Shenyang Dialect
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Shenyang Dialect (瀋陽話) is the language used by people in Shenyang, the biggest city of Manchuria. It is very close to the official Mandarin dialect but has some very distinctive words that the official language doesn't have. In the main, the Shenyang Dialect is very similar to the other Northeastern Dialects. Some people prefer to think of it as a strong accent rather than a different dialect. Because of its similarity to Standard Mandarin, pinyin can be used to represent the pronunciation.
However as schools in Shenyang teach Standard Mandarin, usage of the local language is dwindling. Many now see it as a sign of bad education and something to look down upon.

The most distinctive part of the Shenyang Dialect is the different pitch of the first tone. It is lower in pitch than Standard Mandarin and would be positioned at 2, rather than 5, on this chart. As a result it can sould a little like the third tone.
Like Beijing Dialect, the Shenyang Dialect also uses a lot of erhua (兒化).
Some of the words in Shenyang Dialect come from other languages like Manchurian. One example is the word 旮旯兒 (gālár), meaning corner.
Examples of words in the Northeastern Dialect (note that these words may not be specific to Shenyang):
Shenyang Dialect | pinyin | Standard Mandarin | Meaning |
不趕趟兒 | bú gǎntàngr | 趕不上 | Can't make it, Can't be on time |
波羅蓋兒 | bōluo gàir | 膝蓋 | Knee |
疙瘩, 圪塔 | gāda | 地方 | Place |
得瑟 | dèse | 賣弄 | Show off |
高麗棒子 | gāoli bàngzi | 韓國人/朝鮮族 | Korean person |
老鼻子(了) | lǎobízi(le) | 很多 | A lot |
真字 | zhēnzì | 繁體字 | Traditional Chinese Characters |
馹馹地 | rírídi | 形容速度快 | Implies Speed |