Saiyedna Abu Haatim Taiyeb Ziyauddin Saheb
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Saiyedna Abu Haatim Taiyeb Ziyauddin Saheb (born August 6, 1932) is the forty fourth and current Da'i-e-Mutlaq (Spiritual & Temporal Head) of the Taiyebi Alavi Da'wat community, in succession from the first Da'i-e-Mutlaq, Saiyedna Zoeb bin Moosa. His teacher and mentor, Saiyedna Badruddin Saheb, the forty second Da'i, prophesized that under Abu Haatim, the community would attain to unparallel heights. During Abu Haatim's 30-odd years of tenure, since his ascension in 1974 (17th Rajab-ul-Murajjab, 1394 AH), the community has witnessed great strides, both locally and internationally, not only in education, economic prosperity, and religion, but also in the growing awareness among its youth, in regard to their identity and religious roots. Vadodara city in Gujarat State has, since its beginning, being the centre of Ad- Da'wat ul-'Alaviyah.
Abu Haatim's name, "Taiyeb", is derived from the name of the twenty first Imam, Imam Taiyeb, who went into seclusion in c. 1109 as a result of the tyranny and oppression, imposed by the other communities in Cairo at the time when he was just four years old. Following the advice of Maulatana Hurrat ul-Maleka, a Hujjat of the twentieth Imam al-Aamir, appointed Saiyedna Zoeb bin Moosa as the first Da'i-ul-Mutlaq in Yemen. Thus, from the first Da'i, solemnized in c. 1112 in Yemen until Abu Haatim, the present forty fourth Badr-e-Muneer of Falak-e-Da'wat, the Da'wat mission has been kept alive. According to the hadith of Mohammed, the direct descendants of Maulatana Fatemat uz-Zahra will succeed one another till Qaaim ul-Qeyaama descends on Qiyamah, the Day of Judgement.
The childhood name of Abu Haatim is "Ayyubali", exemplifying the virtues of patience and forbearance that have been immortalized by Ayyub Nabi. The childhood memoirs of Abu Haatim are replete with descriptions of the strenuous training with respect to schooling and religion, under the forty second Da'i Saiyedna Badruddin Saheb who was his teacher and mentor. Daily daras consisted of preaching, anecdotes, stories, references, quotes, and advice from Qur'an-e-Majid, Hadees-e-Nabawi, Fiqh, Tawarikh, and Akhbaar. If he did not offer morning prayer, he was not allowed breakfast, and if he did not recite the Qur'an on getting up, he was severely and sternly punished.
The prophecy of Abu Haatim's teacher and mentor, Saiyedna Badruddin Saheb, the forty second Da'i, was that the Alavi Da'wat community will attain unparallel heights under Abu Haatim, began to materialize immediately on his accession to the Da'wat's throne in c. 1974 (17th Rajab, 1394 AH), when the forty third Da'i, Saiyedna Yusuf Nuruddin Saheb died, after performing Nass-e-Jali i.e. appointing Abu Haatim as the forty fourth Da'i-e-Mutlaq.
