Rusty Russell
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Paul "Rusty" Russell is an Australian free software programmer and advocate.
[edit] Software development
Russell is the author of both the ipchains and netfilter/iptables packet filtering systems in the Linux operating system kernel. [1] Linus Torvalds has referred to him as one of his "top deputies" [2] as of 2003.
[edit] Australian Free Software community
Russell conceived and executed the Conference of Australian Linux Users at Monash University in 1999, the forerunner of the annual conference series.
Russell is IP advisor to Linux Australia and is active in advocating against and critiquing intellectual property elements of the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the US.[3] He was also a member of the Linux Australia committee in 2004 [4].
Russell was the recipient of the inaugural (and eponymous) Rusty Wrench award for service to the free software community at 2005 [5]