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[edit] Initial Discussion
Shouldn't perhaps Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea becalled apart, and not in Atlantic Ocean? They are not landlocked, nor they are commonly considered part of the Ocean (in Europe, at least). How in this case could they be regrouped? Other seas that could eventually be distinguished this way? -- Gianfranco
- Seas are either part of Oceans or large lakes. The Atlantic Ocean article claims the Mediterranean is part of it. Also see ocean.
- I've tried a compromize with nested lists, how's that? I used the same approach to a couple of other bodies of water that aren't directly connected to the ocean they're listed under. Bryan
Mentioning the "connected to an ocean" part seems really pointless, considering the sheer number of exceptions to this "rule." I think there just comes a point where one has to realize that seas just plain aren't necessary connected to an ocean. Anyway, I really think the whole "connected to an ocean" thing in fact should be removed. User:Edsanville
- I think "connected to an ocean" is in fact quite relevant, since it shows that seas are not necessarily distinct bodies of water surrounded by a shore. Furthermore, take a look at the length of the list of seas in the article that are connected to oceans versus the landlocked seas list - there are 64 ocean-connected seas versus only 4 landlocked seas listed. If anything, it's the landlocked ones that are the rare exception. Bryan 07:16, 9 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- Make that 5, I just added the Salton Sea.Ed Sanville
Is there any sea with no shores? Sea with n o shores?? Ha ha--Johnhardcastle 11:28, 30 November 2006 (UTC)
[edit] List to integrate
From, itself from International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), Limits of Oceans and Seas, Special publication S-23, Draft 4th ed., Monaco: IHO, 1986 ("LOS" below). This is the only on-line reference I could find that actually lists the S-23 (1986) contents. It should be noted the IHO abandoned the draft and started a new one in 1998 [1], although several data standards have nevertheless adopted it (e.g. EDCS, VMAP0 [2] 4.1.2, NATO...).
(in alphabetical order)
- ADRIATIC_SEA : Adriatic Sea as defined in [LOS,]. The Adriatic Sea is situated in the north-western part of the Mediterranean eastern basin, generally between the coasts of Italy, Yugoslavia and Albania.
- AEGEAN_SEA : Aegean Sea as defined in [LOS,]. The Aegean Sea is situated generally between the coasts of Greece and Turkey.
- ALBORAN_SEA : Alboran Sea as defined in [LOS,]. The Alboran Sea is situated generally between the southern coast of Spain and the coasts of Algeria and Morocco.
- AMUNDSEN_SEA : Amundsen Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.11]. The Amundsen Sea is situated generally off the coast of Marie Byrd Land and westward of Thurston Island.
- ANADYRSKIY_ZALIV : Anadyrskiy Zaliv as defined in [LOS, 7.9]. The Anadyrskiy Zaliv is situated generally north-westward and adjacent to the BERING_SEA and bounded by the Siberian coast.
- ANDAMAN_SEA : Andaman Sea as defined in [LOS, 5.13]. The Andaman Sea is situated generally between the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the coasts of Myanmar and Thailand.
- ARABIAN_SEA : Arabian Sea as defined in [LOS, 5.8]. The Arabian Sea is situated generally in the northern part of the Indian Ocean.
- ARAFURA_SEA : Arafura Sea as defined in [LOS, 5.15]. The Arafura Sea is a component of the Indian Ocean generally lying between the south-western part of New Guinea and the northern coast of Australia.
- ARU_SEA : Aru Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.13]. The Aru Sea lies off the southern coast of Irian Jaya, and is generally bounded on the south by the ARAFURA_SEA and on the west by the BANDA_SEA and CERAM_SEAs.
- BAFFIN_BAY : Baffin Bay as defined in [LOS, 9.12]. The Baffin Bay is situated generally between the eastern coast of Ellesmere, Devon, Bylot and Baffin Islands on the west, and the western and north-western coasts of Greenland on the east.
- BALEAR_SEA : Balear Sea as defined in [LOS,]. The Balear Sea is situated generally between the eastern coast of Spain and the Islas Baleares.
- BALI_SEA : Bali Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.9]. The Bali Sea is situated generally southward and adjacent to the JAWA_SEA, between the eastern coast of Jawa and the western coast of Sumbawa.
- BALTIC_SEA : Baltic Sea as defined in [LOS, 2]. The Baltic Sea is an enclosed sea opening only to the SKAGERRAK, generally bounded by the coasts of Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany and Denmark.
