From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This page is occupied by things that I wondered about and set out to find or make lists of. They are not necessarily very encyclopedic! If you have any examples to add, drop me a note.
Contents |
[edit] Handy links
- Wikipedia:WikiProject_Korea/DPRK
- Wikipedia:WikiProject_Korea/Housekeeping
- Wikipedia:WikiProject_Korea
- Wikipedia:WikiProject_Korea/Milhist
[edit] List of people with same first and last name
- Karol Karol (fictional, Three Colors: White)
- Durand Durand (fictional, Barbarella (film))
- Sirhan Sirhan (killer of Robert Kennedy)
- James James (fictional, News Radio)
- Major Major Major Major (fictional, Catch-22)
- Mohammad Mohammad (Professor of Middle Eastern Studies, UT Austin)
- Ford Madox Ford (English Author; born Ford Hermann Hueffer)
- Jerome K. Jerome (English Author)
- Humbert Humbert (fictional, Lolita)
- Thomas Thomas (Indian physician)
- I I (Korean Confucian scholar)
- Wilson W. Wilson, Jr. (fictional, Home Improvement)
[edit] Honorable mention
- Boutros Boutros Ghali, former UN Secretary-General
- Ivan Ivanov, Bulgarian weight lifter
- Robert Roberts, American author
[edit] See also
[edit] Subways I have ridden
- Saint Petersburg Metro, my favorite in the world. One summer I rode from Leninsky Prospekt to Nevsky Prospekt every day. Avtovo is the most beautiful station.
- Moscow Metro.
- Tokyo Metro. I stayed near Nezu Station.
- Munich U-Bahn.
- Los Angeles Subway, which, surprisingly, exists.
- Fukuoka City Subway. I followed the special visa tour in 1999.
- Seoul Subway.
- Daegu Subway.
- Washington Metro in DC.
- Santiago Metro.
- San Francisco Muni, which is partly underground.
- Beijing Subway
- Busan Subway (I think I rode it, but my memory is a bit hazy! I might have only taken the bus!)
- The T in Boston.
[edit] Elephant anecdote
This version is my favorite: [1]
- По решению ЮНЕСКО 1979 год был объявлен - Годом Слона. Каждая страна напечатала к этому празднику тематическую книгу:
- Индия выпустила брошюру "Все о слонах";
- Германия - толстую книгу "Краткое введение в основы слоноведения";
- Великобритания - коллекционное издание "Слон и империя";
- Франция - двухтомник. Первый том - "Слоны и женщины", второй - "О любви";
- Штаты - трехтомник: "Слоны", "Слоны и деньги", "Деньги";
- СССР - собрание из четырех томов: "Россия - родина слонов (от мамонта до наших дней)"; "Жизнь слонов до и после Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции"; "Забота партии и правительства о разведении слонов"; "Советский слон - самый счастливый слон в мире";
- Болгария выпустила пятитомник. Первые четыре - перевод с русского, пятый том - "Советский слон - лучший друг болгарского слона".
By decision of UNESCO, 1979 was proclaimed the Year of the Elephant. Each country celebrated this by printing a book on the theme:
- India put out a brochure, "All about elephants";
- Germany - a thick book, "A short introduction to the fundamentals of elephantology";
- Great Britain - the collected works "Elephant and Empire";
- France - two volumes. The first - "Elephants and women," and the second - "On love."
- The US - three volumes: "Elephants," "Elephants and money," and "Money."
- The USSR - a collection of four volumes: "Russia - motherland of elephants (from mammoths to the modern day)"; "The life of elephants before and after the Great October socialist revolution"; "The concern of the party and administration for the breeding of elephants"; and "The Soviet elephant - the happiest elephant in the world";
- Bulgaria put out five volumes. The first four were a translation from the Russian, and the fifth was "The Soviet elephant: the best friend of the Bulgarian elephant."
– Soviet political anecdote
[edit] Wikipedia articles with elephantological claims
- Chung-Yao Chao - Chinese physicist who measured anomalous scattering cross section of gamma rays in lead, but neither discovered nor "captured" positrons
- Jang Yeong-sil - Korean scholar who invented a type of rain gauge and water depth meter, clearly not the world's first in either case
- Water gauge - claim about Jang Yeong-sil was inserted here, even though the article is about something unrelated
- Jaan Einasto - Estonian astrophysicist who has done numerical simulations of dark matter, but by no means discovered it
- First flying machine, Invention of the telephone - good articles, doesn't actually make such claims but only describes them
- Venkatesh Ketakar, whose non-discovery of Pluto has apparently been unfairly overlooked for years.
[edit] Deep subway stations
- Peachtree Center (MARTA station), Atlanta - 120 feet
- Forest Glen (Washington Metro), Washington, DC - 196 feet / 60 m
- Wheaton (Washington Metro), Washington, DC - ? but shallower than Forest Glen
- Admiralteyskaya, Saint Petersburg Metro - 102 m, under construction
- Komendantsky Prospekt, Saint Petersburg Metro - 78 m, working?
- Chernyshevskaya]], Saint Petersburg Metro - 74 m
- Washington Park, MAX Light Rail, Portland, OR - 79 m - under a hill
- Park Pobedy, Moscow - 83 m (97 m?)
- Arsenalna (Kiev Metro), Kiev - 102 m!!