Operation: S.N.O.W.I.N.G. (Codename: Kids Next Door)
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Operation: S.N.O.W.I.N.G. (Sickly Nigel Opposes Warped Incumbent's Nasty Grasp) is episode of Codename: Kids Next Door.
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[edit] Brief Summary
It's the first snow day of the year and Numbuh 1 is stuck in bed with a cold. What could be worse than that? It's the nasty 4th grade class president James Nixon McGarfield wanting to ruin the snow day by capturing every child and forcing them to attend an assembly at school in which he crowns Lizzie his queen! The KND, unallowing this, rallies the kids to fight back, but they all fail and are captured by Jimmy and taken to school. So, Numbuh 1 must fight his way through the halls of Gallagher Elementary and stop Jimmy from accomplishing his goal! No one ruins a kid's first snow day of the year and gets away with it, so Kids Next Door, BATTLE STATIONS!!
[edit] Plot/Synopsis
It's a snow day-- first snow day of the year, in fact! That means all schools are closed and while everyone is out having fun, Numbuh 1 is stuck at home, lying in bed with the flu, and his dad expects him to stay in bed, staring at the ceiling all day while the kids play in the snow (he said he saw it in "the paper"). While Numbuhs 2 and 4 are playing in the snow and patrolling the snow day, Lizzie comes along and shows Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 4 her special soup she made for Numbuh 1, but it's poorly made (she must've got a bad grade in Home Ec.). Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 4 give Lizzie bad comments about her soup. Just before she gets mad at them, they pretend to act nice.
Because of Numbuh 1 stuck in bed, staring at the ceiling with the flu, things could only get worse, much worse-- the 4th Grade President, namely Jimmy, now looking more evil, is upset because he called a special assembly in which he crowns his queen, but no one is attending the assembly because of the snow day. He orders the Hall Squad to deploy robots called Bus Walkers to capture all the kids and take them to Gallagher Elementary. The Hall Monitor nervously says to him "Yes, Jimmy.", but Jimmy prefers to be called "Master President" and tells the Hall Monitor to send the Walkers and he does so. Jimmy asks Anna if Numbuh 1 is indisposed of and she says yes, and tells him it's easy to arrange if your uncle has the common cold (judging by this, Anna happens to be the Common Cold's niece). Jimmy then, sends in the Honor Roll (nerds covered in books) and tells them Anna laid down the groundwork by infectucating Numbuh 1 and sends them to acquire his target. He tells Anna that this assembly will be his "crowning achievement".
The kids' fun in the snow is interrupted when the Bus Walkers arrive to take them to school. Numbuh 5, unallowing this, then tells the kids that President Jimmy has gone too far and rallies the kids to fight back, because they all deserve a day off after working so hard at school and that they should fight for their rights to play during a snow day. Everyone goes head-on against President Jimmy's Bus Walkers and get organized into different battle stations led by the KND-- Numbuh 2 leading the Sled Wing squad, Numbuh 3 leading the streamline attackification group, Numbuh 4 leading the Snow Ball defenses, and Numbuh 5 leading the rest. But the battle doesn't go so well and despite their valiant efforts, everyone gets captured by President Jimmy, everyone including the Sector V Team!
While Lizzie is taking care of Numbuh 1, Numbuh 1 tastes Lizzie's soup, but spits it out. He looks out the window and asks Lizzie what's happening outside. Lizzie says Jimmy's planning to take everyone to school for an assembly. Numbuh 1 decides to go help the others. Lizzie suggests he brings the soup with him. She says, "It's fortified...". Numbuh 1 heads into the living room and activates a strange rocket made out of his fireplace: the KND FLIERPLACE to take down Jimmy's Bus Walkers. Lizzie wishes Numbuh 1 good luck but is distracted when shadows appear. Jimmy notices Numbuh 1 out of bed and orders his troops to blast him. Numbuh 1 launches a banana peel and aims it for one of the Bus Walkers. The Hall Troopers (the Hall Monitors wearing the Stormtrooper costumes) in one of the Walkers see this and laugh at him about lacking ammo, but the Bus Walker trips on the banana peel. The Bus Walkers shoot Numbuh 1 down and he crashes! After Numbuh 1 gets shot down, the Honor Roll tells Jimmy they brought the target. Jimmy tells them to bring the target to his ship. Anna thought Numbuh 1 was the target, but he wasn't, and Jimmy says he was planning to crown his target his queen, and his target, his true love, happens to be none other than Lizzie! What'll happen next? Find out in Part 2!
