æ¾³é–€æ•™å€ï¼Œç‚ºè¿‘代é æ±ç¬¬ä¸€å€‹ä¸»æ•™å€ã€‚首任é§æ¾³é–€ç½²ç†ä¸»æ•Žç‚ºè³ˆè€å‹žä¸»æ•Ž(å³ä»æ…ˆå ‚創辦人)ï¼Œä¸»æ•Žåº§å ‚è¨æ–¼æœ›å¾·å ‚。早期管轄範åœæ¥µå»£ï¼ŒåŒ…括ä¸åœ‹ã€æ—¥æœ¬ã€è¶Šå—ã€æ±å—亞沿海å„島嶼。1579å¹´ï¼Œç¾…æ˜Žå …ç¥žçˆ¶é–‹å§‹åœ¨æ¾³é–€å¸ç¿’ä¸æ–‡ã€‚其後著å傳教士利瑪竇於1582年應å¬å‰å¾€æ¾³é–€ï¼Œä¸¦åœ¨æ¬¡å¹´éš¨ç¾…æ˜Žå …è‡³å»£æ±è‚‡æ…¶å‚³æ•Žï¼Œä½†å¾Œä¾†è¢«é€å›žæ¾³é–€ã€‚天主教在ä¸åœ‹ç¦®å„€ä¹‹çˆæœŸé–“,澳門天主敎敎å€çš„工作嚴é‡å—到影響。在1757年,葡è„牙首相é¾å€ä¸‹ä»¤é©…é€è€¶ç©Œæœƒæœƒå£«ï¼Œæ›´é€²ä¸€æ¥ä½¿å¤©ä¸»æ•Žçš„發展å—到沉é‡æ‰“擊。çµæžœï¼Œæ¾³é–€å¢ƒå…§çš„æ•Žå ‚å’Œä¿®é™¢éƒ½è¢«ç©ºç½®ã€‚åŠå¾Œåˆ°1835å¹´-1836å¹´ï¼Œå¤§ä¸‰å·´èˆ‡å¤§å ‚ç›¸ç¹¼è¢«æ¯€ï¼Œä¸»æ•Žåº§å ‚å¾žè€Œé·è‡³çŽ«ç‘°å ‚。[2]
直至1926年,葡è„牙é‡æ–°å‡†äºˆå¤©ä¸»æ•Žæ´»å‹•ï¼Œå¤©ä¸»æ•Žæ‰åœ¨æ¾³é–€å†åº¦æ´»èºã€‚1941年發生的太平洋戰çˆæœŸé–“,天主敎致力於賑ç½ã€‚到1950年代,澳門天主敎敎å€é–‹å§‹è‡´åŠ›æ–¼æ•™è‚²äº‹å‹™ã€‚其後,澳門敎å€ç©æ¥µåƒèˆ‡æ–‡åŒ–ã€ç¤¾æœƒç¦åˆ©ç‰å·¥ä½œã€‚1965年,澳門敎å€æŒ‰æ¾³è‘¡æ”¿åºœè¡Œæ”¿å€è¦åŠƒï¼Œäº”å¤§å ‚å€åˆ†åˆ¥ç‚ºå¤§å ‚å€ã€è–å®‰å¤šå°¼å ‚å€ã€æœ›å¾·å ‚å€ã€è–è€æ¥žä½å ‚å€åŠèŠ±åœ°ç‘ªè–æ¯å ‚å€ã€‚1988年,林家駿神父æˆç‚ºæ¾³é–€æ•Žå€å‡ºç¾é¦–ä½è¯äººä¸»æ•Žã€‚æ“š1996年的人å£çµ±è¨ˆï¼Œå¤©ä¸»æ•™å¾’佔澳門人å£çš„6.7%,約30,000多å兒童就讀於天主教å¸æ ¡ã€‚å› å›žæ¸å‰å¤§é‡è‘¡è„牙人和土生葡人離開澳門,ç¾æ™‚的信徒以è¯äººç‚ºä¸»ã€‚ç¾ä»Šå¤©ä¸»æ•™æ¾³é–€æ•™å€åªç®¡ç†æ¾³é–€åœ°å€å…§å…å€‹å ‚å€ï¼Œç•¶ä¸å¸æ ¡æœ‰39間,社會æœå‹™æ©Ÿæ§‹27間,其他機構共21所。
[edit] Protestant Church
In 1807, Rev. Dr. Robert Morrison, the first Protestant missionary to China, arrived in China via Macau. He started his missionary work in China after his arrival. However, Morrison's object was the Chinese that lived in Guangzhou, so he had not yet started a Chinese Protestant church in Macau. Later, after the Opium War of 1842, the Qing Dynasty gave Hong Kong to United Kingdom, and the Protestant missionaries and the British who lived in Macau all moved to Hong Kong, including all the British Protestants, so there were few Protestant Christians in Macau for a long time. By the 20th century, some Chinese Protestants had meetings in some Christian homes. The most famous Chinese Christians to open their homes for Christian to meet were Mr. Lui De Shan and Dr. Yu Mei De. For the support from the churches in Hong Kong, Ji Dou Church, which is the first Chinese Protestant church in Macau (its name was Ji Dou Hall at first), was registered with the Macau Portuguese Government in 1905, and church was built at Hei Sha Huan. Also, the Macau Baptist Church, the second Chinese Protestant church in Macau, was started. Many Chinese Protestant churches were founded thereafter. Today there are about 4,000 Protestants in Macau who participate in church worship activities. An average of just 50 people always participate in the worship at each church. Also, there are lots of churches in Macau that were founded by many different Communions from Hong Kong and other countries, such as the Anglican Church, Baptist Church and Lutheran Church, but historically here was little cooperation among them. When the Union of Christian Evangelical Churches in Macau was started in 1990, the churches began greater cooperation with each other. In 2006, the 7th Chinese Congress on World Evangelization has held in Macau and it indirectly inspired the Protestant churches in Macau to unite.
