Sibuyanons Against Mining
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Sibuyanons Against Mining (SAM) is an environmental advocacy group organized primarily by Sibuyanons.It has been fighting for mining moratorium in Sibuyan Island. It aims to protect the island where the world's densest flourishes, the Philippine's cleanest river flows and the majestic Mount Guiting-Guiting dwells from future environmental degredation and exploitation.
It was primarily an online advocacy created in February 2006 and formed formally on July 2, 2006 in Intramuros, Manila. From then on, it helped organize the creation of a worldwide environmental advocacy campaign against mining operations in Sibuyan Island.
The group adheres to responsible stewardship. Mining in the island is not sustainable because the island-people live by the island's bounties. Endemism and biodiversity are major factors why SAM is also looking for mining moratorium in the island since it is a center of endemism and critical plant site. On September 2, 2006, almost 8,000 people (first in the history of Romblon province) gathered in front of a mining site to express their environmental concern. The mobilization was realized in collaboration with the sambuligan or basic ecclesial communities of the Immaculate Conception Shrine Parish of San Fernando, Romblon and the Vicariate of Sibuyan.
The advocacy is now worldwide through its online petition and local and international environmental organizations' support. SAM is also a member of the Philippine's alliance against mining, Alyansa Tigil Mina.