Ingle FarmlinksGeoscience Aust.PlacenamesGoogle
'''Ingle Farm''' ({{coor dm|x|x|S|x|x|E|region:AU-SA_type:x}}) , postcode 5098
Ingle Farm is in the [[x]] [[local government area]], the [[South Australian House of Assembly]] [[electoral district of x]] and the [[Australian House of Representatives]] [[Division of x]]. [[Category:Towns in South Australia]] {{SouthAustralia-geo-stub}}
Inglewoo linksGeoscience Aust.PlacenamesGoogle
'''Inglewoo''' ({{coor dm|x|x|S|x|x|E|region:AU-SA_type:x}}) , postcode 5133
Inglewoo is in the [[x]] [[local government area]], the [[South Australian House of Assembly]] [[electoral district of x]] and the [[Australian House of Representatives]] [[Division of x]]. [[Category:Towns in South Australia]] {{SouthAustralia-geo-stub}}
Inman ValleylinksGeoscience Aust.PlacenamesGoogle
'''Inman Valley''' ({{coor dm|x|x|S|x|x|E|region:AU-SA_type:x}}) , postcode 5211
Inman Valley is in the [[x]] [[local government area]], the [[South Australian House of Assembly]] [[electoral district of x]] and the [[Australian House of Representatives]] [[Division of x]]. [[Category:Towns in South Australia]] {{SouthAustralia-geo-stub}}
InnaminckalinksGeoscience Aust.PlacenamesGoogleWalkabout
'''Innamincka''' ({{coor dm|x|x|S|x|x|E|region:AU-SA_type:x}}) , postcode
Innamincka is in the [[x]] [[local government area]], the [[South Australian House of Assembly]] [[electoral district of x]] and the [[Australian House of Representatives]] [[Division of x]]. [[Category:Towns in South Australia]] {{SouthAustralia-geo-stub}}
Iron Baron linksGeoscience Aust.PlacenamesGoogleWalkabout
'''Iron Baron''' ({{coor dm|x|x|S|x|x|E|region:AU-SA_type:x}}) , postcode 5600
Iron Baron is in the [[x]] [[local government area]], the [[South Australian House of Assembly]] [[electoral district of x]] and the [[Australian House of Representatives]] [[Division of x]]. [[Category:Towns in South Australia]] {{SouthAustralia-geo-stub}}
IronbanklinksGeoscience Aust.PlacenamesGoogle
'''Ironbank''' ({{coor dm|x|x|S|x|x|E|region:AU-SA_type:x}}) , postcode 5153
Ironbank is in the [[x]] [[local government area]], the [[South Australian House of Assembly]] [[electoral district of x]] and the [[Australian House of Representatives]] [[Division of x]]. [[Category:Towns in South Australia]] {{SouthAustralia-geo-stub}}