- BANDA_SEA : Banda Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.14]. The Banda Sea is generally bounded on the north by Buru and Ceram, on the east by Nuhu Cut and Yamdena, on the south by Moa, Timor, Alor, Pantar and Kawula, and on the west by Sulawesi and the FLORES_SEA.
- BARENTS_SEA : Barents Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.4]. The Barents Sea is situated generally off the north-eastern coast of Norway and the north-western coast of Russia.
- BASS_STRAIT : Bass Strait as defined in [LOS, 8.4.1]. The Bass Strait is a component of the TASMAN_SEA and is situated generally between the south-eastern coast of Australia and Tasmania.
- BAY_OF_BENGAL : Bay of Bengal as defined in [LOS, 5.12]. The Bay of Bengal is situated in the northern part of the Indian Ocean, generally between the coasts of Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and the western side of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
- BAY_OF_BISCAY : Bay of Biscay (or Golfe de Gascogne) as defined in [LOS, 1.8]. The Bay of Biscay is situated generally between the western coast of France and the northern coast of Spain.
- BAY_OF_BOTHNIA : Bay of Bothnia as defined in [LOS, 2.2.2]. The Bay of Bothnia is the northern of the two basins comprising the GULF_OF_BOTHNIA, and is situated generally between the eastern coast of Sweden and the western coast of Finland.
- BAY_OF_FUNDY : Bay of Fundy as defined in [LOS, 1.12]. The Bay of Fundy is situated generally on the eastern coast of North America, bounded on the west, the north and the east by the coast of Maine, in the United States, and the coasts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in Canada.
- BEAUFORT_SEA : Beaufort Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.15]. The Beaufort Sea is situated generally off the northern coasts of Alaska and Canada, and bounded on the east by Prince Patrick and Banks Islands.
- BELLINGSHAUSEN_SEA : Bellingshausen Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.12]. The Bellingshausen Sea is generally located west of the Antarctic Peninsula and confined by Peter I Island and Thurston Island.
- BERING_SEA : Bering Sea as defined in [LOS, 7.8]. The Bering Sea is situated generally in the northern part of the North Pacific Ocean and bounded on the west by the coasts of Poluostrov Kamchatka and Siberia, on the east by the coast of Alaska, and on the south by the Aleutian Islands.
- BISMARCK_SEA : Bismarck Sea as defined in [LOS, 8.1]. The Bismarck Sea is situated generally off the north-eastern coast of Papua New Guinea and bounded by the Bismarck Archipelago.
- BLACK_SEA : Black Sea as defined in [LOS, 3.3]. The Black Sea is an enclosed sea situated in the north-eastern part of the Mediterranean region, generally bounded by the coasts of Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey, connected through the Kerch Strait with the SEA_OF_AZOV on the north, and through the Bosporus with the SEA_OF_MARMARA on the south-west.
- BO_HAI : Bo Hai as defined in [LOS, 7.4.1]. The Bo Hai is situated in the north-west part of the YELLOW_SEA and is generally bounded by the coast of China.
- BOTHNIAN_SEA : Bothnian Sea as defined in [LOS, 2.2.1]. The Bothnian Sea is the southern of the two basins comprising the GULF_OF_BOTHNIA, and is situated generally between the eastern coast of Sweden and the western coast of Finland.
- BRANSFIELD_STRAIT : Bransfield Strait as defined in [LOS, 10.14]. The Bransfield Strait is situated generally between the South Shetland Islands and the northern part of the Antarctic Peninsula.
- BRISTOL_CHANNEL : Bristol Channel as defined in [LOS, 1.5]. The Bristol Channel is situated generally north-eastward and adjacent to the CELTIC_SEA and bounded on the north, the east, and the south by the coasts of Wales and England.
- CARIBBEAN_SEA : Caribbean Sea as defined in [LOS, 1.10]. The Caribbean Sea is situated generally between the northern coast of South America, the eastern coast of Central America and the islands of the West Indies.
- CASPIAN_SEA : Caspian Sea, situated in north-west Asia, landlocked by the coasts of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan.
- CELEBES_SEA : Celebes Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.21]. The Celebes Sea is situated generally between the eastern coasts of Sabah (East Malaysia) and Kalimantan, the northern coast of Sulawesi and on the north by the coast of Mindanao.