After Numbuh 1 got shot down, he managed to hit the eject button before the crash. He has a vision of Lizzie saying "Use the soup, Nigie", but he tells the vision her cooking is disgusting. As he passes out, Joaquin, one of the treehouse's power-providing hamsters, revitalizes him. In Jimmy's ship, Anna tells Jimmy that the Honor Roll brought Lizzie. Jimmy tells Anna to check on the prisoners, and he doesn't want any surprises, especially from the KND. He tells Anna he wants to be alone. The Honor Roll arrives with Lizzie and Lizzie demands to know what is going on. Jimmy tells her he turned completely evil to impress her and wanted Lizzie to be his queen. Lizzie refused, sticking by Numbuh 1, but Jimmy is using a boyfriend helmet as the crown-- he rewired the helmet to work on Lizzie! Jimmy calls in the Honor Roll and tells them to get her ready for the ceremony. Lizzie tells the cruel class president that Numbuh 1 and his team will stop him and rescue her and Jimmy tells her if Numbuh 1 survived the crash, he won't be able to penetrate his deadly defense perimeter, which are actually basketball hoops that function as high-powered lasers, as well as a metal wall surrounding the school.
As the Bus Walkers park in the school's driveway, Numbuh 1 rallies the power-providing hamsters to take him to Gallagher Elementary so he can take on President Jimmy and rescue his friends, dodging Jimmy's defenses along the way and wants to notify the other KND operatives he's on his way to save the day. Teach Jimmy and his minions a lesson, Numbuh 1! As the Hall Squad leads the abused students put in shackles in a special hallway (like the ones seen at airports), Numbuh 2 asks Numbuh 5 is she has any ideas and Numbuh 5 tells them they must try to loosen the shackles. They hear Numbuh 5's communicator beeping. As Numbuh 3 tries to reach Numbuh 5's communicator, she keeps kicking her. Anna comes along and confiscates the communicator and lets Numbuh 1 know she's going to help him. She takes out a key and frees the Sector V team from their shackles, and tells them why she's doing this: she loves Jimmy, and also tells them that Jimmy and the Hall Squad must not notice until the time is right. She heads into the principal's office to disable Jimmy's defenses. After distracting the Hall Monitors operating the defenses, she turns off the defenses and Numbuh 1 can get inside. The second he enters the school, two Hall Monitors spot him and battle him. Numbuh 1 sees this as a warm up for his near-at-hand battle against President Jimmy. Numbuh 1 wins the battle and heads for the auditorium, where Jimmy and his minions await for their defeat and where his team and Lizzie, and all the other captives await to be rescued.
In the auditorium, Jimmy surveys the whole room. The kids are all sitting down, with the Hall Squad standing guard and keeping watch for any escapees and intruders. He says it is all perfect. Anna comes and tells Jimmy she was attending to last-minute details. The assembly starts and all the kids start booing at Jimmy. Jimmy pays no attention to the booing and tells the kids that months of planning have culminated in the afternoon's coronation of his queen, Lizzie Devine and tells the kids they may have noticed that he turned totally evil, because it was a part of his plan. Before he can finish his speech, an infuriated Numbuh 1 confronts him, it's because you heard his loud sneeze, and tells Jimmy it's a snow day and he plans to spend it with Lizzie, and that he won't let him ruin it like he did earlier. Jimmy grows furious about this and doesn't know how Numbuh 1 got inside the school, but he knows he's not getting out. The battle is on! First Jimmy sics his Hall Monitors on Numbuh 1, then the KND escape from their shackles. Knowing his team free, Numbuh 1 yells out "Kids Next Door, Battle Stations!", and a fight between the Hall Monitors and Numbuhs 2, 3, 4 and 5 erupts, with the students cheering the KND on. While Numbuhs 2, 3, 4 and 5 dish out lots of hurt on the Hall Monitors (Numbuh 2 wrestling the Hall Monitor Numbuh 4 dive-bombed and got into a fistfight with, Numbuh 3 pulverizing the Hall Monitor Numbuh 2 attacked, Numbuh 4 has body-slammed the Hall Monitor that forced Numbuh 1 to come quietly (the one Numbuh 5 kicked in the back after the KND got free) and has him pinned to the ground and is administering painful bites in his legs, and Numbuh 5 and the Hall Monitor Numbuh 3 attacked fighting over a ruler) and while the Hall Monitors try to quell the Sector V Team's rebellion, Numbuh 1 heads up to the stage, right after Numbuh 5 throws a ruler to him. Numbuh 1 tries to set Lizzie free, but he engages into battle with Jimmy. They start to clobber each other in a ruler and mop fight, like the Lightsaber duels Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker had in Cloud City, only Numbuh 1 is armed with a ruler and Jimmy is armed with a mop. Batter up, Numbuh 1, or rather, Ruler up! The KND race up to the stage, pulverizing Hall Monitors getting in their way. After thrashing the Hall Monitors into submission, the KND try to get the helmet off Lizzie, but they couldn't get it off, because the helmet's fusing to her head. When the helmet starts to take over and just before Jimmy can finish off Numbuh 1, Numbuh 1 uses Lizzie's soup to make the helmet malfunction, causing the helmet to explode, destroying the whole school in the process and scattering the students in every direction.
