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[edit] Genres
I don't think the genre "thrash metal" fits Sepultura throughout its entire existance. Maybe it could be labelled thrash metal in the begining, up until Chaos AD in 1993. I think the music in their later albums changed. I beleive hints of various styles of music could be heard from 1993 onwards, including industrial metal, grunge, hints of nu metal, some rap, and even tribal music (?)...
Could they be "world metal" like... soulfly? -- 01:01, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
If you're going to get picky, I'd argue that Morbid Visions and Bestial Devastations habe more than an overshadowing of death metal. The question should be "is the genre label used to describe what they are now, how they're generally regarded, or what catageories they've ever fitted into for the lifetime of the band"? If you go with the last of those options, we'd be listing Pantera as "glam" though ;) IainP (talk) 08:23, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
[edit] (year) in music links
Folks, the article seems really hard to read with all the 1991 (1991 in music) links throughout. Virtually every other article just goes to the "year" link, though I'd say that the "in music" one is more relevant to this article.
Any objection if I trawl through and replace them all with a single link to the "in music" pages, aliased as the years (e.g. "[[1991|1991 in music]]")?
IainP (talk) 23:45, 4 December 2005 (UTC)
Please do. It is very difficult to read "... 1991 (1991 in music) ..."
[edit] Confusion
The line that says "Gloria, was hit by the death of her teenage son in a car crash" is a little bit confusing... was Gloria hit by her son? Or was she emotionally devasted? Also, I thought one of the band members was murdered by the portuguese government (which took over brazil) for propaganda against the government. Which led to the breakup into Soulfly? And that they had to channel all their albums underground to the US to be released to prevent the government from finding them? --Nzhamstar 22:06, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
Personally, I don't find the initial line confusing but I suppose it's just down to how you pick it up on first reading it. As for the second bit... the breakup was down to a personal rift in the band, partly due to Max dating the band's manageress (Gloria). Nobody was killed as far as I know. As for channeling albums to the US... haven't they recorded in the US/Europe for ages now, anyway? (happy to be corrected) IainP (talk) 08:35, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
Oh ok, maybe its just me then, nevermind. As for the murdering thing - found this: : According to legend, the Sepultura break-up was over a combination of money issues and clashes over where the members wanted to take the music. In 1996 Sepultura fired their manager, Gloria Cavalera (Max's wife). At the same time, Max apparently wanted to go in a @different direction to the rest of the group, which included his brother, Igor. This, along @with the mysterious murder of Mamma Cavalera's 21-year-old son (Max's stepson Dana @Wells), further separated Max and the rest of Sepultura. Finally Max left in search of @something new, while Sepultura searched for a new vocalist. from here --Nzhamstar 22:26, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
- I suppose different places will have different sources. Everywhere I read at the time said that Dana had died in a car crash, although the word "mysterious" is often used to describe the incident. Perhaps there may well be other information there, but I can only find the same @text repeated over umpteen other sites stating "unsolved murder" (do a google on '"dana wells" sepultura murder'). All does seem a little mysterious :) IainP (talk) 22:31, 19 December 2005 (UTC)
As soon as anyone reads this, please re-evaluate the past comments and consider deleting them... Hate to do it myself, it's someone else's words. The comments above are a little far from full research. Even basic history research. Sorry guys, I'm really sorry in writing this, but... pretty bad stuff written above. Take a look down, please. I plea.
Sepultura's break-up occurred because the band, in a majority consensus, fired Gloria Cavalera, Max's wife. Occurred, as best reports can tell, as something like this: the band, with the excpetion of Max, were disliking Gloria's work as their manager. The band discussed the manager exchange and, as one can expect, things got a little bit hot between Igor and Max, main founders of the band (both are brothers by blood, both started the whole idea of having a band, it was their house that was used as practice room, using as drums some domestic parafernalia. First time Igor had a chance of playing at real drums was during a small-time band festival, where most of the drums are shared among the bands). During discussion, Max, as far as is known, claimed that if she were fired, he would leave with her. Igor took that "blackmail" pretty seriously, and kept on the decision. Max fulfilled his claims. It is said that both talked calmly about it afterwards, and did not quite reach an understanding on the subject. Max left Sepultura along with Gloria, and founded Soulfly. Soulfly itself was Max's way of staying on the music business with people he enjoyed and performin his personal experimentation, long wished since the days from Sepultura. Sepultura, since then, went down and under, as they couldn't find much of a replacement for Max. Even after finding a good replacement, they still had trouble on going on, as Igor's interest on music declined, since most of his time is now devoted to his own fashion business.
