Talk:Sam Raimi
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The Spider-man film featured a scene between the twin towers, which was cut after the Sept. 11 attack. Useless trivia? I'm not sure if they're reshooting it elsewhere or if it was just filler to establish location and Spidey's web-slinging ability.
Apparently the scene never occured in the movie, it was only a device for the movie trailer. Raimi probably never even made the trailer, as I believe it was made before the movie script was even finalized. --alan d
Thanks. That's odd, though. Why would they do that, knowing that people would then expect the scene in the movie (um, because they know people would then expect the scene in the movie...right, right. Typical Hollywood.) --Koyaanis Qatsi
The same thing happened in the Leslie Nielsen movie that had a takeoff on the scene from "Ghost" -- where he and the actress were playing with a pottery wheel. There was never any intention of including that scene in the movie, but because it played so well in the previews, they added it to the movie script. --corvus13
On his bio, it refers to him as an alumnus of Michigan State. Considering he dropped out after three semesters and never completed, can you still call him an alumnus? Just curious.
[edit] Anti-Venom?
Quote from the Venom (comics) article; " Sam Raimi has supposedly gone on record as saying that while he is in directorial control of the Spider-Man film saga, Venom will never appear as a villain." Anyone know why?
It was because of what he refers as "Lack of Humanity" you can find more here Spider Man 3 However he obiously was convinced otherwise since Venom is in Spider-Man 3-User:Dark Dragon Flame December 18 2006
[edit] Political
I've added some info about Sam Raimi's supporting President George W. Bush
- I've never seen political donations on any person's bio. Is this unprecedented?
Yeah, unless you are talking of a big time political helper, Sam Raimi din't really cooperated with a big quantity, I think it should be edited out-Dark Dragon Flame 16:41, 7 January 2007 (UTC)