Category talk:Rights of the accused
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--Wblakesx 01:55, 17 September 2006 (UTC)rights of the accused
I saw an municiple code admistrative hearing in Miami-Dade county, Florida, afew days ago in which the defendant was presumed guilty. I believe these hearings are quazi criminal ( which seems a rather new beast, fish or foul, should one carry a rod or a shotgun? Where's the precedents ?). In this case what rights do the accused have? It starts with a citation that must be paid or "appealed" to an admin hearing officer who is not neccesarily legally trained and generally seems openly biased for the enforcers accusation. If one is found guilty at the appeal, a further appeal is theoretically possible. Is this a method for driving up the price of defense? Is the practice widespead in the USA and does it have a history? Wblakesx 01:55, 17 September 2006 (UTC)wblakesx I have a page here with that name...