Dana Wells, son of Gloria Cavalera, stepson of Max Cavalera, died on August 16, 1996, approx. 1:43 AM, at Phoenix, Arizona, in a car crash on Cactus Road. The reasons that lead Max to refer to his stepson's demise as murder are that the circunstances surrounding the "accident" are suspicious to the last. No precise confirmation on the occupants of the second car involved (it never crashed) are available, and the two persons that were on the car with Dana claim amnesia. Both. With the precise, exact last memory. Testimonies that don't match, no material proof, no witnesses, no responsabilites held by anyone at all. What really stirs Dana's friends and family (please take note that Max fits on BOTH groups, they were best friends) is that both facts and alleged facts don't match at all Dana's demeanor and personality. Both passengers refuse to take the lie detector, the other car's only confirmed occupant (local witnesses says there was two, but no confirmation on the passenger's identity was made, as the "probable second occupant" provided by the driver testified and proved all but being in the car at all) is using every legal procedure possible to avoid full prossecution and questioning. Heck, he even appealed to the Fifth Ammendment. Police has the investigation open, but not active. Solution to the mystery will only occur when the three people involved tell who was fourth and start talking, something none of them has any reason to do.
Now, about the comment on a possible member murdered by portuguese government... HELL, where did THAT came from??? Brazil is an independent nation since their early imperial time (early 19th century) having nowadays close relations to Portugal, due to it's cultural inheritance, but no more than that. Brazil's government has been autonomous ever since. Brazil HAD a military dictatorship (the last one) from 1964 to 1985, having it's repression power increased in 1968 and then demeaned in 1979. From 1985 to today, it returned to be a democracy. Political murders and disapperances occurred from 1964 to 1979. An attempt occured later, but never came to completion due to an unexpected early activation of a bomb (the car was pretty beat up, but still in one piece... the military officer carrying the bomb on his lap during the explosion is the image that serves as an icon to the event). Political murders occurred to persons of political militancy, and always people that wouldn't have their disapperance noticed by more than family, friends and co-workers. Artists that went too far from the intended ways were cast of, exiled. That practice was known as "Brasil: Ame-o ou Deixe-o" (Brazil: Love it or Leave It).
The reason why Sepultura always was more active on the US is based on the public's acceptance on music. Brazil, in terms of music, is quite anti-metal in a general practice. Sepultura isn't the only metal band on the country, but the only one, in that time, to actually have quality enough to sell on more receptive markets as the US and Europe. It wasn't a bad thing to think in brazilian metal as Sepultura. Of course, nowadays, things have changed. There are more bands around, and they have quality. Brazilian heavy metal scene is much more intense than it was 20 years ago, but is far from being extensive or even good enough. Punk-rock is what grows steadilly in Brazil, and most of the metal scene concentrates on nu-metal. Geographic concentration of metal scene gravitates towards the São Paulo metropolis (nowadays being know as the largest city [some say second largest] in the whole world, and I mean it, the place is huge).
Hope all this was enough to satisfy most know-why cravings of most around. 20:16, 9 January 2006 (UTC)<>
So, Igor left the band? The main text of the page doesn't even mention it. What happened?
Just to make a little something clear, Igor has sold his fashion business (cavalera) some years ago. He owns a night club with derrick greene in sao paulo tho.
[edit] New Album
I edited the new album release date, its been pushed back to March 31st by SPV
[edit] Discography
In line with other music pages, I'm planning on moving the discography to another page, if that's OK. Same format and content, just a page of its own linked by a "See also". I'll do it when I get a chance over the next few days. This saves repetition and possible edit errors on information spread over several pages - many bands have individual member pages containing the discography repeated. IainP (talk) 16:32, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
Done IainP (talk) 20:28, 9 January 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Year of Formation
In the top section of the article, it says the band was "assembled in 1984". In the sidebox, it states "Years active 1982–present". In the Biography section it says it "was formed in Belo Horizonte in 1983". So... which is it? 1982, 1983 or 1984? 12:47, 3 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Can we get a picture of the band?
That would be swell. -Iopq 15:12, 30 September 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Deathrash
Sepultura is Deathrash, and thus I think it should be added to the genres. Maybe drop Thrash, and Death metal? Groove could stay though...
- Sepultura was deathrash. Later they played regular thrash. Finally they went to a groove sound. --Pasajero 19:59, 28 October 2006 (UTC)