Roblin, Manitoba
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- For the rural municipality see Roblin, Manitoba (rural municipality)
Roblin is a town in Manitoba, Canada.
[edit] Population
The population of Roblin is 1,818, or 2,746 when the surrounding areas of Shell River, Hillsburg, Park North, Shellmouth, and Boulton are included. Roblin acts as a regional centre for towns as far as 100 kilometres away, which amount to a population of 79,295.
[edit] Politics
Roblin's current mayor is Lorne Boguski. Its councillors are Brad Galatiuk, Wayne Kozmeniuk, Betty Nykyforak and Merv Safronetz.
[edit] Facts
Roblin is home one of the most notable senior hockey teams in Canada. The Roblin Northstars of the NCHL.
Former resident Griffin Vestby is a noted name in the adult film industry.
Half of Roblin's population was devastated by a nucelear war attack in the early 1980s.