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The Linux kernel mailing list (LKML) is the main electronic mailing list for Linux kernel development[1][2], where majority of the announcements, discussions, debates, and flame wars over the kernel take place[3]. Many other mailing lists exist to discuss the different subsystems and ports of the Linux kernel, but LKML is the principal communication channel among Linux kernel developers[4]. It is a very high volume list, usually receiving between 200 and 300 messages each day.
Linux utilizes a workflow governed by LKML[5], which is the Bazaar where kernel development takes place. In his book Linux Kernel Development, Robert Love notes[3]:
“ | If the Linux kernel community had to exist somewhere physically, it would call the Linux Kernel Mailing List home. | ” |
LKML is the central place where Linux developers around the world share patches, argue about implementation details, and discuss other issues[1]. The official releases of Linux kernel are indicated by an email to LKML[6][7]. New features are discussed and most code is posted to the list before any action is taken[3]. It is also the official place for reporting bugs in the Linux kernel, in case one cannot find the maintainer to whom the bug should be reported[8]. It was on LKML that Tux, the official Linux mascot, was suggested and refined[9]. Many companies associated with Linux kernel make announcements and proposals on LKML; for example, Novell[10], Intel[11], VMware[12], IBM[13] etc.
The list subscribers include all the Linux kernel maintainers (Linus Torvalds[14], Marcelo Tosatti[15], Alan Cox[16], Andrew Morton[17]) as well as other known figures in Linux circles (such as Jeff V. Merkey[18], Eric S. Raymond[19] etc.). A 2000 study found that 14,535 people, from at least 30 different countries, sent at least one email to LKML between 1995 and 2000 to participate in the discussion of Linux development[20].
LKML has been the primary source of data for many research studies and surveys, including The Linux Kernel Development As A Model of Open Source Knowledge Creation[20] and Motivation of Software Developers in Open Source Projects[21], and Recovering Device Drivers[22].
The newsletter Kernel Traffic covers activities of the linux-kernel mailing list[1]. Archives of the mailing list are available on many internet websites.
[edit] See also
-, which provides a weekly LKML news digest
[edit] References
- ^ a b c Kernel Traffic
- ^ Gallivan, Michael J. (2001-12-29). "Striking a balance between trust and control in a virtual organization: a content analysis of open source software case studies". Information Systems Journal 11 (4): 277–304. DOI:10.1046/j.1365-2575.2001.00108.x. ISSN 1350-1917. Retrieved on 2007-03-13.
- ^ a b c Love, Robert (2005-01-12). "Patches, Hacking, and the Community", Linux Kernel Development, 2nd, Novell Press. ISBN 978-0672327209.
- ^ Llamosi, Albert (2004-07-27). Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 3063. Springer. ISBN 978-3540220114.
- ^ Defillippi, Robert (2006-09-01). Knowledge at Work: Creative Collaboration in the Global Economy, 1st, Blackwell Publishing Limited, 168. ISBN 978-1405107563.
- ^ Justin R. Erenkrantz. "Release Management Within Open Source Projects" (PDF). Institute for Software Research, University of California. Retrieved on 2007-03-13.
- ^ Linux kernel to be suitable for enterprise, Test version of new Linux kernel available
- ^ Reporting bugs for the Linux kernel
- ^ The Story Behind Tux the PenguinInitial thread for "Linux logo"
- ^ Novell introduces Linux kernel debugger
- ^ Intel, Red Hat cure open-source hiccup, Proposed ACPI Licensing change
- ^ Linux team tells VMware and Xen to get their acts together, VMI i386 Linux virtualization interface proposal
- ^ IBM announces Journaled File System v 1.0.0, Kernel Traffic #125 For 9 Jul 2001
- ^ Linux: Whose Kernel Is It?, Torvalds Defends Linux Trademark Protection, Linux 2.6.0 Kernel Released
- ^ Linux guru: Move quickly to new kernel
- ^ Linux: Alan Cox To Take One Year Sabbatical
- ^ [1]
- ^ GaDuGi and free software share one fire, Linus tells Merkey, "Cry me a river"
- ^ Linus tries to make himself scale
- ^ a b Gwendolyn K. Lee, Robert E. Cole (December 2000). "The Linux Kernel Development As A Model of Open Source Knowledge Creation" (PDF). Haas School of Business, University of California. Retrieved on 2007-03-13.
- ^ Guido Hertel, Sven Niedner and Stefanie Herrmann. "Motivation of Software Developers in Open Source Projects" (PDF). University of Kiel, Institut fuer Psychologie. Retrieved on 2007-03-13.
- ^ Michael M. Swift, Muthukaruppan Annamalai, Brian N. Bershad, and Henry M. Levy. "Recovering Device Drivers" (HTML). University of Washington. Retrieved on 2007-03-13.
[edit] External links
- Official FAQ of the Linux Kernel Mailing List (also at, the official kernel development site)
- LKML archive at Indiana University
- LKML archive at MARC (archive)
- Kernel Traffic - Periodic newsletters summarizing discussions on LKML and other open source mailing lists
- Google Groups interface for LKML
- Majordomo lists at - Other Linux kernel related lists.