User:Samsara/other templates
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Anatomy - Astrobiology - Biochemistry - Bioinformatics - Botany - Cell biology - Ecology - Developmental biology - Evolutionary biology - Genetics - Genomics - Marine biology - Human biology - Microbiology - Molecular biology - Origin of life - Paleontology - Parasitology - Pathology - Physiology - Taxonomy - Zoology
Classical genetics - Ecological genetics - Molecular genetics - Population genetics - Quantitative genetics
Related topics: Geneticist - Genomics - Medical genetics - Reverse genetics - Molecular evolution
Processes of evolution: adaptation - macroevolution - microevolution - speciation
Population genetic mechanisms: selection - genetic drift - gene flow - mutation
Evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-devo) concepts: phenotypic plasticity - canalisation - modularity
Modes of evolution: anagenesis - catagenesis - cladogenesis
History: History of evolutionary thought - Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species - modern evolutionary synthesis
Other subfields: ecological genetics - human evolution - molecular evolution - phylogenetics - systematics
Topics in population genetics
Key concepts: Hardy-Weinberg law | genetic linkage | linkage disequilibrium | Fisher's fundamental theorem | neutral theory |
Selection: natural | sexual | artificial | ecological |
Effects of selection on genomic variation: genetic hitchhiking | background selection |
Genetic drift: small population size | population bottleneck | founder effect | coalescence |
Founders: R.A. Fisher | J. B. S. Haldane | Sewall Wright |
Related topics: evolution | microevolution | evolutionary game theory | fitness landscape | genetic genealogy |
List of evolutionary biology topics |