School of English (University of Wales, Bangor)
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The School of English at the University of Wales, Bangor teaches writing across all the major literary periods from Old English through to the twenty-first century. Its particular areas of expertise lie in Medieval Literature, the Early Modern period, Romanticism, literary Modernism and Contemporary fiction and poetry. Within that range it also has strengths in Arthurian literature, Gender theory and Women's Writing, Gothic Writing, Ameican Literature and Culture, Post-colonialism, Literature and Science, Contemporary Poetry and Welsh Writing in English. Other areas of expertise include Creative Writing and Film Studies. It offers both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in all of these areas.
In terms of scholarly and academic research, it contains the following Study Groups and Centres: Centre for Medieval Studies, Early Modern Studies, and the RS Thomas Study Centre.
[edit] External Link
School of English at the University of Wales, Bangor [1]