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Scree, also called talus and detritic cone, is a term given to broken rock that appears at the bottom of crags, mountain cliffs or valley shoulders, forming scree slopes. The maximum inclination of such deposits corresponds to the angle of repose of the mean debris size.
The term scree comes from the Old Norse term for landslide: skriða[1].
The term scree is generally used interchangeably with talus, though scree often refers to rocks that are small (e.g., smaller than a human head), while talus can refer to rocks larger than scree.[2]
The formation of scree is often a result of frost heaving, one of the physical weathering processes that slowly wear mountains down. During the day, water can flow into cracks and crevices in the rock. If the temperature drops sufficiently, for example with the onset of evening, the water freezes. Since water expands when it freezes, it forms a powerful wedge which can eventually break out pieces of rock. A repeated cycle of freeze-thaw can lead to significant erosion and most of the loose rock or scree slopes so common in the mountains have been formed in this way.
For mountaineers screes may pose a danger. On the other hand, experienced mountaineers often rush down a scree by balancing on a large boulder which slides down by its increased weight (exceed of the mean friction angle). In a similar way, gravity causes an almost constant scree inclination by the impulse of falling rocks.
Formation of scree can occur on planets or moons other than the Earth. For example it is fairly common for fresh craters on the Moon to have piles of talus along the base of the inner wall.
[edit] In popular culture
A track on the album The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by progressive rock band Genesis is called 'Riding the Scree'. Scree is your constant companion in the video game Primal
[edit] See also
[edit] References
- ^ Scree. Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved on 2006-04-20.
- ^ Scree. Backpacker Magazine Jargon file. Retrieved on 2006-05-01.