- CELTIC_SEA : Celtic Sea as defined in [LOS, 1.6]. The Celtic Sea is situated generally between the southern coast of Ireland, the south-western coasts of Wales and England, the north-western coast of France and the Celtic shelf-edge.
- CENTRAL_BALTIC_SEA : Central Baltic Sea as defined in [LOS, 2.1]. The Central Baltic Sea is situated generally between the southeast coast of Sweden, the southwest extremity of Finland and the coast of Europe from Estonia, westward to Germany and Denmark.
- CERAM_SEA : Ceram Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.16]. The Ceram Sea is generally bounded on the north by Mangoli, Obi Mayor and Kofiau, on the east by the coast of Irian Jaya, on the south by Nuhu Cut, Ceram and Buru, and on the west by Sanana.
- CHUCKCHI_SEA : Chuckchi Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.16]. The Chuckchi Sea is situated generally between the north-eastern coast of Siberia and the north-western coast of Alaska.
- COASTAL_WATERS_SOUTHEAST_ALASKA_BRITISH_COLUMBIA : Coastal Waters of south-east Alaska and British Columbia as defined in [LOS, 7.11]. These coastal waters are situated generally in the north-eastern part of the North Pacific Ocean, between the coast of North America and the Alexander, Queen Charlotte and Vancouver Islands.
- CORAL_SEA : Coral Sea as defined in [LOS, 8.3]. The Coral Sea is situated generally between the eastern coast of Australia in the west, and the Santa Cruz Islands, Vanuatu and Norfolk Island in the east, and is bordered on the north by the SOLOMON_SEA and the southern coast of Papua New Guinea and on the south by the TASMAN_SEA.
- COSMONAUTS_SEA : Cosmonauts Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.4]. The Cosmonauts Sea is situated generally adjacent to the Antarctic coast of Dronning Maud Land and Enderby Land.
- DAVIS_SEA : Davis Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.6]. The Davis Sea is situated generally adjacent to the King Leopold and the Queen Astrid coasts, stretching eastward to the Shackleton Ice Shelf.
- DAVIS_STRAIT : Davis Strait as defined in [LOS, 9.9]. The Davis Sea is situated generally between Baffin Island and Greenland.
- DEAD_SEA : Dead Sea, situated in south-west Asia, landlocked by the coasts of Israel and Jordan.
- DOVER_STRAIT : Dover Strait (or Pas de Calais) as defined in [LOS, 1.7.1]. The Dover Strait is situated generally between the southern extremity of the British Isles and the northern extremity of France.
- DRAKE_PASSAGE : Drake Passage as defined in [LOS, 4.3 and 10.13]. The Drake Passage is situated generally between the southern and eastern extremities of South America and the South Shetland Islands, lying north of the Antarctic Peninsula.
- DUMONT_DURVILLE_SEA : Dumont d'Urville Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.8]. The Dumont d'Urville Sea is situated generally adjacent to the coasts of Terre Adelie and George V Land.
- EAST_CHINA_SEA : East China Sea as defined in [LOS, 7.3]. The East China Sea is situated generally between the coast of mainland China, the south-western part of Japan and the Nansei Shoto.
- EAST_SIBERIAN_SEA : East Siberian Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.1]. The East Siberian Sea is situated generally off the north-eastern coast of Russia.
- EASTERN_BASIN_MEDITERRANEAN_SEA : Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Basin as defined in [LOS, 3.1.2]. The Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean Sea is generally bounded by the coasts of Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.
- ENGLISH_CHANNEL : English Channel (or La Manche) as defined in [LOS, 1.7]. The English Channel is situated generally between the southern coast of England and the northern coast of France and links the NORTH_SEA and the CELTIC_SEA.
- FLORES_SEA : Flores Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.10]. The Flores Sea is situated generally between the JAWA_SEA and the BANDA_SEA, bounded on the north by the southern coast of Sulawesi and on the south by the northern coasts of Sumbawa and Flores.
- GREAT_AUSTRALIAN_BIGHT : Great Australian Bight as defined in [LOS, 5.16]. The Great Australian Bight is a component of the Indian Ocean and is situated generally on the southern coast of Australia.
- GREAT_BARRIER_REEF : Great Barrier Reef (coastal waters) as defined in [LOS, 8.3.2]. The Great Barrier Reef is situated in the CORAL_SEA generally off the north-eastern coast of Australia.
- GREENLAND_SEA : Greenland Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.6]. The Greenland Sea is situated off the north-eastern coast of Greenland and is generally bounded by the Svalbard on the north-east, and by Jan Mayen on the south.
