Talk:Sheriff of Nottingham
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I found the name of the current Sheriff at [1] -- which may be a transient page.
[edit] History or fiction
OK, I realise there are many stories told about the Sheriff of Nottingham, but this page is starting to look like Sherrif of Nottingham in fiction with so many paragraphs about Robin Hood and even Disney cartoons.
I'll try to lookup some more research, but just from the vaguest of memories and a few links:
- First sheriffs (1450) : William Sadler and Thomas Lyng [2]
- Current sheriff (2000): Councillor Derek Cresswell, Labour Party [3]
- There's a list of all the sheriffs on that page too
- There are two maces in Nottingham, from the time when there were two parish churches (I think this might have been a catholic/protestant thing)
- The whole "sheriff of nottingham was responsible for law-enforcement in the whole of northern england, all the way up to Yorkshire where robin hood lived" stories - perhaps someone can who's seen Tony Robinson's programme more recently than I can remember the details?
- The "date" of the various robin-hood stories has probably been debunked already, but it's worth checking that the Sheriff of Nottingham wasn't contemporary with either the Crusades, or the Lionheart for example
- Presumably some of the less savoury aspects of "the sheriff" might turn out to be opinion, we should be careful not to use retellings of a legend as a primary source here
Ojw 23:38, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- I see what you mean about most of the page being legend and fiction, but I think there's a reason why this page exists and, for instance, Sheriff of Oxford doesn't... Daibhid C 15:52, 27 March 2006 (UTC)
Don't mind me, just being pedantic now, but:
- "Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham" - didn't Sherwood Forest cover most of the midlands at the time?
- "thought to be under the control of King John" - is this non-obvious? A policeman being under the control of the king?
Villain category - isn't this reserved for fictional characters? (although I'm sure Mr Cresswell has developed a sense of humour about it!)- ok, the sheriff herself noted that "that the Sheriff of Nottingham had been voted one of the most evil villains of all time" [4]
Ojw 00:21, 8 Jan 2005 (UTC)
What about William de Briwere (or Brewer or Bruere)? I understood he was Sheriff of a number of shires including Nottinghamshire during the time that Richard was on Crusade.
-06 Oct 2005
The Sheriff was the king's respresentative in a county, therefore could be under the direct control of the king.
[edit] For years...
For years the post has been directly appointed by the Lord Mayor ... How many years? Five? Fifty? Five hundred? ::Supergolden:: 13:22, 21 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] =Possible split
Why don't we do a seperate article on the Sheriff of Nottingham in Fiction? Then we could just keep a note in this article saying "The Sheriff of Nottingham was an arch-villain in the Robin Hood stories."