Sher Garh
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Sher Garh, pronounced "sheyr Garh", is a town located 12 km from Takht Bhai and 5 km from Shamilat Zarifi (An Archealogical site of buddha remains ), NWFP, Pakistan. It's name literally means "home of the lions".
[edit] History
The town is very old, in fact, some historians cite that it can be traced back to the 13th century. It an important point in the trade routes passing between Peshawar and Swat. Under Buddhist rule, a town existed at the same location, but had a Buddhist name.
[edit] Location
The town is situated on the main highway between Peshawar and Swat. It is about 15 kilometers from the Malakand mountains to the north, 12 km from Lund Khwar and 80 km from Mardan.
(Tariq ayub from shamilat zarifi)