The now-free children continue to play in the snow and Lizzie is free from Jimmy's control. While Numbuh 1 and Lizzie cuddle up, KND Global Command arrives at the incident and put Jimmy under arrest. Jimmy and his minions are now being escorted off to Kids Next Door Arctic Base via S.P.R.A.Y.S.H.I.P.. As the KND are apprehending Jimmy, Jimmy doesn't understand how Numbuh 1 evaded his defenses and got into the school and how the KND escaped from their shackles. Anna tells Jimmy she helped them and we see her being taken away. She tells Jimmy she disabled his defenses and freed the captured KND operatives because it was the same reason she worked for him semester after semester: she loves him! Jimmy is touched and they might learn to get along while they're incarcerated together and maybe Jimmy will learn what it really means to love. Numbuh 4 becomes disgusted and says "you'll never catch me saying 'I Love You' to anyone". That makes Numbuh 3 mad and that left Numbuh 4 wondering "What'd I do?!".
During the credits, Lizzie is making a more improved soup for Numbuh 1, but Numbuh 1 doesn't want to test the soup, so he runs away. Lizzie tries the soup for herself, although it's poorly made, like the one Numbuh 1 used against the Modified Boyfriend Helmet. She says "Yummy" after tasting the soup.
[edit] Notes
- Numbuh 1 and Lizzie episode.
- Villains: President James "Jimmy" Nixon McGarfield, Anna Worthington, the Hall Squad and the Honor Roll.
- Ally Debuts: McGillicutty (Numbuh 2's Sled Wing partner)
- KND Technology used: Snowball Guns, Streamline Attack, Sled Wings, FLIERPLACE, SPRAYSHIP.
- Villains Technology used: Bus Walkers, Rulers, YesDear 5000, School Security System.
[edit] Trivia
- During the assembly, just before you hear Numbuh 1's loud sneeze, Jimmy was going to say "as was the idea to make school days longer."
- In the beginning of the episode, Numbuh 4 hops out of bed wearing orange feety pajamas.
[edit] Allusions
[edit] Star Wars
- The Bus-Walkers are based on the AT-ATs from The Empire Strikes Back. The "Honor Rollers" were based on Droidekas, or destroyer droids from the new trilogy. Lastly, President Jimmy makes a gesture and a kid falls to the ground screaming. This isn't because of the force, however, the kid just had beans and has bad gas.
[edit] Quotes
(Jimmy sends the Hall Squad to deploy the Bus Walkers)
- Jimmy: I am the Fourth Grade President for life and you shall address me as "Master President!" (makes a fist. Hall Monitor pretends he's choking) What on earth are you doing?
- Hall Monitor: Sorry. I had a couple of tacos for dinner last night.
- Jimmy: Just send the Walkers already!!
(Jimmy's Bus Walkers attack)
- Numbuh 5: STOP! How many times does a snow day come around? Once a year, if we're lucky! We have worked hard all year in school! We deserve this day off! Am I right?
- The crowd agrees
- Numbuh 5: Now, I came out here to play in the snow today, and I'm gonna play, even if I have to play rough! So, are you with me!?!
- Crowd: YEAH!!
- Numbuh 5: Okay, then! Numbuh 4, Snowball Defenses! Numbuh 3, Streamline Attackifacation! Numbuh 2, Ready the Sled-Wings! Everybody, BATTLE STATIONS!!
(After the captured Jimmy and Anna say lovey-dovey things, Numbuh 4 becomes disgusted)
- Numbuh 4: Ughh! Get these guys to the Arctic Prison before I get totally sick!
- The Numbuh 44 twins leave with their captives.
- Numbuh 4: "Maybe I'll learn to love! Ooh! I love you!" Blecch! You will never catch me like that, not with anyone!
- Numbuh 3 shoves Numbuh 4 to the ground and walks away frustrated.
- (Numbuh 2 chuckling)
- Numbuh 5: Ooh, you're in trouble!
- Numbuh 4: What did I say?! Seriously!
- Numbuh 5: If you don't know, that's what you get!
[edit] Voice Cast
- Benjamin Diskin as Numbuhs 1 and 2, Honor Roll
- Lauren Tom as Numbuh 3
- Dee Bradley Baker as Numbuh 4, Hall Monitors, Honor Roll, McGillicutty
- Cree Summer as Numbuh 5
- Grey DeLisle as Lizzie Devine
- Jennifer Hale as Computer
- Frank Welker as Radio Announcer, Mr. Uno
- Tom Kenny as Jimmy Nixon McGarfield, Hall Monitors
- Anndi McAfee as Anna Worthington
[edit] Sources
Operatives - Villains - Allies - Families - Locations - Episodes
Film: Operation: Z.E.R.O.
Comics: Operation: A.I.R.P.L.A.N.E. - Operation: S.O.D.A. - Operation: T.R.I.K.E.
Games: Operation: V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E. - Operation: S.O.D.A. - Trading Card Game