- GULF_OF_ADEN : Gulf of Aden as defined in [LOS, 5.5]. The Gulf of Aden is a wide strait generally linking the RED_SEA and the ARABIAN_SEA.
- GULF_OF_ALASKA : Gulf of Alaska as defined in [LOS, 7.10]. The Gulf of Alaska is situated in the northern part of the North Pacific Ocean, generally bounded on the west by the coast of the Alaskan Peninsula, and on the north and the east by the coast of Alaska.
- GULF_OF_AQABA : Gulf of Aqaba as defined in [LOS, 5.3]. The Gulf of Aqaba is situated north-eastward and adjacent to the RED_SEA, generally bounded by the coasts of the Sinai Peninsula and the Arabian Peninsula.
- GULF_OF_BERAU : Gulf of Berau as defined in [LOS, 6.17]. The Gulf of Berau is situated eastward and adjacent to the CERAM_SEA and is generally bounded on the north, the east and the south by the western coast of Irian Jaya.
- GULF_OF_BONE : Gulf of Bone as defined in [LOS, 6.15]. The Gulf of Bone is situated westward and adjacent to the BANDA_SEA and is generally bounded on the west, the north and the east by the coast of Sulawesi.
- GULF_OF_BOTHNIA : Gulf of Bothnia as defined in [LOS, 2.2]. The Gulf of Bothnia is situated generally between the eastern coast of Sweden and the western coast of Finland.
- GULF_OF_CALIFORNIA : Gulf of California as defined in [LOS, 7.12]. The Gulf of California is situated in the eastern part of the North Pacific Ocean, generally between the eastern coast of the Peninsula of Baja California and the western coast of Mexico.
- GULF_OF_CARPENTARIA : Gulf of Carpentaria as defined in [LOS, 5.15.1]. The Gulf of Carpentaria is a large indentation of the ARAFURA_SEA into the northern coast of Australia.
- GULF_OF_FINLAND : Gulf of Finland as defined in [LOS, 2.3]. The Gulf of Finland is situated generally in the eastern part of the BALTIC_SEA and is bounded by the southern coast of Finland and the northern coast of Estonia.
- GULF_OF_GUINEA : Gulf of Guinea as defined in [LOS, 1.9]. The Gulf of Guinea is situated generally off the coasts of Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, on the western coast of Africa.
- GULF_OF_MANNAR : Gulf of Mannar as defined in [LOS, 5.10]. The Gulf of Mannar is situated eastward and adjacent to the LAKSHADWEEP_SEA and is generally bounded by the coast of India on the north-west and by the coast of Sri Lanka on the east.
- GULF_OF_MEXICO : Gulf of Mexico as defined in [LOS, 1.11]. The Gulf of Mexico is an almost enclosed sea situated in the western extremity of the North Atlantic Ocean and is generally bounded by the eastern coast of Mexico, the Gulf coast of the United States of America and the north-western coast of Cuba, connected through the Straits of Florida with the North Atlantic Ocean in the east, and through the Yucatan Channel with the CARIBBEAN_SEA in the south-east.
- GULF_OF_OMAN : Gulf of Oman as defined in [LOS, 5.7]. The Gulf of Oman is a wide strait linking the PERSIAN_GULF and the ARABIAN_SEA.
- GULF_OF_PANAMA : Gulf of Panama as defined in [LOS, 7.13]. The Gulf of Panama is situated in the south-eastern part of the North Pacific Ocean, generally bounded on the west, the north and the east by the Pacific coast of Panama.
- GULF_OF_PAPUA : Gulf of Papua as defined in [LOS, 8.3.3]. The Gulf of Papua is generally the northern part of the CORAL_SEA.
- GULF_OF_RIGA : Gulf of Riga as defined in [LOS, 2.5]. The Gulf of Riga is situated in the eastern part of the BALTIC_SEA, partially surrounded by Latvia.
- GULF_OF_ST_LAWRENCE : Gulf of St. Lawrence as defined in [LOS, 1.13]. The Gulf of St. Lawrence is situated in Canada, generally between the coasts of Quebec, Labrador, Island of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
- GULF_OF_SUEZ : Gulf of Suez as defined in [LOS, 5.2]. The Gulf of Suez is situated north-westward and adjacent to the RED_SEA, generally bounded by the coasts of Africa and the Sinai Peninsula.
