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- For the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, see SCIRI.
The Scirii (also Skiri or Scirians) were a grouping of East Germanic peoples, attested in historical works between the 2nd century BC and 5th century AD.
The etymology of their name is unclear, but may mean 'clean-' or 'pure-bloods' as opposed to the neighbouring tribe of Bastarnae 'mixed-bloods' (cf 'bastard')(1). Other authors suggest a link with the term Shire.
The Scirii are believed to have first lived within the territory of modern Poland, in Masuria around the Vistula and Drevenz/Drwęca rivers. They migrated southwards apparently around 200 BC (some secondary works give a more precise date of 230 BC), along with the Bastarnae. After a peace treaty with the Roman Empire they are recorded as living east of the Bastarnae, near the Black Sea.
For the next six centuries historical references to the Scirii are sporadic, but sufficient to suggest continuity.
In the 4th century AD, some of the Scirii lived in the Carpathians, where they were defeated by the Huns. Thereafter, part of the Scirii joined the Western and Eastern Goths, while others became foederati in the Roman empire. Odoacer, the first "king of Italy", was half-Scirian.
[edit] References
- Nationalencyklopedin article on Scirians.
- (1) Armin E. Hepp, Völker und Stämme in Deutschland, Manfred Pawlak Verlag, 1986, p.268