In c. 1975 (1395 AH), Abu Haatim performed his Hajj-e-Baitullah with 27 followers, the same number which were present with Saiyedna Ali in Ahmedabad during the mutiny by the usurper of Ahl-e-Motaghallib. Abu Haatim performed the Hajj again in c. 1992 (1412 AH), thus making him the only Da'i to date who has performed the Hajj twice. He was honored to become the first Mansoor ul-Yamane and Zaair il-Mashhadain il-'Azeemain, to visit Karbala, Shaam, Najaf, Kufa, Bait ul-Muqaddas, Cairo, and Yemen in a comprehensive tour, spanning a period of almost twelve months, in the year c. 2000 (1420 AH). Despite irksome health problems, Abu Haatim, accompanied by Karam-e-Rehmani, and Roohani Taaeed from Imam uz-Zamaan, accomplished the most difficult part of safar-e-mubaarak satisfactorily. This period, called "Taiyebi Daur", in the language of Da'wat, is characterized by the following achievements:
- Knowledge and enlightenment (Ilmi Daur);
- Community civic developments (Ta'meeri Daur); and
- Taiyebi award, direct relay of Wa', matrimonial facility, and Majlis-e-Nikaah (Inqelaabi Daur)
[edit] Biodata
- Official Name (full): Saiyedna Abu Haatim Taiyeb Ziyauddin Saheb
- Title: Ziyauddin
- Personal Name: Abu Haatim
- Residence: Daar us-Salaam, Vadodara
- Date of Birth: 4th Rabi-ul-Aakhar 1351 AH (August 6, 1932)
- Family:
- Father: forty third Da'i-e-Mutlaq Saiyedna Yusuf Nuruddin Saheb
- Mother: Marhooma Maa Saheba Khadeejat ul-Kubra Mithibu binte Rajabali
- Wife: Mohtarema Maa Saheba 'Azeemabu binte Saiyedi wa Maulaai Bhaisaheb Nazarali
- Sons:
- Maazun-ud-Da'wat Saiyedi wa Maulaai Hatim Zakiyuddin Saheb
- Mukaasir-ud-Da'wat Husain Mo'inuddin Saheb
- Raas ul-Hudood Mohammed Nuruddin Saheb
- Shahzaada Bhaisaheb Zulqarnain
- Teacher: forty second Da'i-e-Mutlaq Saiyedna Fida'ali Badruddin Saheb
- Date of Accession to Da'wat: seventeenth Rajab-ul-Murajjab, 1394 AH (1974)
- Date of Appointment of Successor: Appointment of Mazoon ud-Da'wat, the eldest son of Abu Haatim, as the fourth Rabi-ul-Aakhar, 1405 A.H. (December 27, 1984) at Masjid-e-Noorani
[edit] Glossary
- Ayyubali: The virtues of patience and forbearance.
- Da'i: A propagandist, responsible for spreading Isma'ili religion, and for winning suitable converts.
- Da'i e-mutlaq (pl.: Du'aat e-mutlaqeen): The highest rank in the Isma'ili Musta'ali Taiyebi Da'wat organization; The administrative head enjoying temporal and religious authority in the community of the Taiyebi Alavi Da'wat. This mode of hierarchy in Taiyebi Da'wat is adopted by all Bohra branches, during its Yemeni phase.
- Da'wat: A mission or propaganda, in the religio-political sense. (See also Dawah.)
- Falak: Circuit or orbit of celestial bodies; 'Ilm ul-falak means astronomy or astrology.
- Hadees: Report or narrative, used for the traditions, relating to the actions and sayings of the Islamic Muhammad. The corpus of such traditions, collectively, constitutes one of the major sources of Islamic law. Only those traditions which had been directly handed down or sanctioned by the Imams are recognized to be sound and correct.
- Hajj: The annual pilgrimage to Makkah, and some other localities in the Hijaaz in the last month of Islamic calendar, Zil Hajj. Every Muslim is required to perform this obligation at least once in his lifetime, if possible.
- Hijrat: The emigration of Muhammad from Makkah to Madinah in 622 AD; the lunar Islamic calendar begins from this date.
- Hujjat: A Qur'anic term, meaning both "proof", and "presentation of proof".
- Ilmi: Knowledge, cognition, learning, science; it refers more specifically to the special religious knowledge imparted by the Imam or Da'i to the mumineen.
- Imam: A leader of prayers or religious leader. The office of Imam is known as "Imamat".
- Imamat: The office of the Imam.
- Manzoor: Seen, visible, under supervision and consideration.
- Mu'min (pl. Mumineen): A believer whose faith has been tested by Allah.
- Nass: Explicit designation of a successor by his predecessor, particularly relating to the succession to the Imamat.
- Taiyeb: Pure, and untarnished.
- Qiyamah: The Last Day, or the Day of Resurrection, which features prominently in the Qur'an. Belief in the "Last Day" is deemed as one of the pillars of the Islamic creed, when mankind would be judged according to their deeds, and committed forever to either Paradise or Hell.
- Qur'an: The holy book of Islam, considered to be revealed upon Muhammad in the cities of Makkah and Madinah.