- GULF_OF_THAILAND : Gulf of Thailand as defined in [LOS, 6.3]. The Gulf of Thailand is situated south-westward and adjacent to the SOUTH_CHINA_SEA, generally bounded by the coasts of West Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam.
- GULF_OF_TOMINI : Gulf of Tomini as defined in [LOS, 6.20]. The Gulf of Tomini is situated westward and adjacent to the MALUKU_SEA, generally bounded on the north, the west and the south by the north-eastern coast of Sulawesi.
- GULF_OF_TONKIN : Gulf of Tonkin as defined in [LOS, 6.2]. The Gulf of AlasTonkinka is situated north-westward and adjacent to the SOUTH_CHINA_SEA, generally bounded by the coasts of Viet Nam and China, and the western coast of Hai-nan Tao (China).
- HALMAHERA_SEA : Halmahera Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.18]. The Halmahera Sea is situated generally between Halmahera and Irian Jaya, bounded by the North Pacific Ocean on the east and by the CERAM_SEA on the south.
- HUDSON_BAY : Hudson Bay as defined in [LOS, 9.11]. The Hudson Bay is situated off the north-eastern part of the North American continent and is generally bounded on the east, the south and the west by the northern coast of Canada, and connected on the north with the NORTHWESTERN_PASSAGES and the HUDSON_STRAIT.
- HUDSON_STRAIT : Hudson Strait as defined in [LOS, 9.10]. The Hudson Strait is situated between the northern coast of Quebec and the southern coast of Baffin Island, and generally links HUDSON_BAY with DAVIS_STRAIT.
- ICELAND_SEA : Iceland Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.8]. The Iceland Sea is generally limited by the GREENLAND_SEA to the north, the NORWEGIAN_SEA to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the coast of northern and eastern Iceland and further east by the Atlantic Ocean.
- INNER_SEAS : Inner Seas off the west coast of Scotland as defined in [LOS, 1.3]. The Inner Seas are situated generally between the western coast of Scotland, the eastern coasts of the Outer Hebrides Islands, and the northern coast of Ireland.
- IONIAN_SEA : Ionian Sea as defined in [LOS,]. The Ionian Sea is situated generally between the eastern coast of Sicilia and the southern coast of Italy on the west, and the western coast of Greece on the east.
- IRISH_SEA_AND_ST_GEORGES_CHANNEL : Irish Sea and St. George's Channel as defined in [LOS, 1.4]. The Irish Sea and St. George's Channel are situated generally between the eastern coast of Ireland and the western coasts of Scotland, England and Wales.
- JAWA_SEA : Jawa Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.7]. The Jawa Sea is situated generally between the southern coast of Kalimantan and the northern coast of Jawa.
- JOSEPH_BONAPARTE_GULF : Joseph Bonaparte Gulf as defined in [LOS, 5.14.1]. The Joseph Bonaparte Gulf is generally an indentation of the TIMOR_SEA into the north-western coast of Australia.
- KARA_SEA : Kara Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.3]. The Kara Sea is situated generally off the northern coast of Russia.
- KATTEGAT : Kattegat as defined in [LOS, 2.9]. The Kattegat is a wide strait situated in the north-western part of the BALTIC_SEA, generally between the SKAGERRAK and THE_SOUND, STOREBAELT and LILLEBAELT and between the eastern coast of Denmark and the south-western coast of Sweden.
- LABRADOR_SEA : Labrador Sea as defined in [LOS, 1.14]. The Labrador Sea is situated in the north-western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, generally between the eastern coasts of Labrador and the Island of Newfoundland (Canada) and the southern extremity of Greenland.
- LAKSHADWEEP_SEA : Lakshadweep Sea as defined in [LOS, 5.9]. The Lakshadweep Sea is generally bounded by the Lakshadweep and Maldives Islands on the west, and by the south-western coasts of India and Sri Lanka on the east.
- LAPTEV_SEA : Laptev Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.2]. The Laptev Sea is situated generally off the northern coast of Russia.
- LAZAREV_SEA : Lazarev Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.2]. The Lazarev Sea is situated generally adjacent to the Prinsesse Astrid Coast of Dronning Maud Land.
- LIAODONG_WAN : Liaodong Wan as defined in [LOS, 7.4.2]. The Liaodong Wan is situated in the YELLOW_SEA, generally north-east of and adjacent to the BO_HAI and bounded by the coast of China.