Missionaries are free to conduct missionary activities and are active in Macau. More than 30,000 children are enrolled in Catholic schools, and a large number of influential non-Christians have received a Christian education. Religious entities may use electronic media to preach.
The Victoria Diocese of the Anglican Communion, established in 1849, included Macau as well as Hong Kong. When the Diocese of Chung Hwa Sheng Kung Hwei was established in 1912, Macau were included with Hong Kong and Guangdong. In 1951, following the change of the Chinese government, Hong Kong and Macau left the Diocese and established the The Sheng Kung Hui Diocese of Hong Kong and Macau. At the end of British administration in Hong Kong, the Diocese was succeeded by the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (also called the Hong Kong Anglican Church).
For the case works, because of the pressure from the Portuguese Government and the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant churches are limited to do any case works. Also, the Protestant churches are limited by the inadequate resources and lots of Protestant schools were closed after the "3/12 movement" had happened, which makes the Protestant church has lesser participated in the education of Macau. There are seven Protestant Secondary Schools and Primary Schools in Macau at present. There are some recovery programs are hold up by some Protestant organization and obtain the government to support. The counsellings service of Protestant Organization are started by Macau Chinese Christian Missionary in 2005, and now just it has still provided the counsellings.
[edit] Others
[edit] Others religion
[edit] Islam
伊斯è˜æ•™å‚³å…¥æ¾³é–€åœ¨æ˜Žä»£ä»¥å‰ï¼Œé›–其確實時間ä»æœ‰çˆè°ï¼Œä½†ä¸€èˆ¬èªç‚ºç”±ä¾†è‡ªæ³¢æ–¯æ“…長貿易的商人傳入的。在ä¸åœ‹ç™¼ç”ŸæŠ—日戰çˆæ™‚,有大批回教徒由肇慶逃難到澳門,逃é¿æˆ°ç¦ã€‚ç›®å‰ï¼Œä¼Šæ–¯è˜æ•™åœ¨æ¾³é–€åƒ…有一間澳門伊斯è˜æ¸…真寺åŠå¢³å ´ï¼Œä¿¡å¾’僅有四百多人,其社團組織為澳門伊斯è˜æœƒã€‚
Islam has been present in Macau since before the Ming Dynasty. Although the exact time and manner of its introduction is disuputed, it is traditionally held that it was brought to the area by traders. During World War Two a large number of ethnically Hui Muslims fled to Macau to escape devastation in the rest of the country. At present Macau has one mosque and Muslim cemetery to serve the city's more than four hundred Muslims that associate under the name of "The Macau Islamic Society".
[edit] Bahá'Ã
巴哈伊教在10å¹´å…¨çƒå®£æ•Žé‹å‹•ä¸ï¼Œé¸ä¸æ¾³é–€ç‚ºå‚³æ•Žåœ°å€ä¹‹ä¸€ã€‚1935å¹´ï¼Œç”±ä¾†è‡ªç¾Žåœ‹åŠ åˆ©ç¦å°¼äºžå·žçš„巴哈伊敎徒法è˜è¥¿æ–¯Â·å¸Œæ‹‰å¤ªå¤ª(Mrs. Frances Heller)傳入澳門。1954年,嚴沛峰æˆç‚ºé¦–ä½å·´å“ˆä¼Šæ•Žæ¾³é–€å±…民。[3]直至1964å¹´3月,澳门的巴哈伊教徒共有30人。1958å¹´4月21日,巴哈伊地方éˆé«”會æ£å¼æˆç«‹ã€‚1962年,巴哈伊教傳æ’到氹仔島和路環島。1982年,澳門巴哈伊總éˆé«”會在澳葡政府æ£å¼æ³¨å†Œã€‚澳門目å‰åˆ†4個巴哈伊教地方éˆé«”會,全由澳門巴哈伊總éˆé«”會所管ç†ã€‚[4]
[edit] Others
Macau has a small number of Falun Gong practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners continued their daily exercises in public parks where the police occasionally observed them once or twice a month, and checked identification. There were no reports of religious prisoners or detainees or forced religious conversion. Relations among the various religious communities get along each others. People in Macau generally are very tolerant of other religious views and practices. Public ceremonies and dedications often include prayers by both Christian and Buddhist groups.
æºè‡ªæ³¢æ–¯çš„瑣羅亞斯德教曾於18世紀70年代,隨葡è„牙人從å°åº¦å‚³å…¥æ¾³é–€ã€‚1842年,瑣羅亞斯德教在香港註冊港澳白é 教慈善基金會。至今該教已經在澳門消è²åŒ¿è·¡ï¼Œåªç•™ä¸‹ç™½é å¢³å ´ã€‚
[edit] Footnotes
- ^ Ithe International Nessage Department of United States Department of State:The international freedom of religion report of Macau
- ^ 澳門百科全書:天主敎
- ^ 澳門百科全書:巴哈伊敎
- ^ 澳门巴哈伊教