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[edit] Julian
I read somewhere (a Ceuti antiquarian), I think, that Julian was not the name of the count but his title. He would be count of Julia Septa Whatever (the Latin name of Ceuta), so it would read as Comes Iulianus whence the confusion. --Error 7 July 2005 00:21 (UTC)
fine article!
[edit] reputed to have been?
It seems definitively wrong to say that he is "reputed to have been" the last Visigothic King. This implies that he may not have existed, when, as I understand it, the issue is more that there were later rulers who might be considered the last King of the Visigoths. "is considered to be" would seem more appropriate than "was reputed to have been," which suggests he might be a legendary figure. john k 23:11, 9 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Roderic means ...?
Roderic is said to mean "powerful", "rich" or "famous". Sure? Then which of them? No, irony aside I believe Roderic means "resourceful" or "mighty in resourcefulness" (Hroda-rikus). Rikus = rich ≈ rich of ≈ full of - pretty plausible, or? Hrodigaz (resourcefull) is an old germanic stem still occurring in Nordic, s.a.f.ex. Swedish rådig (resourcefull), and was a common stem for names, s.a.f.ex. king Hrodawulfaz (Rodulf - resourcefull wolf, of course!!) of the Heruli, all Hrodgars (Rogers) of the Beowulf, etc. Rursus 23:07, 22 January 2007 (UTC)