- LIGURE_SEA : Ligure Sea as defined in [LOS,]. The Ligure Sea is situated generally between the north-western coast of Italy and the northern extremity of Corse.
- LILLEBAELT : Lillebaelt (The Little Belt) as defined in [LOS, 2.8]. The Lillebaelt is situated generally in the south-western part of the BALTIC_SEA, between the eastern coasts of Denmark and Germany and the Danish islands of Fyn, Langeland and Aero.
- LINCOLN_SEA : Lincoln Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.13]. The Lincoln Sea is situated generally between the northern coasts of Ellesmere Island and Greenland.
- MAKASSAR_STRAIT : Makassar Strait as defined in [LOS, 6.8]. The Makassar Sea is situated generally between the eastern coast of Kalimantan and the western coast of Sulawesi, and links the JAWA_SEA and the SULAWESI_SEA.
- MALACCA_STRAIT : Malacca Strait as defined in [LOS, 6.5]. The Malacca Sea is situated generally between the coasts of Thailand and West Malaysia on the north and the coast of Sumatra on the south.
- MALUKU_SEA : Maluku Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.19]. The Maluku Sea is generally bounded on the north by Sangihe and Talaud, on the east by Halmahera, on the south by Obi Mayor, Mangoli and Taliabu, and on the west by the north-eastern coast of Sulawesi.
- MAWSON_SEA : Mawson Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.7]. The Mawson Sea is situated generally adjacent to the Knox Coast, off the Shackleton Ice Shelf and eastward of Cape Poinsett.
- MCMURDO_SOUND : McMurdo Sound as defined in [LOS, 10.10.1]. The McMurdo Sea is situated generally between Ross Island and the Antarctic mainland coast.
- MEDITERRANEAN_SEA : Mediterranean Sea as defined in [LOS, 3.1]. The Mediterranean Sea is generally bounded by the coasts of southern Europe, western Asia and north Africa, opening only, on the west, to the North Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar and, on the north-east, to the SEA_OF_MARMARA through the Dardanelles.
- MOZAMBIQUE_CHANNEL : Mozambique Channel as defined in [LOS, 5.1]. The Mozambique Channel is the wide passage situated on the eastern coast of Africa generally between the coasts of Mozambique and Madagascar.
- NATUNA_SEA : Natuna Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.4]. The Natuna Sea is situated generally between the north-eastern coast of Sumatra and the western coast of Kalimantan.
- NORTH_SEA : North Sea as defined in [LOS, 1.2]. The North Sea is situated generally between the eastern coasts of the British Isles and the western coast of Europe.
- NORTHWESTERN_PASSAGES : Northwestern Passages as defined in [LOS, 9.14]. The Northwestern Passages are situated generally between the northern coast of Canada and the off-lying islands of the Northwest Territories of Canada.
- NORWEGIAN_SEA : Norwegian Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.7]. The Norwegian Sea is situated off the western coast of Norway and is generally bounded by the southern extremity of the Svalbard on the north, by Jan Mayen on the west, and by Fugloy on the south-west.
- PALK_STRAIT_AND_BAY : Palk Strait and Palk Bay as defined in [LOS, 5.11]. The Palk Strait and Palk Bay are situated south-westward and adjacent to the BAY_OF_BENGAL and are generally bounded by the coast of India on the north-west and by the north-western coast of Sri Lanka on the south-east.
- PERSIAN_GULF : Persian Gulf, or Arabian Gulf, as defined in [LOS, 5.6]. The Persian Gulf is generally bounded by the coasts of Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Iran.
- PHILIPPINE_SEA : Philippine Sea as defined in [LOS, 7.1]. The Philippine Sea is situated in the south-western part of the North Pacific Ocean, and is generally bounded by the Philippine Islands and the eastern coast of T'ai-wan on the west, by the Nansei Shoto on the north-west, by the southern coast of Japan on the north, and by the Marianas on the east.
- RED_SEA : Red Sea as defined in [LOS, 5.4]. The Red Sea is situated generally between the coasts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
- RIISER_LARSEN_SEA : Riiser-Larsen Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.3]. The Riiser-Larsen Sea is situated generally adjacent to the Prinsesse Ragnhild Coast of Dronning Maud Land.
- RIO_DE_LA_PLATA : Rio de la Plata as defined in [LOS, 4.1]. The Rio de la Plata is the mouth of a large river between the coasts of Uruguay and Argentina, limited on the south-east by the South Atlantic Ocean.
- ROSS_SEA : Ross Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.10]. The Ross Sea is a major indentation on the eastern side of Antarctica, largely surrounded by the Antarctic shoreline, of which a major part is the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf.
- SAWU_SEA : Sawu Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.12]. The Sawu Sea is generally bounded on the north by Flores, Kawula, Pantar and Alor Islands, and on the south by Pulau Sumba, Dana, Roti and Timor.
- SCOTIA_SEA : Scotia Sea as defined in [LOS, 4.2]. The Scotia Sea is generally bounded by the south-eastern extremity of South America and the South Shetland Islands on the west and by South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands to the north and east.
- SEA_OF_AZOV : Sea of Azov as defined in [LOS, 3.4]. The Sea of Azov is a shallow enclosed sea situated north-east of the BLACK_SEA and generally bounded by the coasts of Russia and Ukraine, connected only with the BLACK_SEA through the Kerch Strait on the south.
- SEA_OF_CRETE : Sea of Crete, the southern part of the AEGEAN_SEA, located between Crete to the south and the Cyclades to the north.
- SEA_OF_JAPAN : Sea of Japan as defined in [LOS, 7.6]. The Sea of Japan is situated generally between the Asian coast and the islands of Japan and Sakhalin.
- SEA_OF_MARMARA : Sea of Marmara as defined in [LOS, 3.2]. The Sea of Marmara is an enclosed sea situated generally in the north-western part of Turkey, connected through the Bosporus with the BLACK_SEA on the north-east, and through the Dardanelles with the AEGEAN_SEA on the south-west.
- SEA_OF_OKHOTSK : Sea of Okhotsk as defined in [LOS, 7.7]. The Sea of Okhotsk is situated in the north-western part of the North Pacific Ocean and is generally bounded by the coasts of Ostrov Sakhalin, mainland Russia, Kuril'skiye Ostrova and Hokkaido.
- SETO_NAIKAI : Seto Naikai as defined in [LOS, 7.5]. The Seto Naikai is a small enclosed sea situated in Japan and generally bounded on the north and the east by the southern coast of Honshu, and on the south by the northern coasts of Shikoku and Kyushu, connected through the Kanmon Kaikyo with the SEA_OF_JAPAN in the west, and through Bungo Suido and Kii Suido with the PHILIPPINE_SEA in the south.
- SINGAPORE_STRAIT : Singapore Strait as defined in [LOS, 6.5.1]. The Singapore Strait is generally bounded on the north by the southern coasts of the Malay Peninsula and Singapore Island, and on the south by the northern coasts of the islands of Karimun Kecil, Pemping Besar, Batam and Bintan.
- SKAGERRAK : Skagerrak as defined in [LOS, 1.1]. The Skagerrak is a wide strait linking the NORTH_SEA and the BALTIC_SEA.
- SODRUZHETSVA_SEA : Sodruzhetsva (Cooperation) Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.5]. The Sodruzhetsva is situated generally adjacent to the Antarctic Continent coast between Enderby Land and the West Ice Shelf.
- SOLOMON_SEA : Solomon Sea as defined in [LOS, 8.2]. The Solomon Sea is situated generally between the eastern coast of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
- SOMOV_SEA : Somov Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.9]. The Somov Sea is situated generally adjacent to George V Land and Oates Land and is partially encompassed by the Balleny Islands.
- SOUND_SEA : Sound Sea as defined in [LOS, 2.4]. The Sound Sea is situated generally in the eastern part of the Baltic Region, west of Estonia.
- SOUTH_CHINA_SEA : South China Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.1]. The South China Sea generally borders the coast of China.
- STOREBAELT : Storebaelt (The Great Belt) as defined in [LOS, 2.7]. The Storebaelt is situated in the south-western part of the BALTIC_SEA, generally between the Danish islands of Sjaelland and Lolland on the east, and Fyn and Langeland on the west.
- STRAIT_OF_GIBRALTAR : Strait of Gibraltar as defined in [LOS,]. The Strait of Gibraltar is situated between the southern coast of Spain and the northern coast of Morocco, linking the North Atlantic Ocean and the MEDITERRANEAN_SEA.
- STRAIT_OF_SICILIA : Strait of Sicilia as defined in [LOS,]. The Strait of Sicilia is situated generally between the southern coast of Sicilia and the eastern coast of Tunisia.
- SULAWESI_SEA : Sulawesi Sea, situated generally between the Sulu Archipelago and Mindinao to the north, Kalimantan to the west, the MAKASSAR_STRAIT and Sulawesi to the south, and the northern part of the MALUKU_SEA to the west.
- SULU_SEA : Sulu Sea as defined in [LOS, 6.22]. The Sulu Sea is generally bounded on the north by Mindoro, on the east by Panay, Negros and Mindanao on the south by the north-eastern coast of Sabah (East Malaysia), and on the west by Palawan.
- SUMBA_STRAIT : Sumba Strait as defined in [LOS, 6.11]. The Sumba Sea is generally bounded on the south by Sumba and on the north by Sumbawa and Flores, linking the Indian Ocean and the SAWU_SEA with the FLORES_SEA.
- SUNDA_STRAIT : Sunda Strait as defined in [LOS, 6.6]. The Sunda Sea is situated generally between the Sumatra and Jawa Islands, linking the Indian Ocean with the JAWA_SEA.
- TAI_WAN_STRAIT : T'ai-wan Strait as defined in [LOS, 7.2]. The T'ai-wan Strait is a wide passage situated between the coasts of mainland China and T'ai-wan, linking the EAST_CHINA_SEA and the SOUTH_CHINA_SEA.
- TASMAN_SEA : Tasman Sea as defined in [LOS, 8.4]. The Tasman Sea is situated generally between the south-eastern coast of Australia and New Zealand in the east and west, and between the CORAL_SEA and the Antarctic (or Southern) Ocean to the north and south.
- TATARSKIY_PROLIV : Tatarskiy Proliv as defined in [LOS, 7.6.1]. The Tatarskiy Proliv is situated at the northern end of the SEA_OF_JAPAN, generally between the coasts of mainland Russia and Ostrov Sakhalin, connected on the north and through the Proliv Nevel'skogo, with the SEA_OF_OKHOTSK.
- THE_SOUND : The Sound as defined in [LOS, 2.6]. The Sound is situated in the south-western part of the BALTIC_SEA, generally between the Danish island of Sjaelland and the south-western coast of Sweden.
- TIMOR_SEA : Timor Sea as defined in [LOS, 5.14]. The Timor Sea is a component of the Indian Ocean situated generally between the north-west coasts of Australia and Timor.
- TIRRENO_SEA : Tirreno Sea as defined in [LOS,]. The Tirreno Sea is situated in the MEDITERRANEAN_SEA generally between the western coast of Italy, the northern coast of Sicilia and the eastern coasts of Sardegna and Corse.
- TORRES_STRAIT : Torres Strait as defined in [LOS, 8.3.1]. The Torres Strait is situated in the CORAL_SEA generally between the southern coast of Papua New Guinea and north-eastern Australia.
- TRYOSHNIKOVA_GULF : Tryoshnikova Gulf as defined in [LOS, 10.6.1]. The Tryoshnikova Gulf is situated generally in the southern part of the DAVIS_SEA.
- TYRRHENIAN_SEA : Tyrrhenian Sea, situated in the MEDITERRANEAN_SEA off the western coast of Italy, generally bounded on the west by Corsica and Sardinia, on the north by Liguria, and on the east by Tuscany, Latium, Campania, and Calabria.
- WEDDELL_SEA : Weddell Sea as defined in [LOS, 10.1]. The Weddell Sea is a major indentation on the north-west coast of Antarctica generally between the Antarctic Peninsula on the west and the main body of Antarctica to the south.
- WESTERN_BASIN_MEDITERRANEAN_SEA : Mediterranean Sea, Western Basin as defined in [LOS, 3.1.1]. The Western Basin of the Mediterranean Sea is generally bounded by the coasts of Spain, France, Monaco and Italy on the north and the east, and by the coasts of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco on the south.
- WHITE_SEA : White Sea as defined in [LOS, 9.5]. The White Sea is situated southward and adjacent to the BARENTS_SEA and is generally bounded by the north-western coast of Russia.
- YELLOW_SEA : Yellow Sea as defined in [LOS, 7.4]. The Yellow Sea is situated north-westward and adjacent to the EAST_CHINA_SEA, generally between the coast of China and the western coast of Korea and includes the BO_HAI and LIAODONG_WAN.
Urhixidur 15:01, 25 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Gay?
I think this page may have been vandalised, one of the seas on the atlantic ocean section is GAY, and links to a page on homosexuality.